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Everything posted by Snarkastikate

  1. Things going too well. Hmmm. Dr New hard on her family...not being supportive, really Dr Now?? They've been through this before. How about she move out and run her own life, and be responsible for herself?? And mean girl sister is just bullying her for the cameras, knows Karina won't fight back.
  2. Uh oh.....family not being supportive!! That's a common one
  3. Your list should include "I have to get my life back"
  4. Hope this episode is interesting. Last week's show looked promising, but strangely ended up another borefest. Dr Now pretty much did a driveby.....gave the woman skin removal before losing any weight, surprisingly. He usually dangles it like a carrot. And he didn't give her a hard time when she gained.
  5. Dad looks kinda fed up with dealing with her, period. They've been down this road before with the balloon procedure, etc. I guess that kinda tamps down their enthusiasm. Sis probably did an eye roll.
  6. Has the fat collected in her throat? Or maybe just a speech impediment. So she's breaking the news to her family that she's seeing Dr Now...dad pretending to act surprised. And yet the cameras are there.
  7. Question...how do these people stuff themselves while the cameraman is going up right into their faces, right into their mouths??? And while were on it, there's ALWAYS a shower scene to open the show, every time! And yet I just can't look away.....
  8. Really interesting....despises feeling like an animal when mom and dad take her out shopping. BUT she really had to have the food she wants, so she gets over it. Goodness. Poor parents. And she needs to wear a nice long dress. No shorts please Karina!!
  9. Sister says Karina loved food? Honey, you like it too much too.
  10. I was referring to the baby kitty. I had no idea where piggy came from....haven't been watching that long. Babs seems sweet.
  11. Piggy isn't livestock Whitney, he's a pig bred to be a pet. And I thought it was pretty funny when Whitney said that Babs has trouble losing pets...... she sure had no problem rejecting the ugly kitten that Whitney shoved in her face!! And rightly so.....
  12. Unneutered male animals can get very aggressive. Dad is super generous, taking 5 friends to Hawaii? Can someone let me know what dad does for a living?? Nice guy, but treats daughter like a big baby. She's like 30, right?
  13. Daddy's litte girl at the pool. Sorry dad, the only relief for Whitney's joints is to take off a few hundred pounds. Yeah, a few laps will get her in shape for that marathon!!
  14. Wonder if piggy has ever been neutered?? Just sayin'.
  15. I think that sofa scene was pretty gross looking. No tears from Heather, staged scene, Tal always seems like the most sensible one in the room.
  16. I'm new here but have been lurking for a few weeks. What I see going on with this show is that the initial novelty of seeing a 400 lb woman dancing and observing her dating practices, meeting her family, her friends, etc is wearing off a bit as things naturally do. So what we've basically got here is a woman who seems pretty unemployable and very immature, and is struggling to stay interesting enough so that her show isn't canceled. Or dad will be paying that mortgage! The obsession with contacting all the Jewish boyfriend's chubby GFs seemed really forced, for example. My phony meter was going off on that one.
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