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Everything posted by Colleenna

  1. Quitney hasn't posted anything on IG for quite a while now.... Last post was Glenn's birthday. What do you think is going on? Could she have had a mental breakdown? A physical illness?
  2. Phelps says 8,000-10,000 a day. I'm a distance swimmer (2 miles) and 74 years old so I swim a *lot* slower than Phelps, and I burn about 450 calories per hour. But you carb load THE NIGHT BEFORE, not the day of ..... otherwise you'll be hurl-tastic.
  3. I love that ad! Kappy sucks lately but still a funny commercial.
  4. The "Balance of Nature " commercials aggravate me, especially the ones that claim there's NO WAY THEY COULD EVER eat the 5-6 fruit and vegetables needed every day. Really? 1/2 banana = 1 serving; 1/2 cup orange juice; 1/2 cup green beans or squash or pumpkin or tomato...
  5. I think these ad agencies buy the right to use a song, and then to maximize the return on their investment, use it in as many ads as possible. A couple of years ago, every other fricking ad was using "Legend" by The Score ("Won't stop till we're legend!") I really like the song, but gah.
  6. There are other forms of diversity besides race.
  7. I'm sure he consulted Whitney before he bumped uglies with his baby mama this time 🤣
  8. If he got measles on top of his other ailments, would that make him a spotted dick? (Sorry, couldn't resist 😉 😅)
  9. That's wonderful news. The two girls will be almost exactly 2 years apart.
  10. No Barriers is actually a movement (NOT one started by Quitney) dedicated to helping the differently abled break down barriers and overcome obstacles. I think she was a "featured guest " at one of their summits several years ago. TBH, I'm surprised that she was invited back. Guess they're going for the "my weight should qualify as a disability " crowd.
  11. Verrrrry interesting. She had an IG post (NOT a "story," which lasts only 24 hours) shilling vibrators. The post has since been removed. Wonder why?
  12. I'm praying really hard that his message about "panties " was a typo .....
  13. I found this interesting article about body fat and cognitive abilities. Like we need another reason (besides physical health) to maintain a healthy weight. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/excess-weight-may-accelerate-brain-aging
  14. It's a LOT more common than it was, even just a couple of decades ago. And way more common than the sixties and seventies. We can continue the discussion in small talk, if you like. Your choice.
  15. Same here, but today's young people seem to get those out of order.
  16. She was too busy sexually harassing LeBlur to learn anything. ETA: She's so enthralled with BABBEL (not Babel, Shitney) that she can't be bothered to spell the name of the product correctly.
  17. I'm one of those weirdos who actually enjoys grocery shopping.
  18. My husband does. He does most of the laundry. He also cleans the kitchen after dinner. I married a good one.
  19. That was just...odd. you're probably right, just something to whip the faithful into a frenzy.
  20. Well, since you said you had no idea who the guy is, I immediately assumed you didn't realize they had a baby (to whom he referred when he said "MADDOX and I....", implying that the baby was with them.)
  21. I don't think it's a hand truck. I think what you're seeing is the frame of their baby's stroller. The bed part (basket? I know very little about babies) is behind Ryan.
  22. The latest IG post is a black and white photo that's so poorly Photoshopped that it's like she isn't even trying. Or maybe it's just my eyes. To me, her head looks as if she cut-and-pasted it from a completely different picture. As a result, it appears detached from her body, tilted at a weird angle. Someone who follows her....can you take a look and give your opinion? And if you know how to copy/post it here, score!!
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