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Everything posted by Snarkastikate

  1. Geez I'm starting to agree with poster who suggested they maybe Steven sexually assaulted his brother in some way? Something very deep and secret there. Forget it Pop, it would be best if your sons lived in separate states.
  2. Is that "friend" Daddy's GF? Mommy figure perhaps? No Justin, you're not going to get your life back.....you really never had one in the adult sense of the word anyway.
  3. That marriage is some kind of a scam, oh pleeeeze. Why doesn't everyone just stop trying to get the brothers together? Let it go y'all....
  4. Justin so absolutely miserable, has he ever smiled in his entire life? He knows this show and how it operates very well.....why did he agree to participate at all? I'm sure there are bariatric Drs in Providence. And Dr Now was so super easy on him even though he had gained weight in both pre-op visits......
  5. Hmmm...... Steven's "wife" supposedly from Iowa. Wasn't Buddy's fake fiancee (also with daughter) from MBFFL also from Iowa?
  6. Huh? I've watched the entire Assanti series, how could I have missed that?
  7. Dad had to get over the dream he seems to have that his sons will ever be able to tolerate each other for one second, or that they will ever have a date, much less than get married LOL.
  8. Trying to remember from first Assanti episode..... didn't mommy just leave them all flat a while back? While that's usually something I could never understand, this would be an exception, of course.
  9. I don't think TLC likes it when you say everything in the show is fake.....sounds like Justin is very disgruntled. No one forced him to participate. But I don't blame him for getting his brother's guts. We all do.
  10. Your being WAY too kind. This loathsome creature is the biggest piece of trash I've ever seen on this show. Disgusting, foul mouthed, smoking in front of kids, verbally (and maybe physically) abusive to everyone, dirty, nasty, addicted to multiple narcotics, likely meth, pot and opioids, rotted out teeth (meth). Found herself an addicted simpleton man-child to marry. Hope her stays gone. Entitled and rude beyond belief! Entire family and friends just as trashy, all likely addicts too. Her kids doomed unfortunately, maybe we'll see Desiree on an episode next year when she hits 600 lbs. No one had held a job in that family for at least 5 generations I'll bet. Maybe more. Last week's poundicipent was a bore, boring mediocre. It was a pleasure watching this one fail miserably. Dr Now smacked her in her face verbally again and again, her reaction was basically "just give me the goddamn surgery, you fuck". I loved her failure!
  11. You should have stayed home, it was worth it LOL
  12. The ending of this episode, which was highly satisfying by the way, doesn't fit with her begging cash on GoFundMe.
  13. Justin and her friend both like they're high as could be too....and Dr Now knows it. This bunch sits around doping themselves all day long.
  14. You go girl....tell Dr Now his accusations were unfair!!!
  15. Yeah, right? But....since Desiree was her paid caretaker and she's still back in Ohio, hmmm. Oh, I'm sure she reported that right away. Yeah, right away....
  16. She ain't living unless she gets a fireplace y'all!!! UNACCEPTABLE!!! Queenie deserves a free castle I guess. Dr Now told her "don't come unless I accept you into the program".
  17. So Desiree is out, Justin's back. Need a scorecard with this sick twisted white trash family. Let's all hope that Justin meets some other drug addict nicer than beeeotch and bolts again.
  18. OMG MY EYES. Watching daughter sticking her fingers where none should ever be is more than I can handle. Ok ok I get it. Justin is a homeless hopeless masochistic drug addict.
  19. Lord, I don't ask for much, but can you please grant my prayer that her daughter and abused husband Justin fucking just split together in the middle of the night and leave her at that hotel. Thank you God.
  20. I've never wished such ill will on a poundicipent before. I fucking hate her. If she succeeds on any level I will be angry.
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