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Everything posted by Snarkastikate

  1. I think when you get to a certain size and just don't want to move, one thing leads to another and your self-loathing gets so bad and your quality of life just deteriorates to where eating becomes a hobby and all you look forward to doing.
  2. That supremely humiliating experience would make me not want to ever eat again I think. Or maybe send me running to the food for comfort.
  3. That was the " leave Alice, some men are gonna do some drinking". Grape juice I believe.
  4. Yes!!!! I could watch those shows 1000 times and still laugh.
  5. OMG she's stuck, the poor thing. I don't think I've ever seen Dr Now be so compassionate. I sincerely hope she's makes it and gets her health on track. Poor thing
  6. She complained a whole lot less than most of the drama queens we've seen flying before. I wouldn't want to get on her friend's bad side though.
  7. Yay, then Twit should go visit her and tell her how proud she should be of all her fat, maybe lift a few weights together, twerk, etc. Maybe convince her she's healthy, like delusional Twit does to herself.
  8. Uh-oh, I'm pretty sure I saw poop in the wall near her bed.
  9. OMG I could not agree more. Watching those two lazy asses flop around talking about how tough their lives are all day really irks me. I guess daddy will leave Twit a trust fund, so she'll just continue to wake up at noon and shake her fat ass in a class for 6 people at 3pm. Tough life. Buddy is just a bum. I think the other barnacles do work though. I opted for Hoarders last night, but switched over during a commercial. Is it me, or are Ashley and Buddy getting as fat at Whit? Jesus they looked huge.
  10. So based on the comments of those brave enough to watch this mess tonight, do y'all think this show will be back for another season?
  11. I just can't force myself to watch this shitshow tonight, but will be here for the snark of those who can LOL. Phony or real, these two pigs deserve each other.
  12. GOD, NO GYM SHOWERS PLEASE! I do not wish to use the same showers as someone who is washing large amounts of feces off a very large butt, which is also severely infected at all times I might add. Let's be truthful, while I think Americans generally feel that people should be free to live as they wish in conditions most of us would consider filthy and degrading, Adult Protective Services needs to take over in this situation.
  13. Nice family, glad it worked out so well. Hope he finds a nice girl some day..... assuming that's what he wants
  14. I think Lola is the one with the daddy issues.......just sayin'
  15. A-a-Ron, your dad is right, move forward. Toughen up kiddo.
  16. I have a bad feeling. Surgery way too early in the show. Too much time left for this to go really bad. As in gaining weight......
  17. Well, we got to see Jeanne's mom Barbara get her infected hernia removed last week!
  18. Damn. I saw him walking outside and cooking and serving that healthy meal to dad and himself and yup ..he tricked me. 22 stinking pounds, Aaron? Really?
  19. Oh it was FAR worse than that, you're sugarcoating it LOL....she actually crapped in cups in front of her granddaughter and left it there till eventually there was a foot of it. Plus pee too. (A-Aron! Funniest skit ever.)
  20. Do the producers troll tattoo shop for prospective poundicipents?
  21. Show or no show, Whit is just so insanely jealous of anyone having a nice normal relationship, and I think this even includes mom & dad. I think the Boo Bear romance is nothing more than a desperate attempt at a plot that will have us waiting breathlessly for next season. Buddy needs the TLC paycheck and probably gets paid more based on his on-air time, so he's playing whatever his meal ticket wants up to the hilt. Whit is probably set for life financially because dad is her safety net and I'm sure he's made sure she'll always taken care of. So if Buddy is nice and strokes her giant ego (and other giant things) I guess he'll be fine too.
  22. I think this romance with Buddy is as phony as any of the plot lines have been this season. We're supposed to be on the edge of our seats waiting for next season thinking will they or won't they? Honestly I just don't care. I really don't. I've been watching Hoarders and switch over just for commercials.. and snark of course! Oy this "dancing". Couldn't she actually dance once upon a time? Like in the original Fat Girl Dancing video that eventually brought her fab life to television? Oh how I wish there was a place online where cameramen can let it all hang out.
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