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Everything posted by Janc

  1. But not dirty work of a political nature: Selina would (and did) have Gary to break up with a boyfriend, but she wouldn't get Gary's help to kill a bill. I was confused why it was being killed too, but remembered last episode with the 'girl's night' and how that group explained a few points why the bill sucked, so I think the bad feedback on the bill eventually caused them to can it to save her presidential run.
  2. Aha: I've been waiting for this to come out. http://defamer.gawker.com/did-e-re-shoot-scenes-for-its-bruce-jenner-specials-a-1705568959
  3. My prediction for the season ender? The Selina and "Everybody-Loves-Tom" Jones ticket will end up having to swap roles by election day, with the charismatic candidate taking the presidency and Selina, once again, being Veep.
  4. I though Selina assumed that Gary and Mike were on the press plane? I had to watch this show twice, it was so freakin funny. Leon's goth mother?! HAHAHA
  5. This has to be the 'placenta' storyline: " The doctor to this A+ list reality star has threatened to sue her because of a story line. Our reality star is trying to create drama but by doing so has made up a medical condition which could have only been caused by negligence from her own doctor. The doctor is seeking over $1M from the star or the doctor will sue." http://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2015/04/blind-item-9-431.html
  6. My husband made the Mahogany Chicken thighs last weekend, and they were pretty good. A little too much soy sauce-tasting for my liking, but good nonetheless. He's also made the chicken wings from Cook's Country where you brine the wings and then dredge them in a spices and cornstarch mixture. DELICIOUS!
  7. Did this show ever mention that he has Asperger's? Wikipedia mentions that, and it was used in part for his defense. Also, good lord, look at this from Wikipedia. This guy has issues for sure.
  8. Yes! That's where I recognized her from, Knots Landing! Off to IMDB... Wasn't it Bob who pointed out in an earlier episode that the sender of the envelope used block letters, a way to disguise your handwriting? But to see now that Bob actually writes in that manner everyday? Way to introduce the idea of a false cover-up, Bob. I specifically remember that comment since it reminded me of the recent Downton Abbey where the nasty butler had Thomas give him a handwriting sample to prove he didn't send a particular note.. but I digress.
  9. I don't know how useful that bug that was planted in Kimmy's father's briefcase is going to be, it seems that the briefcase is always left in his office rather than being taken with the father to work!
  10. I was hoping that Paige was going to go to the basement to finish the laundry and walk in on her dad pulling her mom's molar! I was sure with the "Paige doing laundry" set up that it would lead to Paige discovering something.... Chekhov's laundry?
  11. Anybody else catch that Abbi counted backwards the same way the theme song does: "Four and three and two and one-one"! Loved this ep, best of season 2 to me.
  12. There's surprisingly little spoken of or shown this season about the second restaurant... maybe since the first is their baby and it's all about the farm-to-table experience like the show, they focus on it more. Re the chicken episode: why was Vivian so averse to calling the chicken dish she created "deconstructed chicken salad"? She preferred calling it a "riff on chicken salad". Is "deconstructed" too trendy a term now? The chicken coop for the kids was so cute too. Also the turnip greens episode: it was cute and touching how nervous she was to be cooking for her southern cooking idols. I guess I'd be the same way!
  13. Did you ever obtain an answer to these questions, TU? I was wondering the same thing. Why would the FBI want to break up the union, other than to stop their illicit activities with the Greeks? ETA: Poor Herc and Carver, not being told that Nick had turned themselves in. But they weren't the best at surveillance anyway, arguing over food when their targets would be on the move. I read that the actors playing them were also frustrated about the lack of drama in their scenes and were about to quit, but David SImon told them to use that frustration to play the cops who are in the same position.
  14. Just finished Season 2. So Nick gave up the witness protection program, right? He was unaware the Greeks had left town, so he just didn't care what happened to him? And we never saw Frank's wife / Ziggy's mom, did we? Loved seeing the PalmPilot and Jimmy's being unaware of the newfangled technology called texting - "what does he keep looking at in his hand?"
  15. I am so glad you're doing this! I just started watching this series over the holidays too, I'm on the latter half of the first season. How often do you think you'll check in here? I don't want to fall behind your pace!
  16. What rotten timing for the restaurant to burn down right after they began filming this show... Vivian sure didn't want to go back to work it seemed, after spending so much time with the kids. I've just recently discovered this show and have been watching them on the PBS website out of order, so am unsure which season the episodes I've watched are in. The cast of local characters she finds is great too, love her farmer friend Warren, and the hog raising family where they made the cracklins (Poodle!).
  17. I love this show too! My local PBS doesn't carry it, so I've been catching up on the PBS website. Has it been said who looks after the kids while Vivian and Ben spend all hours at the restaurant? It must be so difficult to be away from them for so long during the day. Nice that Ben's mom moved down to the area though.
  18. To add to this, Sarah Treem tweeted on Sunday night: "Originally Noah had the last line. Alison says "I'll get you out, I promise." And he was going to say "If anyone can, it's you."" Hmmmm.
  19. Janc


    And don't forget the Guitierrez impersonation! And "Mail...Kimp?" at the end! Hilarious.
  20. In what ways are Noah and Helen's mom similar, as observed by Helen in the van? Selfish, ... - ?
  21. Janc

    S01.E08: 8

    I'm pretty sure the detective mentioned the cancelled reservation was on Labor Day (weekend?). Max and Helen are totally having an affair, I think. That's why she returned the necklace to him, she felt guilty about his apology and wanting to make things right when she is still having her own affair. I did not get Helen's outburst "You have lost the right to say that to me!" - I didn't get the relevance of that when he tells her she's overreacting (to Whitney-?). Here's the exchange: Noah: Well, why do we have to go? Helen: Because somebody has to be there for my dad. It's a big deal, because it's a lifetime achievement award, and now I'm afraid to leave Whitney, because she... N: Don't you think you may be overreacting? H: No, I don't think I'm overreacting, I don't! And you have lost the right to say that to me. (http://transcripts.foreverdreaming.org/viewtopic.php?f=56&t=14729 )
  22. Yeesh, that's an uncomfortable interview. It didn't start off well with Wendy trying to joke "Your movie wasn't very funny"... I think he'd take that much better from any other interview but it kind of fell flat, poor Jon was just not in the mood. It went downhill from there, with Wendy asking three times if he takes any responsibility for Maziar being arrested. He answered the first time, Wendy, pay attention. Then at the end, he couldn't get out of there fast enough, frantically searching for his mike to rip it off his jacket. UN-COMFORT-ABLE !
  23. Any other former TWOP'ers here that remember the discussion held on the board a few seasons ago about using the word "phone" vs "call" when describing contacting someone on the phone? As a Canadian who uses both terms interchangeably, that discussion stuck with me, and I couldn't believe it when Cary had that same discussion with his bodyguard !
  24. Interesting... the Egbers (the Family Bed family) moved from Maryland to LA in 2011, and there are four sons in the family (from Sam's IMDB page linked above).
  25. Loved the "Breaking Bad"/"Talking Bad" and "Walking Dead"/"Talking Dead" spoof for Alicia's cop show. But I noticed another tie-in with Breaking Bad in this episode - just like Walt Jr setting up the "Save Walter White" website for donations for Walt's chemo and how the laundered drug money was inflating the total, the same thing is happening with Lemond Bishop's "Elect Alicia Florrick" website! Has to be intentional! ETA: The Kalinda/Alicia non-relationship is really glaringly obvious at this point. They have not had a scene together in at least two seasons, right? How can this go on, now that Kalinda followed Diane to F/A?
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