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Everything posted by Snarkastikate

  1. NO NO NO, how is gaining 300 lbs in 2 months even humanly possible? HOW?????
  2. Alone, bored, naked and eating sausages. Can't he even put on a fucking sheet when the paramedics come over at least? Jesus Christ Almighty.
  3. Yeah that's for sure, although he didn't even suggest that Sean write his father a letter. What's up with that LOL.
  4. Well at least he admitted that idea "had merit"!! That's all. Wow.
  5. Do the paramedics in Houston draw straws and curse Dr Now when a call comes in for one of his patients?
  6. OMG we've got another 90 minutes to go? Holy crap.
  7. Gained 188 lbs in 2 months. He's better off where he is, I think he just wanted to die and be with mom anyway. Rest in peace Sean.
  8. LOL!! Thanks for the laugh. Although I think people are responsible for their own choices and a crappy childhood can't be an excuse for bad choices, this dude had nothing to work with... ZERO. He would have been better off being raised by bears in the woods.
  9. Even though we know the outcome, this looks like it's still gonna get ugly. Or just boring and then sad? Will we be watching him knit something at least? I don't think he even wanted to live. Maybe mom intentionally ruined his life to get back at his dad, who I assume left her.
  10. Poor Sean, he didn't have the basic tools to thrive in the world...his momma done did him in. Thanks a lot, Sean's Mom.
  11. I can't believe Sarah is still rocking that wig. I had to wear one to work for about a year after brain surgery and it itched and the clips hurt my head, the best part of the day was when I whipped that fucker off at the end of the day, sometimes even in the car.
  12. Sarah honey you gotta try and get through this tragedy in your life, honey. Bad things are gonna happen. Working and volunteering is a good way to keep busy.
  13. Did you see Lee's hands clench as Dr Now was speaking to him? Holding....back.....rage, want....to.... choke.... Dr.... Now. Good job cameraman!!! I didn't know they could keep on adjusting stretched out bypasses!!
  14. Really TLC? Do you think we'll all tune in just because we all absolutely hate Kate? WRONG
  15. Yeah isn't it something? One of life's little mysteries! Shocking really.
  16. He looks incredibly feminine. Hmmm. He's got Rena right where he wants her, back home in Missouri. Now he'll work on fattening her up to sabotage her skin removal. Lee, why ain't you going to the hospital with Dad? Aren't you there to care for him? Turd. PS. This would be a good time to remind your children how important good dental care is. It's the first thing you notice. If they expect good jobs, take care of them toofusses!
  17. Yup did you see his face when Dr Now says he scheduled Rena's surgery? Angry jealousy. He always had to come first, she's just convenient to have around. Hey fella why don't you go home by yourself, you selfish prick? Gawd he's repulsive.
  18. The only thing I can recall about Sarah is that her mom was a bitch.
  19. Fugly creep. I'm so glad he has time to pursue his passion for painting and have quality me time. I'm really so glad.....
  20. I admittedly don't watch all the time, but I find myself wondering what Zach & Tori do for a living that they can afford such a big house? Maybe you all know. And forgive me, but they both seem not to be the brightest. Seriously, your family consists of 2 dwarfs, maybe 3 since they are trying for another baby, and you but a house with all kinds of stairs & levels?? Hmmm. And that Caryn....ugh what a bitch. Matt wants to build yet another house...a love nest for himself and his bride-to-be? There's already 2 houses in the farm, he's got a place in Arizona and I read something about Matt buying Caryn's parents a house? Caryn=golddigger. But where do they all get the money? No one seems to have a job!!! Does this show really pay that well? Perplexing......
  21. She's wearing a wig and a shabby mumu. Yeah that's a gal any normal dude would love dating.
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