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Everything posted by Snarkastikate

  1. Jesus Christ, that preview was so much drama it's unreal!!
  2. This show is more about nothing than Seinfeld, I fear they could make this Hawaii trip into 10 more episodes. She's having a juvenile hissy fit at a nice dinner. Yes dad, she is backing out of that 8k!!
  3. They do make very nice one piece bathing suits with little skirts that would be much more flattering. She may as well be nude.
  4. Where are the hula dancers?? I see plenty of hunky men.
  5. There is no way under normal circumstances someone still in early stages of treatment should be going on a trip like this, sober coach or not. (Gee, TLC seems really obsessed with men & multiple wives...do people really like watching this stuff...ugh. And don't get me started on Jazz).
  6. I totally get the no body shame thing, but to wear tank tops and two piece bathing suits when to weigh 400 lbs is another thing entirely..... just shoving your fat in their faces almost daring someone to say something, it's punishing everyone around her for what she did to her own body. Not to mention the tv viewers.
  7. Well it is Whitney's tv show, so of course it's all about her and her friends and it's not really a family trip, it's a tv show trip. Did they really show her in a wetsuit? OMG.
  8. Galveston looks like a cool place to live. He's riding a bike with prosthetic leg? DAMN!!!!
  9. At least momma sobered up for a nice talk & goodbye. Hey she was a beeotch but she's what made this episode just slightly less boring than others this season. Hey, LB is wearing jeans!! Good job buddy.
  10. Uh oh....I think momma may be a drunk perhaps? That would explain a few things I guess.....
  11. Mom doesn't really want to go, I kinda can see her point, she has a nice home and family and all, and a year is a long-ass time to leave everything behind. For some of the people on these episodes it frankly doesn't really matter where they hang their hats. This family is kinda normal.
  12. I'd really like to see him succeed. He's shockingly mobile even walking around an airport with a huge duffle bag, unassisted by a walker, cane, nothing. (Just heard catch phase "turn my life around"!). Can't believe he's that heavy. Only thing going for him is that he's so young.
  13. Been noticing that the past few weeks actually. Storylines are wearing thin.
  14. Regarding the emotionally cold parents....I think it may be a case of being uncomfortable acting normally when there is a camera crew in your home maybe? The sister is just a bully who seemed to take advantage of the cameras knowing her karina wouldn't fight back. What a spoiled brat, jealous of the attention that her sister takes away from her (and her children of course). I don't think Karina will ever leave mom's and dad's home, but at least she's not parked in the living room anymore. Progress???
  15. Still doing the wheelchair crabwalk. Let's face it. No real life change. No job ever, let's face it. Never moving out. Eventually will need that food again. Meh
  16. Another boring episode. I have to rethink my use of this weekly 2 hrs. frankly.
  17. Get the eff up and walking sweetie! Get a job? Surely you jest!!! I can see it coming...she says she's gonna fail and it's all the family's fault.
  18. Gotta get that life back! Surgery scene....lots of yellow fat in there. Disappointed he didn't get her up walking before agreeing to do her surgery. He's super pessimistic on her outcome. Interesting.
  19. Hey she's losing the weight, without balloon. Cool. Her voice actually sounds a little better. So the walking is the problem. But last week's chick barely took a baby step even after the surgery. Inconsistent. (But it's boring!). I like dad!!! Wants her to become productive.
  20. Oh she's pissed! Already proved herself once...now has to do it again with no balloon!!! Which I'm guessing was a Mexican installed balloon?
  21. Huge-ass balloon in her stomach and yet she managed to eat herself to 663 lbs!!
  22. Ah, that's the Dr Now we all love...chastising her for not walking yet, making excuses, slowed weight loss. Trouble is brewing!!
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