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Everything posted by Snarkastikate

  1. I'm convinced she's hoping that Jimmy is watching this episode right now and will come back to her when he sees how much she still loves him. Betcha
  2. Yeah that was a typo, you are correct. Damn it would have been funny LOL!! Oh well I need to proofread more
  3. I hope he gains weight like a mutha and tatted up biker chick drops him like a hot tater.
  4. My friend had WLS and had the skin around her middle removed like Benji. It's a brutal thing. Staples all the way around her like a belt, painful thing to recuperate from. Brutal.
  5. Well that's one way to get Jimmy back in her life isn't it!! Holy shit!!! Jimmy's gonna regret not wrapping his whoopee!!!
  6. Poor Erica, I think she needs an actual psychiatrist and not a therapist. Sorry Lola. Man she's just obsessed about Jimmy. She's in seriously bad shape, but at least she made it back to Houston so there's hope I guess.
  7. I give Erica a lot of credit, she actually did it. It ain't easy, I'm in the process of downsizing from a big old house I've lived in for most of my life and moving 500 miles away to a much smaller place. Packing up, throwing out, can't donate right now because the places are all closed. It ain't easy by yourself I can tell you. Thank God I'm working from home right now and can work on it. So YOU GO ERICA!!!
  8. Yum David is some catch! At least he thinks so. So fat turd settled for a chick who would actually be with him without retching. And now that he's super cool he's just brimming with confidence!! OMG I hope he gains and gains and gains. What a tool.
  9. They are my favorite, they've been available for years here in good ol' NY. DELISH!
  10. I need to take off about 20 lbs. I'm trying the Dr Oz diet where you don't eat from 7pm till 11am the next day. I'm on Day 3. I'm a night snacker from way back. And I don't go to sleep till 12. Wish me luck, I'll need it.
  11. OMG I thought that church meant she died and we were watching her funeral. Time for church choir, just no time to just not eat. Forget about following his program exactly, just don't eat!! Cut back!! She just couldn't do it. I'm soooooo disappointed. Good night y'all!!
  12. Seriously, no matter how hard life has been, despite your daughters illness, despite working extra shifts, it doesn't take up any extra time to JUST NOT EAT.
  13. What's up with the dude with no neck on the Fiancee show? He literally has no neck.
  14. Wow that's her story and she's sticking to it!!!! I think I speak for all of us when I say Lenethea for the love of God, shut the fuck up, stop with the bullshit, get with the program, lose some damn weight and then get the fucking surgery!!! Jesus Christ!!!!
  15. Whatever you're eating, it's still too much. Gotta remember that one too LOL
  16. Judging from the show opener, there's gonna be an argument just about......... now
  17. Pain is just weakness leaving your body. I gotta remember that one.
  18. After that 15 minute argument, she said to herself that she knows Dr Now is right?? Huh? This isn't looking good, but we've had several shows with no surgery so maybe she turns it around somehow. Hmmmm
  19. Yup the attitude is definitely taking a severe downturn. And we all had so much hope.
  20. She doesn't seem to be trying very hard, does she. Makes me sad......
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