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Everything posted by Snarkastikate

  1. Ok I gotta say it. That commode in the room only had a narrow little slot for her to go in. Ain't gonna work fills! They have big chairs, big beds, big scales, what's up with the commodes?
  2. She said that before they were out of the driveway. Wowza she's really dependent on that friend, does that friend have a life other than Joyce? OMG please say yes.
  3. She has a lymphedema? Hell she's ALL lymphedema!! Except for head maybe.
  4. OMG she can't even sit up! She's a big blobfish with little tiny feet sticking out. How's that can going to hold her? These poor guys don't know what they're in for.
  5. Yum I was thinking the same thing LOL. A fuzzy memory of some type is the reason she looks like this? Oh that plus she's been rejected by Mom her entire life. Not saying this isn't valid, but I'm suspicious when we're only hearing half of the story all the time......in this case the 800 lb half. Gotta have an excuse I guess. Can't just say " Boy oh boy, I DO so much just LOVE to eat!!!". Can't tell the height at all, but I'm going all the way to 830 lbs.
  6. Where did all that food come from? Seriously who can afford all that? I'm 65 and she looks as though she could be my mother. Hell, she could pass for her own grandmother! How is this going to work? I'm guessing medical transport, but geez even that seems close to impossible.
  7. Oh my goodness what transformation!! Looks like all Tammy needed was a schtupp.....or whatever it was they did. Beautifully decorated apartment, a nice dress, hair, makeup! I'm sure they both had scads of professional helpers, but hey what the heck!! I think we all know by now that this show and My 600lb Life tells these folks to wear belly shirts, short tops, tank tops etc. Just wondering, do the photographers actually lay on the floor in order to get those hideous crotch shots?
  8. Gotta say....their reactions are always honest and real.
  9. Just when the shock of getting to know these sisters finally wore off, Tammy tells us she made sweet love to a dude she met in the old interwebs? And dude drove from NC? And HUH her apartment is gorgeous too. Way nicer than my place. Boy I feel like quite the chump for working for the past 45 years. Damn. (side note:....does a day pass where Jazz isn't weeping? Happy little thing isn't she)
  10. Well I'm impressed. Clean house, clean clothes, nice wife, pretty decent food choices. Fingers crossed.
  11. True, but his wardrobe looks like formal wear compared to the dude 2 weeks ago with the 10 tattered blue strands of thread covering his 100lb lymphedema.
  12. Oooo, a whitewater raft embarrassment tonight??? I may have to break my vow not to watch.
  13. I know it's fake/scripted.....but I really wish that Heather would tell Whit to go fuck herself. Or Todd. Or anybody for that matter.
  14. WHEW exhausting night! (Beth looks like she gained weight too)
  15. Yes no surgery, so there is a God. Beth this is your fault you know. THANKS!!!!
  16. Oh come on Dr Now. A measly 43 lbs and she's approved for surgery? Really?? Damn.
  17. Cheese stash! Gotta admit I have one of them too. Not sorry....it's CHEESE, glorious cheese!
  18. Uh oh. She's moved right past scared and is now TERRIFIED
  19. She's got it figured out now......she needs to put herself first !!! Yes!!! That's been the problem all along!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤯
  20. So she thought she was getting approved for weight loss surgery? Huh? I think all she heard when Dr Now talks is the adult voices on a Charlie Brown cartoon. You know....wah wah wah wah wah wah
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