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Everything posted by Snarkastikate

  1. I honestly don't think she's gonna even get to Dr Now's office, so the point is probably moot. But I'm gonna say 740. Dis is most bad folks.
  2. Haven't caught up with the story yet, just got home but has it been established she's on pain meds or something mind altering? Because judging by the behavior and voice I've heard so far, she has to be. And had this friend Sandy actually taking this responsibility for this creature? Wowza
  3. Just got in and turned this on. This looks most serious.
  4. Whew, all barnacles really worked overtime kissing the large dimpled ass of WWT. Ashley deserves a standing ovation for her passionate emotional speech. Bravo Ashley! And Heather offering to have a stern talking to Ryan because he doesn't know his place was truly inspiring. I actually feel sorry for Buddy, who he sits there wishing for the day he could be free from the obligation of being caretaker, counselor & all around mop up man for his messed up friend. A friend so messed up that it makes his own problems pale in comparison. Tal go away, your whining nonsense is annoying to the max. Todd, what the hell? Did they muzzle you, as someone suggested? Your honest and witty repartee is sorely missed. I agree with whoever said Whitney's in trouble. I don't buy that she's pre-diabetic. I'd bet she's full on diabetic, and likely much more. We know she's got some mental issues due to her trips to the ER for panic attacks so she's on meds for that. There's surely a lot going on with her health wise that isn't brought up on the show and I'll bet some doctor suggested she think about WLS. I don't know what dating sites she's supposedly on, but I don't think insulting comments like those would be tolerated and would get someone booted from the site maybe if she reported them? Just assuming. All her crying about wanting to be normal was just looking for (and receiving lots of!) validation and assurance that she's just the best person on earth!. So we know that some time after the show stopped filming for the season she moved back to her barnacles. So....why is this show still on? Yes it's big & fat, but it's far from fabulous. Whitney, do something fabulous!!
  5. Yes Whitney you're a FRAUD for being against WLS and now wanting it. It's not your fat that makes you an ass, it's your personality. I had my hand on the remote so many times but I too was just too weak.
  6. You said it, not me 😂😂😂😂. WTF is that thing around her neck? C'mon Todd, let loose, say the things that we love you for saying. Tal STF up. Heather, you're a terrible actress, don't say stupid shit like you have no problem putting Ryan in his place. Nice job crying just to get Buddy to sign a lease so he can remain your sammich maker.
  7. So after taking people who have WLS, now she's going to be just another delusional poundicipant who thinks she will instantly become svelte & fit with no effort. As someone who had WLS many years ago I can assure her that is not the case.
  8. I miss the gals/guys in the old BGDC days, they were fun. Other than that, I got nothin'
  9. She makes the slightest little thing out to be a major accomplishment in her life. Enough of the Ryan drama, it's been beat to death. Tal is absolutely insufferable. Oh no she's gonna be a personal trainer again, it's beyond comprehension. Loved seeing Chase talking wife & baby. I've bailed out halfway for the post 2 shows, probably gonna bail on this one too. I see there's an episode of the old Perry Mason on another channel.
  10. That long black dress is what she should be wearing every single day. Arms not covered but at least her ass is wonderfully covered.
  11. Uh oh. Looks like Tammy's appt with her new bariatric surgeon isn't going to go well. Sad.
  12. Dr Proctor is in Atlanta, they live in Kentucky. In the last episode he told her she needed more close attention than he could offer her, so he passed her onto a more local bariatric surgeon. Who we haven't seen her visit yet.
  13. Exactly. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn't. Depends on the therapist, the rapport, how honest the patient is. It's just not a miracle as in oh I see the light now thing.
  14. I think a less uppity skinny fancy rich bitch looking therapist would have been more effective.
  15. I love to snark with the best of them and yeah these girls are really really fat. And they would be the first ones to admit they're hillbillies. But they're honest as all hell, and open about everything. They express themselves very well. Phonies like Whitney Thore & delusional lying poundicipants on My 600 Lb Life are easy & fun to crap on, they deserve it. But I can't crap on these girls & their brother. I wish them all the best in their "weight loss journies" to "get their lives back" LOL
  16. Does it look as much like a car dealership in real life as it does on tv?
  17. So happy when she got approved. It went well. Why so damned sad now? Jealous you couldn't have a burger? You knew what you were getting into! I would have just left the room with my broth and closed the door. I don't get it.
  18. Holy shit, I was thinking that POS trailer could sure use a power wash, then it literally washes away. Holy crap.
  19. There was a repeat of Joyce earlier today. You'll remember her for her HUGE pannus riddled with hideous warts and that hostage friend who was paid to do absolutely unspeakable things. Didn't get surgery. She claimed she didn't fail the diet, it was the first that failed her.
  20. Nah, she's just telling him what he wants to hear. She's seen the show & knew he would be impressed hearing her say that LOL. Time will tell I suppose.
  21. Just logged in. So far pretty ho hum, looks like typical story.
  22. Ok I'm out. The doggie pool did it for me. But a few thoughts before I move on: "Men are trash". Yet she can't wait till TLC hires another guy willing to humiliate himself for a few bucks. Christ, look at the size of that ASS.
  23. I love the snippets of workout videos. She virtually just stands there shifting her weight from side to side. I don't think she could keep up with the 80 yr olds my 1 hr senior exercise classes. It's totally not. We're just watching in the hope of seeing her fall down again I think.
  24. Buddy's not really good enough for her to have a real relationship with, but she'll always do her best to destroy any relationship he has so he'll always be available when she needs him. And he lets himself be used for the easy paychecks I suppose. Amy decent therapist on either end surely would suggest this isn't healthy for either one of them. 2nd set of matching tattoos, oh isn't that just sick. (Poor dog, makes me sad)
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