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Everything posted by Colleenna

  1. Well, you can read it two ways: The future (Le Blur) becomes the past (it's over). Or... the future (happily ever after) becomes the past (Lennie, a past love, is back in her life. ) Or it could mean jack shit. Knowing hWitney, this is also a possibility.
  2. Hmm maybe. Today's instastory is only a drawing with the caption "Once again the future becomes the past." End of the romance with the franch may-un?
  3. Exactly. I don't want people to misunderstand. I know that there are times (hello, job loss due to Rona) that people *can't afford* to buy gifts for loved ones. Hell, I've been there myself when I was in my 20s. But Whitney makes plenty of money. She also has plenty of time to THINK ABOUT what to get for someone. And she doesn't even have to move from her bed --- there's a plethora of things available online! But that would require thinking of someone other than herself.
  4. Well, here we are, 5 days into the new year, and not a word from her since she posted a picture of young Babs and invited her stans to post why they loved Babs. She was going to read the responses to Babs as a "late Christmas present." Geez Louise, how cheap can you get?
  5. The Chunky Soup commercials. All of them. But especially the one withe the physics teacher eating tuna at his lab desk! "Tuna fish, Steve?" (As opposed to tuna cow or tuna pig?) "Tuna fish" ranks right up there with "hot water heater" on my list of phrases that make me want to dick punch someone.
  6. TLC should really rename the show "The Little Sad Existence of Big Fat Whit."
  7. Oh lort. This is going to increase her desperation, and she'll start pressing the "franch may-un" .... or pressuring TLC to find her some other may-un to marry. Because you know women are incomplete without one.
  8. Yeah, she does that so her stans will say how beautiful Babs is and how Shitney and Babs are twins (thereby indirectly saying Shitney is beautiful. )
  9. But that's different. That's something that you either specifically asked for, or hinted that you'd like. Gawd knows over the years I've asked for/hinted at plenty of fitness related things --- personal training gift certificates, resistance band sets, etc. And of course iget my annual gift cert to one of the local running stores. This would be more like me gifting you a membership in Noom.
  10. Well, not on Instagram. I don't have IG but I use a story grabber to see what she posts. Her last post was shilling her app as a Christmas present (see my earlier post about that in this thread.) HOWEVER, you can rest assured that as soon as she reads this forum (and you KNOW she does) and realizes people are asking about it, she'll post some long blargh about how they spent hours on the phone on Christmas eve or Christmas day. Sure, Jan.
  11. Nope. They aren't filming, so I'm sure he won't be around. Of course she'll blame it on Covid.
  12. So today's IG is shilling her app. There's a few seconds of her jumping rope, and then her doggo gets in on the act, so of course she has to stop and laugh at the dog. Then, while Jessica is doing a "high knees" drill, hWitney is trying to lift her feet off the ground. People pay $20 a month to watch this? There really IS a sucker born every minute. And OBTW, I would *personally* be very offended if someone "gifted" me a fitness app (even a really good one) for Christmas. ["What are you trying to say? Are you saying that I'm fat?"]
  13. I had a hella growth spurt at 10. Skirts that started out mid-knee wound up mid-thigh, and since this was 1958 Lutheran private school, that meant buying new skirts or getting sent home.
  14. Gotta create tension for the story line. With Chase, it *was* going to be about making her choose between HIM and Buddy (before the Sara oopsie), but now that Buddy is engaged to another woman, there's gotta be another reason for strife between her and her "franch may-un," leading to the breakup of their non-existent relationship.
  15. Except that she posted a video the first day of the vacation of the doggo in the ocean. I didn't realize that not all dogs swim. I know almost nothing about dogs (cat person here...)
  16. So, she's on yet another vacation (albeit only to a South Carolina beach) and she posted a video of herself in the pool giving her dog swim lessons. Oh, and Lenny is with her. First thing I thought was "Wait, the hotel allows dogs in their pool?" Second thought was "Dogs are natural swimmers. Why is she trying to teach the dog something it does naturally? " Third thought: "I wonder if they know she pees in pools?" Fourth thought: "You're at the BEACH. Why are you in a pool instead of the ocean, FFS?"
  17. I truly hope that Buddy’s bride-to-be puts her foot down and says a big NO to Shitney having ANY part in their lives (including the wedding.)
  18. I "get" why she doesn't know how to iron, or even own an iron. I mean, ya don't iron spandex, right? 😁
  19. I just saw on Reddit that someone asked why she seems so proud of the fact that she does not know how to do some VERY BASIC THINGS. Personally, I think she enjoys being perpetually 11 years old. After all, that means that other people have to do stuff FOR her. And if enough people are doing stuff FOR her, that means she's the center of attention. But what do the rest of you think?
  20. Same here. I actually enjoy cooking and creating new stuff. Twit's entire life is centered around getting a man.
  21. So, this is completely not about Twit, but about "big people" in general. I keep getting these ads while I'm playing WWF for the "miracle pill" that will make you lose "40 pounds in 10 days, no diet or exercise!" Here's what I want to know : who the hell falls for this bullshit and why?
  22. Not to mention Hanes online that also sells Champion.
  23. I've never had a dog**, but my BFF had both dogs and cats. **At one point in my life, I had 5 cats, 2 ferrets, a python, a boa, and a Southeast Asian lizard. But no dog.
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