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Everything posted by Snarkastikate

  1. Where's the diets? Why don't we see anyone cooking or eating? Or walking? Ashley, who's already outdone one surgery, talked as though Dr Proctor's very modest goal of 30 lbs was just crazy talk. Meanwhile she's in the upper 300's think. Just a little cutting back & she'd shed that in week or two. Meghan already went through the screening process, lost enough to qualify for surgery, presumably had counseling, had the surgery & yet seems absolutely clueless about what she's doing wrong. How is this possible? None of them seem very committed to losing any weight or doing any meaningful exercise. Every week we are treated to a new freaky deaky activity. Spray tanning, some gym that made Tina cry, water slide, bungee flopping, glamping. Just wait for the beach scene. I'm humiliated for them all, really.
  2. I honestly thought it was just me that found Meghan to be the most annoying gal on this show, but seems not LOL. She's had a bypass, the most effective WLS there is, so if she's stalled at 330 lbs, well she's just gotta try a little harder. She's sure got a lot of nice clothes & coordinated accessories, yet her & BF have to live in Tina's basement due to lack of funds. Her explanation, not mine. And getting shitfaced at her age ain't cute. Some meaningful exercise may be in order, as she seems to be the physically weakest of the ladies. And not the one-time freak show exercise classes. Wow that's one heck of a fully furnished rental home Vanessa now says she can afford despite selling cans & bottles to spend on fast food at the beginning of the series. Howdy neighbors!!!
  3. Was that a roll of TP in Meghan's oxygen backpack? Or did my eyes deceive me? How come every time we see Jon the BF he's laying in bed? Does this dude have job? If he did maybe they could move out of Tina's basement. If Vanessa makes a scene, Tina should just walk out. For me personally, just sitting with someone dressed like Vanessa is would be enough reason for me to walk out LOL. Dignity please!!
  4. OMG more of the same formula. Putting 4 very large ladies in one-time weird "fitness" situations where they can be mocked & laughed at. Note how much time the camera devoted to showing all the people staring at the pool a few weeks ago. Well I'm sure the camera crew added to the display LOL. I wonder if Tina & Ashley regret getting involved in this thing. I used to be obese a long time ago so maybe I'm just being a tad touchy.
  5. A few weeks ago as they showed Meghan getting out of bed (BF Jon was still in the bed) she brought up how they were living in Tina's basement due to finances not allowing them to have their own place. I'm amazed how ladies "of a certain size" are brave enough to wear 2 piece bathing suits. Flattering fit doesn't seem to have a dang thing to do with it. Not really judging, just amazed. They introduced Meghan & Vanessa as being best friends since they were kids & made connections with the others. As far as Vanessa being the Tammy of this show, I think for all her many many faults, Tammy is a Mensa member compared to Vanessa. And whew I think Vanessa's got Tammy beat as far as scary-ass rage goes too. So from the preview, it looks like Meghan has convinced Vanessa to move out of the house she shares with her sister. Can't wait to find out where! And if she leaves her 2 kids behind. After the dust-up with Tina last week, I have a feeling she isn't bunking in that boardinghouse. In fact she's not houseguest material, period. It's just all manufactured drama anyway.
  6. Why all the stupid gimmicks like flopping around on giant bungee cords? How about just taking some walks in the park? Oh I forgot, it's a TV show. Nice that Meghan, the chick squatting in her friend's (friend with hubby & 4 kids) basement with her slacker BF, thinks her morbidly obese friend should up & move out of the house she shares with her 2 kids & her sister. (But something's up with that sister).
  7. Yikes. Where to begin. Turns out Meghan, cosplay gamer dude bf & the cat live in her friend's basement, a friend with a husband & 4 kids. Does friend have to feed them too? Tell slacker bf to get damn job. I fear this show could be a fat chick freak show, as in oh what can we have these gals do now for some laughs? Water park w/slide, belly hula hoop, bungee harnesses. How about sky diving? Vanessa, well I have no words. No filter. Proof that fat will find a way & where it settles is a crapshoot. But it's how you camouflage it that matters & I'm seeing lots of fupa hanging out there girlfriend. And hmmm that sister of hers is giving off a meth vibe, as someone already mentioned. But at least the family isn't living in a friend's basement. I don't really like this show but of course I'm watching it anyway LOL.
  8. 5 yrs ago I fainted at work, was only out a few moments, coworkers called 911 & took me to the hospital. My back hurt like hell but not my head. They did CT of head just as a routine thing, looked ok, I went home. Few months later I started getting headaches, finally went to Dr 6 months later, he ordered MRI, while I'm at the MRI place my Dr calls & says have someone take you to the hospital immediately. Well turns out I had a huge subdural hematoma that shifted my brain over to half my skull so & had to have 2 brain surgeries. Oh they shaved all my hair off too, that was super traumatic. Went back to work 6 weeks later.
  9. Robin has a nice home & a job. Seriously, if she just goes down for his surgery & maybe 2 weeks after, he should be just fine on his own. He's a young dude & mobile. It's easy for so many others on his show to move because frankly they often have no jobs & don't own homes. That goes for their families too.
