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Everything posted by Snarkastikate

  1. I had brain surgery and head was shaved. Had to wear a wig for almost a year, I had crappy think hair to begin with. Oh how I hated wearing that damn thing, so hot, itchy, always shifting around. So do we think she'll ever get out of that scooter?
  2. A DATE??? Who are these men?? But honestly she does look pretty decent in that wig.
  3. Prince the Cat is thinking "what a pathetic whiny bitch my owner is".
  4. Hopefully Dr Now will refuse to do bariatric surgery till she gets that lazy ass up and walks.
  5. No amount of pain could make me make an embarrassment of myself by screaming like that in front of people trying to care for me. Ridiculous. What a freaking baby.
  6. Yes Janine. It hurts. But you must get the fuck up. I've had many surgeries. Push through it. And I'll betcha she's on painkillers and still oh the drama!!!
  7. She's adopted. I'm guessing her birth family cried a lot.
  8. Gotta love that her BFF scooter wears an orange safety vest. Geez talk about calling attention to yourself, but I suppose that's a necessity if you're going through fast food drive-ins.
  9. Personally I think I'd get a lot more out of seeing Dr Paradise vs therapist Lola.
  10. So she doesn't know what to do at this point???? How about simply EAT LESS.
  11. I'm going with 620, I don't think she's lost very much at all.
  12. I'll say one thing for her.... she's got driving that scooter down pat.
  13. I do remember the niece with the very beautifully done hair and makeup....as though making her acting debut
  14. Isn't this the chick who drove her electric scooter through a fast food drive-in??
  15. I know there's some kind of scammy deal going on, but I can't quite figure out why in God's name ANYONE could be attracted to Steven in any way whatsoever. Hideously repulsive inside and out. So what's the deal with this GF or wife or whatever she is?
  16. Biggest surprise for me was how Dr Now capitulated to Justin's demand that he wanted the surgery not after two months and losing 75 (?) lbs but instead in only one month and losing 40 lbs. Dr Now had been justifiably tough on all the patients this season, he even told one of them who got too uppity that HE decided what was going to happen and when, not HER. So it was weird that Dr now kissed this big baby's ass.
  17. You got that right! This is the most fucked up family ever on M600PL, that's saying something. The dad is completely brain dead and enjoys the sick interaction he had with his sons, he made them into the monsters they truly are. Steven's marriage must be a scam of some kind, because honestly could tolerate his repulsiveness in person for a moment without puking. Let's get real. No amount of money could force me to touch him. I'd like to think there's a faint glimmer of hope for Justin but honestly, daddy bankrolls a toystore that undoubtedly loses more than it makes, he doesn't drive, can't support himself, and has the mentality of a 12 year old. Zero maturity. Not much hope there. Loved when at the end of the show when dad is loading Justin up for the trip home with a poor bribe puppy and the dog craps and dad asks for a bag to pick it up but then says oh nobody saw it so let's just go......um, you moron it was on camera and we all saw it.
  18. Hopeless, just hopeless. Dad, you fucked up big time and there ain't no fixing it, no way. I can't believe there's another episode coming later this year.
  19. Unfortunately daddy still supports him and his store likely costs more in rent than it makes in sales. I don't see Justin living alone, he's very childlike. OMG Steven stole Justin's painkillers. Why are they calling him John? Wasn't doesn't dad give the fuck up and stop forcing Justin to speak or see his disgusting brother?
  20. Geez I'm starting to agree with poster who suggested they maybe Steven sexually assaulted his brother in some way? Something very deep and secret there. Forget it Pop, it would be best if your sons lived in separate states.
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