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Everything posted by Snarkastikate

  1. Oh crap, looks like I forgot this week's show again LOL. Based on what I'm seeing here, I didn't miss much. Wow, what a whole lotta nothing.
  2. Me too 👋. I hope that for better or worse, they still stay real & honest.
  3. Just wondering if the reason they're keeping Whitney's "new guy" under wraps by hiding his face, telling us he's either from or in France & disguising his voice is because they don't want this hired BF to be outed online by a friend, neighbor, co-worker, casual acquaintance, etc. Not to mention that it has got to be such a humiliating gig. Just a thought. Her credibility had to have taken a hit with the Chase debacle, even among the less skeptical. She doesn't want that happening again. Wonder how many emergency production staff script rewrite sessions they had after Chase told his agent that his GF was pregnant & she wasn't going to hide herself away for a stupid show, money be damned.
  4. I forgot it was on, and after I checked out this chat I decided not to bother watching later. Last season I made it through roughly half the episodes & the rest I bailed on after less than 15 mins.
  5. The series did start off with a feel of honesty but sadly it didn't seem to last long. We could see it show by show, less reality & more dramatic acting & absurd romantic situations. Whitney must know that the older she gets she's really pushing her health further. She just can't physically do all the stuff she thinks she can without lots of assistance, sometimes to the point of being ridiculous & embarrassing, as in a crew lowering her down a small cliff on pulleys. Maybe she thinks she'll ride her "fat fame" till the end, then consider bariatric surgery? Risky move. And let's not forget that obesity is a HUGE factor in covid death (something I think our government has done a very piss poor job emphasizing). Not fabulous. And does she still smoke? Yikes. (From the little I've seen, Jazz Jennings looks like a very miserable young person. Very dramatic, always crying, in physical pain. Guess we'll have to see how history judges that issue.) 😒
  6. I hear ya. Sometimes I'm just not in the mood & don't watch, but I'll check here afterwards. Sometimes an episode looks promising, meaning the preview shows her falling on her ample arse or getting her comeuppance in some way, so I tune in. But it becomes unbearable to watch her, so I bail. I'm honestly shocked it's back for another season.
  7. Does the center "rock" in that ring literally look like an actual pebble or is it me. And it looks like a huge portion of this season will be set in France. You know, because she's so sophisticated & shit.
  8. Probably the only ride she could get her bulky self into, plus it has the advantage of covering up all her most bulky parts. That guy could be a member of the film crew. Anything to create interest. She is the queen of self promotion, nothing too much or too humiliating to try & keep show on the air s long as possible. Prancing around half naked, pissing in hot tubs, fake pregnancy, fake BF's, pretending to investigate weight loss surgery, pretending to investigate adoption, pretending her rented RV was graffitied, being pushed up hills, pushed over ravines, lowered down hills on pulleys. She likes France, to her it means class, and she's just a classy broad after all!
  9. Maybe she's doing the egg freezing because she realizes: 1) the chances of her finding someone willing to impregnate her are slim. 2) the chances of her becoming pregnant are slim, and her chances of carrying a baby successfully are less than a non-obese woman 3) she's too lazy, immature & doesn't have the mental fortitude to be pregnant, so she would rather pay someone else to carry a child for her (then likely hire someone to care for the child). 4) she knows that no one on God's green earth would ever let her adopt a child, but I think that storyline from a few seasons ago was all BS anyway, she just wanted to prove how single morbidly obese people are "discriminated against". 5) it's just something interesting she came up with in a desperate attempt to keep her show going another season. I admit I was shocked to see it renewed again.
  10. Stupid question, but why is the new BF's face blocked out? Maybe for a reason I missed? Could be any dude they pulled off the street & offered $50 for a few minutes work. The photoshopping work on those Paris pictures is stunning, bravo! I don't see that TLC is promoting the return of MBFFL. Funny, they are still showing 2 episodes from last season every week of the 1000 lb Sisters, which I have to admit I find more appealing. I think it's about the honestly of the thing. During last season I would size a MBFFL episode up in the first few minutes & sometimes I just couldn't handle the fakery so off it went. I watched maybe half of them.
  11. Screw this private location in Marseilles with it's private pool. Let her prove her belief in NBS and film herself strolling with her Frenchman on the beaches of San Tropez.
  12. OMG she looks bigger than ever. Who's not going to stare at anyone that size dressed like that? Her confidence in herself amazes me.
  13. Oh pleeeeze. I'll bet this "fan scare" never happened. The new season is starting soon & she's just getting some pre-publicity. That could have been video of a friend for all we know. Naked at the door? Just ugh. Deep down she knows her body doesn't conform to any standard of beauty or health. I'm sure she doesn't love being morbidly obese, but losing weight is hard & food is so tasty. And she's just a true exhibitionist. Maybe she thinks if everyone sees her body constantly they'll start to think it's "normal". Sorry honey, ain't happening. My feeling is her personality is mostly due to being terribly spoiled as a child. I'm really surprised this got renewed again. A secret French lover?!?!?! OMG I have no words.
  14. Oh you are SO right, I agree with everything you said. After the more fake than ever last season I was sure that it was finally done. I watched it here & there, but it was so awful that I just couldn't & would usually catch up here to read the highlights/lowlights. Whitney Thore is a spoiled conceited gross lazy oversized baby exhibitionist who couldn't attract a really decent nice man (and it's NOT due to her size). I've been to Paris, & there's no way someone like Whitney wouldn't attract attention in a very bad way. If there's another faux-mance this season, it's another actor, so here's hoping this one has already impregnated a secret wife/GF.
  15. Jean just had gas pains because they blow up your abdomen with air when they operate there. She's severely clinically depressed, I'm not a proponent of psych meds that ppl seem to pop like candy nowadays, but I think she & her mom could benefit from some happy pills.
  16. I got the embarrassment douche chills listening to that proposal song. 😬
  17. I gotta think that 900 lb, who was still gaining, Samantha had a stomach bigger than that.
  18. These are two very depressed ladies. But mom drives & has friends, we know because one was willing to care for that pack of hounds. This was filmed right after the original episode, so it's old news. Way pre-covid. I believe Jean is one of the patients suing the production company. I wonder how she and her mom are doing today?
  19. I think they are so removed from reality, and yes I'll say it....LAZY that they feel this fun hobby is going to be some kind of career. I wish more of these poundicipants would aspire to actual get a regular J.O.B. I think they would feel more like normal adults, less as if things are always out of their control. It's a growth thing.
  20. That house will keep them both infected if either gets as much as a paper cut. 9 large dogs OMG. Filth filth filth everywhere. So dad was effing around, wow I sure didn't see that coming. I guess I'd be pretty pissed off by that too. Hell she lost 150 lbs and she's not bedbound, I say that's a WIN. Dr Now has operated on some patients who lost way less than that. What is that large growth on her right side? Mom take sense, doesn't seem stupid, I like her. So why their home is so dirty I don't get. Yeah she's way too sassy with Dr Now, she's dirty, but I kinda feel sorry for Jean. She has no life, and she's never had a life. I recall mom saying in the first episode that she loves her but if she knew Jean would be living like she is, she never would have had her.
  21. OMG I hardly recognized her ... Amazing makeover! 😂😂🤣🤣🤣
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