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Everything posted by Snarkastikate

  1. my first thought was holy shit don't tell me Charity actually got a damn JOB!!!! But then I snapped out of my coma.
  2. my first thought was holy shit don't tell me Charity actually got a damn JOB!!!! But then I snapped out of my coma.
  3. OMG I was right, Charity's arms are covered in new tats! And this is a lesson for all of us especially now. People need to be busy, they need to work. Without the ability to be productive, to support your family, there just is no point to anything. And then the boredom leads to drinking, drugs, food, crime, abusive behavior, etc. Ok I'll stop preaching now. Just my own thoughts.
  4. Teretha was bedbound but against all odds got herself up and walking. Now she's got her bedbound figure back, just sitting on her giant tooshie on the bed being cared for like the invalid she is again. And you know she isn't maintaining that weight by eating just the nursing home food....... What a damn shame, really. Meanwhile, Charity just got her 50th new tattoo.
  5. I kinda like Teretha but I'm not getting a good feeling. Oh no, not a long term care facility!!! You're giving up Teretha, no don't do it!! You'll be bored all day and order the take out deliveries! And what about your poor husband??
  6. OMG this absolutely disgusting trash woman!!!!! New big ass tattoo, no money for dentures or a dress to cover that drain bulb thing!!! I don't know how old Charity is, but looks like her mom was born in 1952 which makes her mom only 2 yrs older than me, meanwhile Charity looks at least 10 years older than I do! Trash trash trash
  7. Uh oh, Teretha is measuring her mobility in inches now. And I see she's missing some front teeth too. That Dr Now has such crazy mad skills, he can actually judge someone's weight by just seeing their head!!!
  8. Any bets on what that tat on Charly's chest is? Oh I'm so surprised that Charity is a drinker too. Oh that Teretha, playing with her phone while as the paramedics load her into the ambulance for a Dr appt.
  9. And she couldn't care less that the whole world sees that drain thing flopping around. Take a cue from your daughter, cover up those hideous legs with a long black tank dress or a pair of pants!!
  10. It's because she has no teeth. Entire structure of the face changes completely without teeth. Or dentures.
  11. That's one helluva lot of skin removal surgeries, yikes. Charity is really gumming, obviously no toofusses in that mouth. What a lesson for all who don't think that dental care is important. She looks like Mammy Yokum. I'm dating myself, yeah I know.
  12. Oh no, Jeanne repeat next. Dad dies when her and Mom were in Houston, she never had the surgery, they live in utter filth.
  13. Prediction:. Dottie goes back home and learns to live with the alcholism. And hubby learns to live with her obesity and smoking. DONE
  14. "It ain't all him is all I'm sayin'". LOL LOL LOL. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  15. The buttwings are sagging very low, holy shit! Wear a tunic Dottie, a long TUNIC.
  16. If the alcoholism is really that bad so that she had to send Landon to friends and she's actually considering leaving him, I actually do feel sorry for Dottie. It ain't an easy decision. As Dr Now with say, that's a bad situashun.
  17. Hmmm the top of Dottie's husband's head does look a tad small, which would cause the thing inside it to be smaller too maybe?? Then there's the glazed over alcohol look. Landon looks absolutely adorable. Dr Now just says she has the need to be needed by her children (well, child). Yup. Taking care of one adorable child shouldn't be so damned stressful, darlin'.
  18. I'm no Lola, but even I can see that Dottie's going to smother Landon to try to turn him into a child who needs his momma as much as her handicapped child did. That's going to be her grief counseling. And that ain't right.
  19. Pleeeez... I don't need any pearls of wisdom from the characters on TLC's semi- reality shows.
  20. Oh Cynthia, it's a copout to blame the kids. That can't be right! Because I blame my poor eating habits on the fact that I DON'T have kids! If I had kid's there's no way they be eating fast food more than once a week. Pinky promise.
  21. Kid v either forgot who his mama is, or he's scared of the cameraman. How long has she been gone? Still like like those butt wings with 600 lbs. Poor thing.
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