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Everything posted by Snarkastikate

  1. Well as quick as that, she's DONE. She fits look pretty thin, but no, does not look anything like her "slightly enhanced" Facebook photo. Damn she did it. She'll never stop being an abusive taker, but she lost a damn lot of weight, that she did.
  2. So she's got cancer again? Yeah ok. Beware James, you're being so romantic and all, but she says you'd better not get too attached. She's just a rolling stone, moving around from one bed to another. People, don't do drugs!! Watching this episode should be required viewing in rehab.
  3. Angie finally said something true!!! Yes Angie, these guys taking you in are indeed all crazy!! 🤪. I couldn't agree more.
  4. My head is spinning. She's now moved in with another former neighbor? She's such a horrible user of people, a nasty, disgusting human being. Couch surfing bitch deserves nothing. Suing Dr Now hoping for a settlement. She's an absolute horror.
  5. Whoa whoa whoa.....did she go through rehab already? Dave is in love with her now? What the hell just happened?
  6. She's only meeting with this rehab guy because she's got nowhere to go, she's homeless. As in has nowhere to sleep. I think she should have called the Salvation Army. Dave is a curiosity, what's up with that I can't imagine.
  7. Why would Dr Now give a flying fuck about her homelessness? Please discharge her Dr Now. Please just let her go. Roll her out the front door and leave her there in the street, it ain't your problem, "dude" LOL. Her family probably celebrating she's not there in Ohio. She's Houston's problem now. OMG she's so VILE.
  8. Aaarghhhhh she must have stunk up the ambulance & hospital, with no showering, TX heat. She takes zero accountability for her life. On the plus side, living in the park she must have taken weight off. Unless it was like only one day. OMG she's got her period too? 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮. It's almost as if I have smell-o-vision!
  9. She's looking for another BF/caretaker to abuse. Does absolutely nothing to help herself. How much do you want to bet she tried begged money off the camera crew? Dave visits her in the park? What's going on here, what is this? Who does that poor dog laying there in the dirt belong to?
  10. I retired last summer, my going away party ended up being a Zoom call. 😕
  11. Aha, so not even getting paid for it is enough to persuade Dave to keep sweet kind Ang around. Once again a man done her wrong. Oh I see, he has "anger issues". 😂
  12. Oh that singing hoo-haw commercial had been on so long that the shock wore off for me a while back. Mandy...yikes. A baby? I thought she was 50+. Whoa, did Angie just say Mandy has 8 kids? 😭
  13. Poor Angie, she just gives & gives and keeps on getting crapped on. Dr Now won't even do her a solid. Daughter won't kick her baby daddy to the curb & take care of her. New "BF" (ahem🙄) disappointing.
  14. Since this was all filmed at the same time, all pre-covid, I wonder where Ang is today?
  16. She just can't be nice to she just can't. Alienated daughter too. And damn, where is that friend? Jesus please don't tell me she's pregnant!
  17. I literally would gladly chip in $100 to see her live in a park. Had she found herself another Justin? What kind of a guy would let her move on in, holy crap. He'll never get rid of her.
  18. Wants that xanax & oxy. She just wasn't just "smoking" before obviously. Xavier there must be a saint.
  19. It's pretty clear that Justin being mobile and all was the drug fetcher, so she's sincerely very upset he's gone. Was maybe counting on that friend.... don't know what happened with her
  20. So much effort, so much many resources, going into one Angie. 🙄
  21. Yup, I've had many major surgeries and discharged with 6 of something, maybe tylenol with codeine after the last one LOL
  22. "I don't want to reach out to Dr Now yet bc I didn't get that apology from him yet"
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