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Everything posted by Snarkastikate

  1. OMG NO. No white pants Pauline! Not for you, not for anyone!!
  2. Seriously, how much surgical intervention has Pauline had in her lifetime? Between the hospitalizations, therapy, I mean it never ends. The cost must be staggering so far. Meanwhile who cares about Dillon.
  3. More blather about emotions. So Alicia's doing great back on track. Yawn. Let's see how Pauline ends up.
  4. I bought some store brand TP last week and it's as thin as a whisper, definitely can see through it.
  5. Ugh that band-aid!!! Right now Erica is watching this show and wailing oh why can't Jimmy love me like Timmy loves Alicia??? Wonder if Jimmy has filled any protective orders against Erica yet? I think her last words on the show last week were that she was gonna go back to California and fight for him. Yikes.
  6. Pauline's selfishness regarding Dillon is astounding. She wants a life but couldn't give a crap about his life Dr Now was so vocal to Timmy, why doesn't he rip Pauline a new one about Dillon? At least comment on his weight maybe? OMG no more Roloff commercials, please!! STOP
  7. Mine keep dying. Husband, then years later, boyfriend (he died when we were in vacation). I'm taking a rest from romance for a while. 😕
  8. Saddest thing ever isn't it. He's got a toddler haircut and I'll bet his only activity other than taking care of all Mom's needs is playing video games. If this isn't abuse I don't know what is. Really sick shit.
  9. I had a Zoom dept. meeting this morning, ugh, but my trick is I don't do from my laptop. I log in from my phone and sit that sucka about 5 feet away. I look like a miniature. Problem solved!
  10. Or maybe it was the rear trunk/engine that was louvered? Seems more plausible. And I think the engine was in the rear, which would make it unsafe at any speed of course. Fuzzy memories!!!
  11. I totally hear what you're saying. I'm a little surprised to hear him treat Tim like this, it seems a little off. But it seems as though Alicia has taken off enough weight to make Tim and her both happy, oddly enough. So maybe that's the end of the line for her.
  12. This all comes down to the fact that Alicia is deathly afraid of losing Timmy. They're not married, he could leave her in a moment's time.
  13. OMG my aunt who was only a few years older than me had a Corvair, I think it had rear louvered windows. And I remember "Unsafe at any Speed". My age is showing.
  14. Have to say it but compared to the subhuman blob she was, Pauline is not that bad. It's all relative I guess - lowered expectations. I see she's still rocking that powder blue. I definitely recall that same color stretch pants in earlier episodes.
  15. My first was a' 61 Mercury Monterey, an old Cadillac wannabe that dropped parts or popped a hose every time I was out. Retread tires No seat belts. So you can see that the Monte Carlo I got years later was a big step up!
  16. LOL !! What was in those damn things anyway?? Undoubtedly something no longer legal.
  17. My first break car was a '76 Monte Carlo, wow I lived that darn car! Burgundy, white interrupt and white half vinyl roof. Not good in the NY show/ice though. And those doors! Yikes they must have weighed 200lbs.
  18. I don't ever want to hear the word EMOTIONS again this episode!!!
  19. Showing off that svelte new figure, eh Alicia?? Pleeeeeeeze keep the boobies a little more tethered.
  20. Watching rerun and my good gawd, Erica is the biggest mental disaster that's every been on this series. 3 weight loss surgeries, 3!!! Moved to TX, moving back so she can stalk Jimmy. For those on social media, do you know what's currently going on with her?
  21. Can't they go in their own if they feel they need more therapy? David must have insurance, he has a job. The dirty lowdown creep is looking for some easy settlement cash. Biker Babe must need more tats.
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