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Everything posted by Snarkastikate

  1. You got that right. Took him over 6 months just to fill out a damn application for public housing. And the only reason he's " doing things in his own" is that his lazy brother probably had a day laborer job.
  2. I wonder if Dominic checked the weight limit on that very expensive hotel gym treadmill. And I see they still haven't bothered to check out that public housing office yet. Too busy I suppose. I'd say that these guys just gave up on life, but they sadly never had a life.
  3. Not quite, this is the place where a lawyer got back from a convention in Miami and infected his synagogue at a Bar Mitzvah. And so on, and so on.......
  4. Been thinking the same thing. Didn't raise independent successful children.
  5. Only because that would take some effort, and these guys are not into effort of any kind. On another note, I live in the belly of the virus beast, Westchester County just outside NYC. Working from home for weeks now, but I refuse to let this thing have me cowering in my house. So every few days I get out. Stuff still open besides grocery stores. Went to ice cream stand. Today got car serviced. Ahh feels like living! Yes I take common sense precautions. It will pass.
  6. If they find their long lost dad, bet the first thing they do is hit him up for cash.
  7. Crispy honey ginger chicken from a restaurant is his idea of eating healthy. Attention dudes!! McDonald's sells salads you know. And other fast food places sell things like grilled chicken. Just toss the bun. These guys don't have a clue. I have to wonder if they ever cooked a meal in their lives. And they're homeless with nothing to do, yet the lines were too long at the welfare office, and they just couldn't get back there yet before they close. WTF. And despite the great Houston job market, nope just couldn't get that done either. I'm sticking with my original diagnosis. L A Z Y
  8. California is the land of freebies, certainly with a minimal amount of effort they could have made the great freebie system there work for them to get public housing. They sure had no trouble getting themselves food stamps! Makes no sense to me. I'm going out in a limb here and if Dominic succeeds in his "journey" I will eat the Lean Cuisine that's been in my freezer for 2 years. Dr Now:. "Life is hard" 🤣🤣🤣
  9. Something tells me that cuz is gonna get a call real soon from these louts begging for more cash.
  10. Two helpless homeless brothers shamelessly taking money from a girl cousin. No pride at all!! That alone should be humiliating to a normal guy (or woman!). All I see here is a big fat weepy whiner. And his less fat brother. They have no ability to thrive, none. Laziness? As a 66 year old single woman who's supposed to finally retire and move in 3 months (and is currently supporting 2 homes in different states till I sell one) and who's retirement accounts are bleeding cash, I have zero sympathy. I just want to ask them, dudes have either of you ever had a real job and worked real hard at it so you could live a nice life? Ever wanted to get married and have a family? Sorry I'm just angry at these dudes. Boo-fucking-hoo.
  11. I lost my dad young too and I was devastated and yet went back to work and kept going on. These guys seen to lack the ability to cope with normal life issues. Or paying taxes on their house. Or holding down a job. Dominic's problems go oh so much deeper than simply getting surgery. And I don't think Lola is going to make much headway here either. This is a job for Dr Paradise at the very least LOL.
  12. Fresno. And the recent patients have been plenty splotchy too. Circulation?
  13. Hmmm. Cutting back on that food a little and I think they could afford to live in one of those cheap-ass hotels forever.
  14. So many questions. So many. But first and foremost, how many tattoos does Dominic have??? Because as we know, Dr Now only treats patients with many many ugly as hell tattoos.
  15. In her mind she's still in college. In reality she's a middle aged morbidly obese woman.
  16. If her face was artificially thinned out any more her eyes would be vertical ovals. And then there's that halo light thing she showed herself using a few years ago, well my goodness she's positively aglow!! Nothing but complete fakery and she knows all the tricks. Imagine the poor suckers snookered in on dating sites by trickery such as this. No body shame indeed......
  17. When she's walks those pants are moving like a big bag full of wildcats. And honey, no don't buy that off the shoulder dress. And honey, don't buy leggings with an elephant print. And honey, tunics a can be your best friend. With black leggings.
  18. I hate Duff even more. And he's on every seasonal baking championship show, shoving cake into his wide open mouth.
  19. Watching these shows and others that are so common nowadays, I sure do appreciate my loving hard working parents and what they did to raise us 4 kids. BTW what the hell are those daughters wearing? Stripper leggings?
  20. Wowza those arm/hand tats are some of the worst I've ever seen.....and as we know, this show is pretty much the definitive guide of bad tattoos.
  21. She's got the constipation caused by opiates, I'll bet.
  22. OMG Lola! Someone's gonna trip on that raggedy rug in your office floor! Especially one of these folks. Hope you've got insurance.
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