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Everything posted by Colleenna

  1. Or hWitney saying "I just don't want her to suffer...." So, your dad should have her euthanized? The only times I have *ever* said that was when I have made the incredibly hard decision to escort one of my beloved kitties to the rainbow bridge. (Which I've had to do twice in the last year) Or maybe it's just me.
  2. As a yinzer extraordinaire, I love these ads too. Love me some Troy.
  3. No worse than the pouch of tuna I saw labeled "GLUTEN FREE!!" Well, duh.
  4. Can you imagine the size of the litter box for a giganticat?
  5. I snort-laughed (snerked) at that. I am soooo 12 years old.
  6. I don't know who he is and idc. His voice and accent irritate the living eff out of me.
  7. I dive for the remote so quickly I almost hurt myself when this ad comes.
  8. I truly, truly hope not. Please let her have at least two molecules of self-esteem left.
  9. Love this ad. Of course I'm a suckered for critters. https://www.ispot.tv/ad/qJYQ/hills-pet-nutrition-science-did-that
  10. Pennsylvania: two cities that hate each other, separated by the Amish. πŸ˜‰
  11. There are men in the world who just want a warm hole to put it in.
  12. There's a poster on Reddit that claims more than a few of the crew have bumped uglies with her.
  13. I've been seeing previews for a movie called "Super Pets." Now, I haven't been to a movie since 1986, but this one could *almost* tempt me back..... yes, I'm basically 7 years old 😁
  14. I just saw an AirBnb commercial that used Bob Dylan's "Shelter From the Storm." Waaaah.
  15. Meh, he's OK, but I'd rather see a naked Sidney Crosby. 😁
  16. I have no doubt that she will have minions place her on the pole. I mean, I may be totally wrong on this (please correct me if I am), but my impression is that it takes hella core strength and hella upper body strength, neither of which Quitney has.....
  17. Soooo... The Doobie Brothers have a song called "What a Fool Believes." It’s about a man who has created (in his mind) a relationship with a woman from "his long ago" who barely knows/remembers him. Every time I hear the song, I think of Shitney. I took one of the lines and flipped the pronouns (she to he and vice versa, his to her...) Here's the changed line: "He had a place in her life, she never made him think twice." Anybody else think that sums up our dear Shitney and men?
  18. I'm sure that if the real answer were "yes," she'd shout it from the rooftops. Therefore, the answer is "no." Guess he declined to renew the contract πŸ™„
  19. I, for one, am so happy to see all sorts of people represented in commercials: various races, fat people, thin people, average people, differently-abled folks; gay couples, straight couples, single parents. It's about time that advertisers actually represented their target audience. (My takeaway from ads for certain resorts is that only young, thin, pretty people are allowed to vacation there.) That being said, I do believe that interracial couples are over represented. It seems as if every other ad portrays one. It's become a joke between my husband and me: "Oh, look, the obligatory interracial family!"
  20. Bahaha. I'm fine when the power goes out as long as my tablet and phone are charged, but if they start to run low, I have to run out to my car, plug them in, and drive around for an hour.
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