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Everything posted by Snarkastikate

  1. As long as your friend doesn't have to haul you up a waterfall you'll be fine!!
  2. Does she still see a therapist? Just wondering. The 1000 lb sisters are more mentally balanced than she is. So next week they're bringing up that Buddy & her had sex, AGAIN??? Holy crap.
  3. Her bathing suit makes her look like a hot air balloon
  4. Yeah it's really obvious tonight. Why is Todd even there, teasing me with the memory of how fun he was? OMG another freakout, so maybe Buddy should not have told her, or maybe in private. But why am I pretending this is reality when it's not. Ooooo the drama in the rain, her fakery is really showing through. Lots of fast talking.
  5. I don't like the new deballed Todd. So she's calling Ryan a man whore, funny. Buddy sold his soul to Whit. Easier than getting a real job I guess. That's sick. So Chase still making appearances on Whitney's show. Interesting, maybe a contractual thing. So Buddy says it's shady that Ryan hasn't told Whitney about the baby? Why would she give a shit if she ever saw him again if this was "real life"? Isn't this HER show? Oh the drama LOL.
  6. Whitney & Buddy. Whitney & Buddy. Christ almighty.
  7. Michael deserves an award for pushing Tammy around, especially while her skinny old ass "boyfriend" just stands there. He wants her fattened up to the max, maybe he wants her bedbound. I like this family's honesty and wish them success. Can't envision Tammy losing any weight though, unless she's hospitalized. Sad.
  8. I can't even begin to guess the big secret, but I don't think we're going to find out what it is tonight unfortunately.
  9. It seems to be a thing on this show. Well she sends positive as she battles her health issues but looks like things are going in a positive direction. I hope she succeeds in getting the surgery. Maybe Dr Paradise helped her move forward. 👍👍
  10. I think I would go insane living in a house with so many people. I need my privacy & occasional alone time. Or couple time when I was part of a couple.
  11. I don't see a surgery forthcoming, but we've been surprised before. She could have an epiphany, huge weight loss and surgery at 9:58pm.
  12. She got it all out and then turned sensible again. Whew that was scary. Remind me of a really really big lady who just couldn't cut the mustard either but I can't quite remember her name. She gave up and the closing scene was her singing in church choir. She had a very young daughter and blamed her lack of success losing weight on taking care of her baby. Sad, as she could drop dead and then who would raise her child?
  13. Wow a blubbering mess!! Hurry where is Dr Paradise!!!!!
  14. She sat a foot higher than Rodney. Fooled me into thinking she was tall but it must be the butt wings. I give up trying to figure out weight, I'm so bad at it. Like Melissa last week, I really hope she succeeds. And I liked how they had a family prayer before heading to Houston. Nice.
  15. Hey husband looks like a shrimp sitting next to her. If he's regular sized than I'm gonna say 645 because she's tall. I think? And geez I've lost my parents and I was very sad but if it destroys your life maybe you need grief counseling.
  16. With all the shows moving to a pay service, I wonder what the discovery channels on cable will even have in? It's pissing me off, it's not as though we're not paying a cable bill already.
  17. Is that a plywood floor or was I mis-seeing things? I guess putting a carpet in there would just make it harder to scrape the food off. No surgery last show, but if this one gets it I'll be shocked. With all that family eating around her, how is she going to be able to diet?
  18. Using that last little bit of strength to get over to that couch to start the day's eating. Wow now that's stamina!!!! 4 corn dogs 😱😱😱😱
  19. Really sad episode. So much promise. Dr. Now requires patients to be in Houston, it was surprising that he was willing to discuss an exception. She lost a significant amount of weight, got herself out there, met a young chubby chaser and threw away her chance of getting the surgery. Don't know why she couldn't have gone to a short term leased place or residence inn for a little while, I'm sure Dr Now wouldn't have made her stay the entire year. But she threw everything away for a dude that was probably in the wind in a few months. Then the depression will come back and boom the weight too.
  20. Buddy & Whit look like they're almost doing the nasty in the pool, then the next morning he's pushing her off him? What's up with that? Knowing how desperate she must be to keep this show/income stream going, I think the dramatic yanking off of top, bra & mic was so it could be used in preview on last week's show and therefore would create a larger audience for this show. Nothing more than that. Ditto the waterfall climbing. Because speaking for myself, I pretty much only watch in the hopes of seeing her giant dimpled ass fall or make a complete ass of herself. The show was getting pretty boring so she's amping it up.
  21. By the time the thread for this episode appeared I forgot all the comments I was going to make 😖
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