  10. Does that woman feel safe with him at the wheel? You mean she couldn't drive & just put him in the back, like for her own safety? I caught a few minutes of 1000 lb Friends. Sneaky way to capitalize on the Sisters show, BTW. That Vanessa is so extremely gross. Her fupa literally hangs below the inappropriate clothing she wears. She bought a string bikini, & by the looks of the preview she's gonna wear it to the beach next week. Nothing but a shameful fat girl freak show.
  11. She doesn't look so good. When did she start oxygen? And geez most of the bedbound poundicipants could at least sit up. I wonder if she even makes it. Those legs look prime for a clot.
  12. That one caregiver looks like he needs a caregiver himself. 😒 I'm guessing the other chick bailed, hanging around that home would just sap my soul.
  13. Did she tell Dr Now that she has medical transport taking her from Nebraska to Houston the next day? Her BF is literally dying in front of her & she cares not. She'll have him buying cookies with his last ounce of streng000 lb Friends loss like a circus freak show. "Hey what else can we have these fat gals do next for America's amusement? Let's see, waterslide 🤣🤣. Now some gymnastics hula hoop thing 🤣🤣.". Ugh.
  14. That home makes me very sad. 🥺. Randy is in a lot of pain, as though he can barely stand up. Does she even see that? He's laying there as if he's ready to die & she's just jibber- jabbering on.
  15. I think the fame Tammy has gained from the old YouTube videos & then much more so from this show will be the death of her in a way. She's now the "Queen", attracting every fat fetishist to take fun advantage of her for their sexual pleasure and/or grifters making $$$ off her followers. She's so happy with her newfound fame, it's her identity & she's totally lost any interest in losing weight. She's still gaining. She's really not going to make it much longer. And her sense of entitlement is truly astounding, Amy is legally responsible for her but yet she bullies & treats her like total crap. Won't even order her own meds. Her life without her doting, abuse-taking sister next door will be emptier. By looks of the preview, she's gonna fill the void with booze & weird people coming to her room. Doing God knows what else. Repeatedly says that her family should be grateful she's not bedbound. Um NO, she'd be in a home in a NY minute. That prospect doesn't seem to faze her at all. She's on lots of pain meds & that affects her behavior.
  16. I had a gastric bypass almost 20 yrs ago, can confirm that drinking a giant sweet drink like Amy drank at Tammy's birthday brunch would almost certainly cause "dumping syndrome" and if it were me if feel so sick I'd have to lie down. How she consumed 3 I'll never know. In addition, all that sugar would send blood sugar soaring, which causes the body to dump more insulin into your system to fix it, which causes blood sugar to plummet, which is extremely dangerous & can cause you to pass out or at worse, become comatose. Ok that's it for serious medical talk LOL. I know many ppl who have had WLS. Depending on how big they were at the start, you have to be realistic. They'll all be better off but likely won't become thin. Amy is at 265, that's 150 lb loss. That's pretty good! And I'll bet she loses some more too. She didn't gain with Gage, lost 50 lbs after. As Gage starts eating real ppl food I hope she structures 3 mostly "real meals" a day, but I guess I should shut up, since I had Chick fil-a nuggets for dinner tonight. I'm abt 170 lbs but it's a constant struggle of course. That therapist the Dr sent Tammy to see was a real doozy. I mean, c'mon man! I'd shut down & tell her I'm ready to go home too. Seriously. Yikes. Tammy watches My 600 Lb Life & sees how even immobile poundicipants have lover/caregivers. That's what she wants. Gay, straight, whatever. She wants someone to sex her up, clean her up, keep house, cook, and somehow push her around to get her nails done, shop, etc. Although once in a while there's a glimmer of a reasonable human person there, mostly she's just infuriating to watch. Makes her sister manage her meds, get her food, clean her house, do her laundry. Amy should stop being lazy? Family should be grateful she's not immobile? Tia knew what she was getting into & push her ass around? She says this stuff. Does she ever thank Michael for pushing her hugeness around? The BBW King. Hmmm. My bet is that he was tapping into her fan base to somehow make bank. He threatens her, she gets protection order, she continues to speak to him. Yeah, sounds about right.... Oh well, that's it for my ramblings.
  17. Too far gone. Way too far. Dad died at 800 lbs & so will his son. This is making me ill, it's just too depressing & hopeless. Zero interest in the supersized version. Complete waste of a life. Somewhere the Assante brothers are watching & think this guy's life is beyond pitiful.
  18. Ditto. Retired last year after a solid 47 full-time years. Outlived a hubby & a boyfriend so far. Downsized & moved south. Done working.
  19. So he stopped letting the film crew into the home? Interesting. This guy will not make it.
  20. Looks like mom has or had a broken jaw or something. Or maybe Bell's Palsy? Or a stroke? She's doesn't seem to be enabling him at least.
  21. 3 people without a job in sight. Snowed in half the year, wearing out a recliner. No friends, no life, nothing to do, honestly why does he even want to bother losing weight for at this point? I'm really sad & depressed on his behalf.
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