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Everything posted by Liddy52

  1. Let me say as a Southern woman, that we have some fine looking men. 😊 However, the ones with true class and intelligence would never dream of appearing on reality television.
  2. Did Amy not at least insinuate that she was something of a star? I do know that Mariah Brown of Sister Wives has referred to herself as a TV star on Social Media, but she thinks as highly of herself as Jeremy does of himself.
  3. The whole Kaylee being "oh so surprised" by the proposal is so stupid!!!! (Just like all these other "surprise proposals" on social media). Kaylee is standing in a big heart of silk? flowers. Why does she think that is there? There are all kinds of other flowers placed nearby. She may have known Johnathon and his family was in town. It is all just a performance with everyone involved playing their assigned roles.
  4. Why do we never see Willow wearing scrubs and having medical responsibilities at the hospital. I think she wore scrubs once or twice way back when she first started but not recently. I would think that she would be having increasing time doing hands on stuff. I think nursing students around here spend time doing clinical work and actually getting practical experience. We used to see Kiki in scrubs and actually working at the hospital while she was a med student. Maybe holier than thou Willow doesn't need to do all that demeaning and disgusting stuff. She can contribute just by blessing them all with her Corinthos superiority and telling everyone why they are wrong.
  5. JillRod's videos are frequently so blurry and she pans too quickly. It always gives me motion sickness watching them. I don't think that is the outcome she has in mind.
  6. I guess that is possible but it seems really strange, even for them! It seems though, if that was their plan, they should have used Isaac as Izzy's name. It is still a Biblical name that starts with "I". It is quite a coincidence that the names so far start with I.....S.....R. I guess time will tell, but that was very clever of you to catch the sequence.
  7. Please, please could it be Michael??? Joss would be my second choice but I would REALLY like Michael gone.
  8. I seem to remember one episode where he and some friends or relatives did ride motorcycles. They stopped at a bar and acted stupid it seems like and ordered water or something weird. It's been a long time since I've seen it, so I might be confused.
  9. What is Robyn's last statement in that 2nd clip? Is it, " She's part of my big 'pitcher' " ? If so, does that mean Robyn expects Christine ( and everyone else) to remain miserable just so the "pitcher" Robyn has in her head of what the family should be, will remain untarnished. Sorry to tell you Robyn, but despite your previous efforts ( the reinvented "pitcher" of Kody with her kids at a younger age), you cannot just paint the "pitcher " you like and have it become reality. If that was so, Christine could get out her crayons and paint a "pitcher" of Kody as a loving devoted husband for herself while you, Robyn languish in your trailer in "Yoming". And all of Meri's filtered "pitchers" would come true and she would be living with millionaire Sam. How very selfish and self-serving, arrogant and obnoxious it is for Robyn to think that everyone's life should conform to HER desires and everyone else be dammed. Please disregard the above rant if that is not what she said. If I misunderstood her, I guess it is because that statement seems to reflect her attitude and behavior.
  10. Spectrum has a lot of the previous episodes "On Demand".
  11. Fast Forward the rest but be sure and see Bailey returned to Brooklyn and Chase. I don't wish Maxie any harm, but those three are so sweet together and I dread the day Bailey goes back to Maxie.
  12. I really enjoyed Ned, Olivia, Chase and Brooklyn with Bailey Lou. It made me smile and it made me a little misty eyed. Like I have said before, I wouldn't complain if through some huge recon, they made Bailey truly belong to Brooklyn and Chase. Not going to happen, I know, but they do make a sweet family. I don't object to the name "Louise" generally but "Bailey" really fits that sweet baby better.
  13. Next year, I will have been out of college 50 years! I went year round and finished in 3 years instead of 4, but still, 50 years is hard to believe! In my mind I should only be about 50 years old!
  14. I agree that Brook Lyn broke my heart today with her anguish and very genuine grief. I could feel her absolute dread about having to break the news to Maxie, coupled with her fear for the baby. Also, her very natural feelings of guilt were touching. Chase was perfect with his decisive action, and his insistence that Maxie be told, all the while understanding Brook Lynn 's devastation and supporting her. I thought the actors hit all the right notes.
  15. I seem to remember that there was something about Anna saying that Carlin's husband (Evan???) had been at the car lot around the time the CP was downloaded. And someone (Anna??) suggested that maybe that showed that there were other people that could have been responsible or something like that. WOACB or someone speculated that perhaps Anna was suggesting it could have been Carlin's husband. I think the whole story was a bunch of conjecture which may or may not have happened. (Anna accusing Carlin's husband and Austin and Joy being upset) .And I may be completely remembering the discussion incorrectly.
  16. I honestly don't understand how someone truly believes that posting a picture like that is modest and Godly but wearing pants damns a woman to hell. And I do understand that rational thought is not something Jill appears to be capable of, but it still boggles my mind.
  17. Wonderful news!! Glad it turned out to be nothing abnormal!
  18. OH, @emmawoodhouse, you misled me! It seemed as if she droned on forever and said the same thing over and over and over! And then he started! That was a LONG 3 plus minutes to me.
  19. And he sits when she says "Sit" and "heels" when she says ""Heel"! He also speaks when she says "Speak!" He is well-trained and she tells him " There's a good boy", pats him on the head and throws him a treat.
  20. I didn't read all of Jill's long holier than thou diatribe, but at the end, she did again list her version of God's "rules". Included among them are men dressing as men and women dressing as women( or something to that effect) and women having long hair while men should have short hair. I think God has more important issues to focus on. Oops! This should be in the Sweet Fellowship thread because it refers to Jill Rod, but I don't have a clue how to move it!
  21. 🙏 for good results on your super special exam. I used to have to have follow up compression mammograms, ultra sounds, needle biopsies, surgical biopsies etc. quite frequently following mammograms. Fortunately, everything was always benign. One of the perks of getting older is that my breast tissue is less dense and it is easier to read the mammograms and additional tests aren't needed. Sending positive thoughts your way!
  22. I almost wish there was some way to retcon Bailey`s maternity and make her really belong to BLQ. BLQ has been a wonderful mother to Bailey and truly makes Bailey a priority. When the baby eventually gets back to Maxie, after being kidnapped by Peter, etc., poor little Louise will always be with Mac and Felicia. Maxie will return to her lifestyle of making one bad decision after another. BLQ has made her fair share of horrible life choices, but for some reason, I see her as having more potential for growth and being a really good mother.
  23. I just looked back at the clip of the opening of gifts and the gift Ari received does not appear to be pacifiers. It isn't obvious what it is, but it reminded me of some of the Melissa and Doug toys, like the wooden "paper dolls". That is just a guess. Also after saying "Was it her or her?," Ari says, " Thank you Savanah". Now I know we cannot really know the personality of any of the family members, but Savanah does not seem the type to give her little sister a gift to make fun of her. I think the original poster who asked if the gift was pacifiers was joking. I do agree with the consensus that it is time (or past time) the pacifiers were taken away, but I don't think the gift she opened in that scene consisted of pacifiers.
  24. You taught me a new word: opprobrious! I had to look up the meaning! A good adjective to describe Kody Brown.
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