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  1. I'm a divorced woman in this age range (62), and guys like him are the reason I remain single. The Gerry's of the world are unfortunately more prevalent than you'd think. Guys who come across as these great dads, great husbands, successful, just missing that one special woman. And then, turns out, they cheated, they lied about their business, and all they wanted was attention. In the real world, this takes the form of 60+ year old men who have social media accounts full of old HS girlfriends, plus they add every Bumble date they've ever been on. But when they meet YOU, you're so special, so wonderful, they can't believe you weren't in their life for all these years. But then it turns out, they're keeping all these others on the back burner, where you'll end up, once you too figure out that it was all a lie. The last guy I dated was 60 when we met. Funny, charming, successful, blahblahblah. He even wanted to show me his financial statement when it came in the mail one day, but I refused to look at it, because I told him I trust him so much. Guess what....turned out it was a paltry sum, less than one year's salary total, what was left after he had had to pay close to $1 million to a church group he had scammed after he had lost his financial planner license years before. Of course, that last part was all hidden from me at the time. And why was he divorced from his first wife? Oh, just a small matter of a multi-year affair with her best friend. But idiot me, I first saw Gerry and thought, well, ABC would have done their homework, this is the real deal. So yeah, I fell for the tears, and I fell for the "love story". Until I saw that glint in his eyes when Teresa revealed her financial status. I'm like....oh wow, here's another one. Ugh.
  2. Not one of the couples are still together. What a waste of a show.
  3. Interesting. Looks like an East Coast version of Selling Sunset. Lots of young agents, very little class. And yes, I'll still watch lol.
  4. New thread! Susan Lucci was offered to be The Golden Bachelorette but turned it down: https://www.realitytea.com/2024/05/27/susan-lucci-reveals-why-she-turned-down-the-golden-bachelorette/
  5. I don't get the inability to call an Uber. Shannon Beador (Real Housewife, Orange County), same thing. I live on a street with restaurants within 1/2 a mile, and I Uber all the time, as I realize it only takes one slip-up after a night out to cause horrific damage. Heck, I left my car at a TexMex restaurant not too long ago. Those margaritas are strong lol. I Uber'd home and had a friend drive me back to find my lonely car the next morning. She's in bad shape, all the way around. Half the time she's blanked out, seemingly numbed on meds, or she's driving drunk. 'Cause y'all know this isn't her first time....it's just the first time she got caught.
  6. As much as I wish it weren't true, men will go gaga for Joan. This is just how it is: Joan's pulled face, skinny figure, and blond hair will attract men more than the likes of any women with gray hair or who simply have natural wrinkles. I wish it weren't so, but it is. The drama of the show is to have the men fall in love with Joan and fight over her. That just wouldn't happen with Edith, Kathy, Susan et. al. I personally hate the frozen lips that women think are attractive, the pulled face, etc., but it's who they believe the men will want. I also believe that Joan was a chosen early to be the Golden Bachelorette and left on "heartwarming" terms so that America would love her. I also believe that ABC had the Golden Bachelorette show all queued up and ready to produce long before Gerry ruined his show.
  7. A friend who worked at Nordstrom's shoes said Alexis is one nasty woman. She'd throw the shoes down, point and demand, and treated those who waited on her like dirt. She'd then stand up, put on this huge fake smile, and greet her fans.
  8. Name of the show should be changed to Real Divorcees of Beverly Hills.
  9. Ha ha no, that was me. A pet peeve when they say “Me and Clare’s” etc. 🤣
  10. This isn't a sexist thing. As a female, I'd lose interest immediately if my new husband, it turned out, had constant one-night stands. If he was also falling down drunk constantly, had an obnoxious friend group (yes, it's about the company you keep), and made weird constant duck faces, I'd be out. The nerve she has, saying she's an 8.5 but he's a 6 who would never be approached in a bar.
  11. Gerry didn't wait 3 months after his wife died to find someone. He had another girlfriend while his wife was still alive. Wife passed, and he broke up with the girlfriend, became America's favorite weeping widower, and fooled us all.
  12. Yes, @Katie111 , I noticed what a disaster the “Pink Power Struggles” room was. There was an open styrofoam half-eaten salad container on a chair. Yuck. My teenage nieces are neater than this.
  13. Exactly! Clare and Emily were angry that their husbands weren't attracted, while Becca's core emotion was hurt. So Clare and Emily used their "Pink Ridiculous Girl Power" to gang up on the men, while Becca spewed the idiotic "trend words" of authentic, true to myself, etc., while crying her almost-black lipstick off. It's been already pointed out here, but I'll say it again: I found it hilarious that "lies" were brought up by the women, but when truths came out by the men, the women shunned their words. Emily to Brennan: You were planning a double date with Cam!! Cam to Emily: Let me set the record straight. Clare's and my marriage was already over, and as a joke, I pointed to 2 women at a bar and said to Brennan, when this is over, maybe can double date. Emily to Cam: YOU PLANNED A DOUBLE DATE WITH MY HUSBAND! Brennan to Emily: You made out with an Australian guy at a bar. Emily to Brennan: HE kissed ME!!! (you idiot, kisses are mutual) Brennan to Emily: So you still kissed him!! Emily to Brennan: I'm done! This is exhausting. I needs a nap.
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