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Everything posted by Snarkastikate

  1. Infection in his lymphedema? Well the way that thing was dragging on every carpet between Oklahoma and Houston, not surprising I guess. So she wouldn't even let him off at the ER door? Holy crap this bitch hates him.
  2. His pants are literally disintegrating before my eyes! Why not a pair of black loose pants, even if someone had to help sew a few pairs?
  3. Why no medical transport if he's on welfare? Beautiful hotel room. Interesting they didn't just pick a filthy roadside motel where you could just drive right up to the door? You know, like their home seems to be.
  4. She couldn't ask for a first floor room? Did she do it in purpose? Can a hotel bed hold 900 lbs?
  5. Jazz, just go live your life already. Yeah you seem so happy!!! Sister wives, I beg you to all divorce this loser. Just being it in the commercials because I never saw the show, but Jesus what an effing manipulative creep that dude is.
  6. I never looked forward to a commercial more. Now I can reflect on what I've just seen for a few minutes, whew!
  7. Too.... much....information. Can't... take...it...all.. in. Brain....overload
  8. Isn't it interesting where the human body chooses to store extra fat?
  9. I know! How odd! The lower half of his body is some kind of alien thing. He sounds smart too. Hmmm
  10. I actually feel sorry for Sheldon. He signed up for till death do we part, and I guess he's trapped fetching food for her till then. And there won't be a magic surgical cure. Assuming the older daughter moves out (hopefully) then the younger one will be her future fetcher and homemaker. And Sheldon will eventually be dealing with a woman who will inevitably be wheelchair or bedbound.
  11. Simply unwatchable. Unfortunately seems that no one else is watching either, and I can't even get a decent report of the non-action here! Damn it.....
  12. "Chase asks Whitney to be his girlfriend"! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Yeah right, totally believable! Maybe my memory is a tad faulty, but wasn't Buddy a higher functioning and much healthier life form early in this series? I think being involved in Whitney and her show has been detrimental to his well being because OMG he's a mess.
  13. Well that makes 2 totally uninteresting shows so far. We don't know what happened last week since the poundicipant got her surgery 3 minutes before the show ended. This week Bethany simply chose her love of food over her family. Another maroon who thinks surgery is a miracle cure despite being told repeatedly it's not. And why didn't she have to move to Houston? I thought that was a pre-requisite. Series is either running out of steam or saving the good stuff for later.
  14. Maybe if she got the fuck out of the recliner and took up a hobby? Or went back to work part time?
  15. Ummmmn, very overweight therapist counsels on why Bethany eats?
  16. Seriously, are tattoos a prerequisite for being in this show? Oh, and Sheldon needs a haircut. And some dentures. And new glasses. And a pizza or two. God bless this dude.
  17. Sorry, there ain't no way I'm eating plain baked zucchini. Sorry Dr Now.
  18. Are those his biological children? It's sad to see girls in such bad shape, they are on their way to being as fat as mom. Are those band-aids in her arms covering up some really rad tattoos? Her honestly regarding her eating habits is refreshing, I'll give her credit.
  19. 4 comments for this entire episode? Am I missing something?
  20. With all due respect, no effing way. No one will convince me that this guy doesn't cry himself to sleep or want to puke every night.....except for payday. She isn't a sweet nice fat girl. She's a blubbery braying self centered immoral stinky mess.
  21. "I couldn't believe how out of control she got talking about her PCOS she had tears literally streaming down her cheeks, her eyes were puffy and red... she was seriously unwound.... I wonder if she was on something?" Sure she was upset to the max!!! That's because it was about HER. Not so much sympathy for others though. Then acts like a tough bitch.
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