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Everything posted by Janc

  1. OK, Frank signed his resignation letter, which was addressed to SoS Catherine Durant - ?? You mean to say she's not been replaced by an Acting SoS, after her 'fall'? And what is this show with the lack of creativity in naming characters: Novelist Tom and Herald Tom, hooker Rachel and Romano's gang rape victim Rochelle, ...? Just about had it with this show, how can these people last in power for so long? Saw in an interview they were taping S05 Eps 10 and 11 during the Nov 8th election, so much of the storyline was in the can before the real crazyness occurred.
  2. Yay! Will it be on the upcoming British season, or a PBS older one?
  3. So Claire is letting the power get to her head... pushing Frank out will not end well for her, if she keeps on with it. Conway is losing it, was that part of Frank's plan too, or just an added benefit?
  4. So the 'rock' with the message that Philip threw while he was jogging: we were meant to think that the note gave a heads-up to Tatiana to approach Pasha's mother about going back to Russia. But why wouldn't Elizabeth tell Claudia to tell the Center to do this, as part of the plan on this file? On a related note, how did Philip contact the priest to set up the wedding? That's what I actually think was in the note, asking the Centre to have the priest get in contact with him re the wedding. The priest isn't working with Claudia, and P would have no other way to reach the priest.
  5. Yep, Canadian.... lucky us being spoiled on that great scene! Maybe they played it early and it's for next Tuesday's episode-?
  6. That's not the promo I saw after Tuesday's episode - did anyone else see the one where... (spoiler below)
  7. Why is Joan not being portrayed as a blonde on this series, if she clearly was at the time? It would make Joan/Jessica appear younger and less matronly. I don't understand that...
  8. Ok, my theory: this new storyline with (sorry don't remember their names) the defector father and Oleg working on the agricultural angle in Moscow is going to be how Stan discovers P and E as agents, in their undercover gear. Oleg will learn of the defector thru his work and will get word to Stan there is someone sympathetic to the US interests. Although their house appears to be watched, Stan will be meeting the father when P and E show up. Love this show!
  9. But I think Anderson likes Jeffery, he always has a good quip for him that eases the tension. JL may be a bloviator who loves his Reagan anecdotes, but he's 10x better to listen to than Jack Kingston, etc.
  10. The Reliable Sources newsletter yesterday had some quotes from Jeff Zucker re. CNN. Staff morale is 'incredibly high'! Get 'em guys!
  11. Loved his comment about Grandma Mudd, can't remember what it was exactly but it was hilarious. He's on fire these days!
  12. Wow that was bad. Were the writers expecting not to be picked up for another season, with that ending? What about the preview that showed young Noah in the lake and his father (?) yelling out to him "what did you do?"?
  13. But come on CNN, couldn't you guys see that that's what the WH wants you to be talking about, and not talking about the millions of women marching against Trump around the world! Why did no one say they could see through this smokescreen Spicer et al were throwing towards them! Andy, David, Gloria, you're better than this. Gaaaahhhh...
  14. So I wonder if the writers were planning this guard storyline back then by casting Fraser? Do you recall whose perspective that scene was in, was it Noah's or Helen's?
  15. OMG no kidding. Poor Janelle, had to shade her eyes the whole time. That's one thing Maddie didn't plan for. Liked the atmosphere with lace curtains, didn't see one dreamcatcher though. And cute little Truely, telling her dad not to be sad.
  16. Kody is so, so weird. He read his letter from Maddie out loud and then said to Caleb "Want me to read yours?" - I don't you think that's something he wants you to do, you nutball. Did Maddie even want or intend those letters to be read aloud? I know I wouldn't. Oh Janelle, just a warm bundle of optimism in her words about marriage in her toast to Maddie. Sooo embarrassing.
  17. Agreed. The trend for chalkboards and wooden signs and arrows and decorative tchockies are all totally Pinterest and since everyone does them, now they aren't special in any way. Plus, what is she going to do with 40+ fake dreamcatchers after the wedding? Trash them....
  18. Yes! Continuity is lacking on this show for sure, it feels like there was a missing episode that would have filled in on various holes. Also: did Kate quit her job with Jami Gertz? It seemed strange the family was sitting bedside with the doctor rather than their own KID who is recovering from her first surgery on C'MAS EVE! Randall was so cute, spending his C'mas money from Grandma on the snow globe for the dr.
  19. I'm absolutely not a Meri apologist, but I never thought that was Meri's arm, I assumed Sam/Jackie did that herself and claimed it was Meri's.
  20. It was I who thought Mariah might just want an apology from her mom, sometimes that's all people want is an acknowledgement that they were right.... but who knows
  21. Wings707, I don't actually know if it's been said on the show yet... I think that was in a preview for next week that Mariah said she warned her. oops...
  22. I think that when you boil it down, all that Mariah is really holding out for is an apology from Meri that yes, Mariah did in fact try to warn her it was a catfish and Meri didn't listen. IF Meri simply becomes the bigger person and says "I'm sorry, I was wrong for not listening to you" it would (or should) be enough take the fire from Mariah's anger, IF she is mature enough to accept the apology.... two big IFs there about people who I don't think are big enough to do either one.
  23. Wow the hotel where IFF was held is in danger of burning down from the wildfires in Tennessee.... thanks T&T. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2016/11/29/worst-possible-conditions-residents-flee-gaitlinburg-tenn-as-flames-lick-roads/
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