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Everything posted by Snarkastikate

  1. I rather enjoyed her failure, how about you all?
  2. Why is she calling Christian her spouse? Does she even know the meaning of the word?
  3. "No the first fiance didn't marry her after she found out having kids wasn't going to happen, so he bailed." That's what SHE says. Wanna bet he's got a different opinion on that??
  4. Don't like Lola's wig, and hell she's only a therapist. STOP BLAMING CHRISTIAN for your failure! Verbally abusive by her own admission, what a joy! Yikes i don't like her.
  5. Well, the GREAT LOVING life she had with Christian!!!
  6. Yes, persuade Christian to stick around and take your abuse, you nasty creature, and be extra nasty when you try to convince him to stay with yiu.
  7. So it's all his fault isn't it bitch! RUN AWAY NOW CHRISTIAN
  8. I've heard her say maybe 5 times or more now that they are fighting all the time. I almost can't wait to see him take off.
  9. Geez why all the stripes? They are fighting all the time, i think life with her has become hell for Christian.
  10. No you're not wrong, most of us wish for the same thing. Its our secret shame......
  11. I don't think Christian loves her anymore...... and honestly I don't think I blame him.
  12. Christian looks disappointed she reached her goal
  13. She's looking at Dr Now in shock! So what do we think..... success or total failure?
  14.  Why is he sitting on the end of the bench as far away from her as he could get?  Hmmmm
  15. Its all his fault, right? And she's getting irritated, watch out!
  16. Why is legal marriage never above having children on the wish list? Am i old fashioned?
  17. He sure does. Sure doesn't seem like an enabler! Why is he even with her i wonder.
  18. Blurred out cooch shot.......we're off to a great start tonight
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