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Everything posted by Snarkastikate

  1. Don't see one. Last week it went up after the show on the east coast.
  2. Color me extremely disappointed. Moving to Houston is a requirement of Dr Now's program. Period. We've never seen him make an exception. Don't see why she couldn't have moved just for a few months. What I picture is that some guy will break up with her or cheat on her and she'll be baking 10 pans of lasagna and be right back up to 600 in no time flat. Makes me sad.
  3. 😥 I have a bad feeling here. Started out gangbusters and she's doing great, but she surely knew Dr Now's rule about moving to Houston for the surgery. She doesn't work & she's very mobile, so I don't know why she couldn't do as someone else suggested, move to a long term hotel or temporary furnished apartment for a few months.
  4. That was the bathroom you saw. Toilet seat was unspeakable. Floor had suspicious stains too. Rest of apartment beautiful. Poor thing obviously can't bend down in there to scrub. She lives in Florida, masks optional. Yet lower infection rate than states with severe restrictions. Interesting. ...
  5. Unfortunately Whitney Thore doesn't qualify for this show, not that she would consider WLS anyway. She weighs maybe 400 tops. This show is abt 600 minimum. But it would be fun to watch him cut her down to size.
  6. Hell yeah. One comes to mind, that hideous woman with the absolutely hideous giant warty belly that hung to the floor in Lola's office. Last season.
  7. Guide days it's called "Obesity Med", follows the stories of 2 morbidly obese patients. I guess we all love watching ppl fatter than us so we can think geez I'm fat but not THAT fat. Just like we love hoarding shows too. Gee I'm messy & cluttered, but not like THAT!
  8. What happened to the required move to Houston? I think I love her, I wish success for her more than I have to any poundicipant since the series began. I have nothing snarky to say. (Right now)
  9. So we're already past first appointment and it's only 8:30??? Hmmm. interesting to see how this goes but it's unusual!!
  10. If your gonna be on tv, I think buying a new toilet seat may be in order. Wow what boobies!! Funny how different people are built and where the fat ends up. No butt wings for her! Did she cook that soup in a bedpan? Seems like a nice woman, dresses well, I hope she succeeds. But I'm still be snarking on her anyway LOL. Whoever asked, yes I'm a fellow 1,000 lb Sisters follower, not ashamed to admit it either!
  11. First of all, kudos, hobosexual is an perfect description for Buddy, brilliant! How much lower will he go for a lousy buck? Can't wait to see her breakdown next week. If my friend acted like what I saw in that preview, I might dial 911.
  12. Started out thinking that Sandy's motives were pure, she blamed the caretakers who watches her eat all day, But in reality they couldn't stop her from ordering all the food she wanted. So Sandy's gonna save Cindy! She moves her out of her place that had a hospital bed with lift assist hanging from ceiling & available bathroom and moves her hundreds of miles away. She promises her a comfy bed & bathroom. She parks Cindy's huge ass on a recliner that isn't huge enough. No bed appears. Can't really fit into the bathroom. BEST OF ALL....... Cindy loses NO weight while in Sandy's tender loving care! Therefore, I kinda wonder if maybe some of the motivation was money? But that Cindy wasn't one of the biggest asshole poundicipants ever to appear on this show. Why was she even considering bariatric surgery when she clearly isn't interested. She'll be bedbound in a year. Who cares?
  13. When you tell the obesity specialist (on tv) that you researched bariatric surgery and want the one that can be reversed, you're not going to get approved. Ditto when you tell her that maybe people will like you more if you are thinner. I had bariatric surgery 15+ yrs ago and you have to be approved by a mental health professional who specializes in bariatric patients. I was in the mid 200's but had co-morbidities. OMG the mood swings in this episode! Crying, blubbering & sobbing over & over. Maybe people will like me more if I was thinner! Then suddenly she loves herself again and if someone doesn't love her body then screw them! I'm GREAT, I feel like SEX! Based on my observations of family members, I wonder if her meds may need to adjusted. What works for a while may not in a few months, and we know she's on meds. And the reason for all her depression and temporary self hate is....Chase? Her fake fiancee she rarely saw anyway except for TLC funded trips? Until the end she'd never even been to his house. So I saw here again, and in the preview for next week that these old HS "friends" are only there to kiss her ass in exchange for cash, and Buddy puts up with her mind games and off the wall drama but it's not healthy. If he had any self respect at all he would get out of the toxic relationship and keep her at arm's length. His excuse is always oh she's a friend and I have to support her. You're not helping her by being there to prop up her nutty behavior. Get a damn job & regain your self respect. She intentionally got rid of his GF in Charlotte by demanding he bring a salad to her in bed. I wouldn't put up with that either. It's pretty clear now that she cut back Todd's hours, guessing his saucy remarks were too saucy for her? We loved those remarks, they were always right on. Tal on the other hand, is cashing in big time lately. Another damn getaway trip next week? Geez this is getting way old. And WTF she furiously rips off her top & bra.... .and somehow blames Buddy? Holy crap! Buddy for chrissakes, GTF OUT. Wonder if her "friends" do something after witnessing this. Oh I know, they'll just find a way to justify it LOL. Psych meds can only be prescribed by a psychiatrist in my state. I hope hers watches next week's episode. Guess she got endorsement as cash from Stitch fix. Nice clothes, too bad she wore them for her photo session. Plenty to snark about in this episode! It's all an act but at least it was more amusing than every other yawner this season.
  14. Maybe it's me, but I don't see a topic for tonight's episode??
  15. But it would help if you can bray really loud, are willing to get naked & pee in the pool (and announce it) & have lots of ugly-ass tats.
  16. Especially since her own bedroom had not only a hospital bed but also one of those lifts attached to the ceiling. So why didn't she qualify to get one in Houston?
  17. Sandy you bitch. Cindy actually gained 3 lbs under your loving care. Are you in it for the money too?
  18. Munt 2, munt 202, what difference does it make? Her friend tried, but it ain't happening. I guarantee you she's gonna end up back home with those feeders from the county social services dept. One day she won't wake up. End of story.
  19. You're welcome, but as Dr Now would say......"dis is very serious sitashun, no laughing matter"
  20. So.......if her friend is in control now send to me that she will feed her only what she needs to eat and no more. Shouldn't the fat just melt off her? Hmm what will the end game here be. I'm thinking she's gonna want to go back home with her old caregivers/feeders. Wanna bet?
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