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Everything posted by Liddy52

  1. My concern is that Carly will only be told that Nina knew Sonny was alive and withheld the truth from Carly. I think that the part where "Mike" repeatedly said he didn't want to know about his previous life and that he actively pursued Nina romantically will not be mentioned. Nor that he ranted that his family didn't try to find him. It is only going to be what a terrible awful disgusting person Nina is. Jax could set some of the record straight about Mike's complete disinterest in his previous life, but it is unlikely. Where is Jax anyway? He doesn't have any reason to linger in Nixon Falls.
  2. That is what I thought. If Carly had been truthful with Nina about all the Nelle stuff and had given Nina a chance to see Wylie, then Nina would have never gone to Nixon Falls and met Sonny there. Nina should have never kept the secret about Sonny but Carly (and Jax) should have never kept the truth about Nelle being her daughter from Nina. And should have never tried to keep Wylie away from Nina. But where was all the outrage against Carly for withholding information? It could be argued that Carly set the whole thing in motion.But as always, she will come out on top. And she will make Nina's life a living hell. And nary a word will be said about Carly's role in the fiasco. I am not excusing Nina's behavior, it was inexcusable, but so was Carly's.
  3. Nothing says getting off Social Media like posting about fertility tests and promising to post the results! Good grief! That is not something to share with the world. Not my business; I have no interest in learning about her fertility. Or his, if they test it also/instead.
  4. Sonny was screaming at Nina at the grave site about her being responsible for his poor family grieving for him there. But, didn't they already do the funeral/headstone blah blah junk BEFORE Nina went to Nixon Falls and found "Mike " and kept the secret. I remember something about Nina showing up at the cemetery and everyone being outraged that she dared do it during Carly's tragic loss, blah blah. So yes, Nina prolonged everyone's grief by not coming clean when she found out Sonny was alive. But they had already done the funeral, headstone etc. She was not responsible for that taking place.
  5. My original vaccine was Moderna. As of right now, I think only the Pfizer one is approved for boosters. (For ages 65 and over and high risk persons.) I remember someone here posted something about that it might be beneficial ( better protection) to get a different vaccine for your booster. Does anyone have any more information about that?
  6. Why is it obvious that Portia is Phyllis' daughter? I must have missed something! I don't watch every day, so maybe something happened that I didn't see. However, I do read here almost every day and I don't remember that being mentioned. Not trying to be argumentative, really curious!
  7. I agree, I did get a little teary eyed with Kristina. The rest of the time I was rolling my eyes.
  8. My impression of this episode was that it was a vanity project for MB/Sonny. How great he was, how no one could compare to him, that the sun didn't rise while he was gone. I greatly disliked how he told Carly that he always felt something was missing when just earlier in the same day (on the show) he declared vehemently how he didn't want to know about his past. Also, I don't know what all the big deal has been about him playing two such totally different characters. Sonny/Mike were exactly the same except that Mike wears flannel and Sonny dyes his hair. They are both arrogant, overbearing bullies. In PC, Sonny runs the mob, but given more time in NF, Mike would have had the whole town jumping to obey his commands.
  9. Ok, Clueless Old Lady here, I understand sending condolences and prayers but why "smoke"? And what is he MMIWGT2S? Not trying to be snark, just really not sure what those mean.
  10. I think it shows what a total nothing the Sonny reveal to Carly and Jason was; when most of the comments here are centered on Chase and Millow.
  11. YAY!!!! My first time ever suggesting a thread title and it wins!! It is TOTALLY SURREAL!!! Edited to add, I like the use of the ampersand (&), instead of "and". Kudos to whoever made that change! @Scarlett45 ???
  12. @lookeyloo, my husband just saw online that tonight's performance of Hamilton at the Fox was canceled. Something about results of Covid tests not coming back on time. People stood in line for 45 minutes in the rain before being told about the cancelation. They will be given tickets for next week. So glad that your family and my son and his wife got to see it last night without that complication.
  13. My son and daughter in law were there also. She said that it was packed which made her a little uneasy,but everyone was masked. Glad you got a chance to do this even if it was painful at times. I hope it brought you some good memories and it seems like a perfect tribute to Sweet Son.
  14. We know that Jana kicked poor Meechelle Duggar in utero, and we know that Timbits was a whiny toddler, but do we know what ( and Kaylee) did to earn such disdain from Best Momma Ever?
  15. I have served on a murder trial and a grand jury. Grand jury was very difficult because of a child molestation case involving very young children. It was interesting to see the process though with the more run of the mill cases. We also had to visit the jail and write up a report. The murder trial was strange. The victim was a known drug dealer (Gary) who was shot by his brother in law (Curtis) over a family argument. The court appointed lawyer for the defendant kept confusing the names of his client and the victim. It was quite obvious that Curtis, the defendant was at least of low average intelligence and maybe even lower. His lawyer never tried to make that point clear. The police did a TERRIBLE job of investigating. I learned later that they were just glad to have the drug dealer off the streets. Other people who were present during the argument that resulted in the shooting had the nicknames of Antdog and Lil' Stink(female). They were not called as witnesses but just referred to by the one young man who was called as a witness. Bless his heart, he was a sad case himself. When we went back to the jury room to deliberate, we were handed a brown paper bag with no explanation. When one of the jurors opened it, it contained a very bloody shirt which we assumed the victim had been wearing. However it was NEVER mentioned during the trial,nor entered into evidence. The whole thing was very bizarre and very different from any trial ever on any TV show. But maybe it was more what really happens in most cases. Or maybe it was just small town life.
  16. As someone who taught special needs children, I would agree he possibly does have special needs. Then again he might just have been a high spirited child or one with a lot of curiosity. We will really probably never know. We just know that he didn't fit in the cookie cutter mold, Jill wanted for him and he was frequently punished for not doing so.
  17. So good of you to show such kindness. Your graciousness helped make a bad situation a little easier for this lady.
  18. These are the Duggars you are talking about........don't give them any ideas! On the sign, the conception or the birth. If it would get their show back, they might go for it!
  19. That is an extremely awkward looking kiss to me. I am sure that if I was photographed kissing my husband, it would look equally as awkward. Which is why, we don't do any such pictures. I think they could have found another "pose" for this announcement. However, like others have stated, this is rather ho-hum news.
  20. Glad his Covid test was negative and I hope he has a speedy recovery from the flu. Flu can be pretty rough sometimes. I have seen all of the pharmacies advertising flu shots, and I was thinking that it was awfully early.......but it is September! I guess I better get mine soon. I usually do my flu shot at my doctor's office but my check up isn't until November and probably shouldn't wait that long. I wonder why the flu has started early, and if it is related to last year being a relatively mild year for flu cases.
  21. She doesn’t explain any of that, but does ask for prayers for Timothy as he continues to prepare to be a missionary pilot ( paraphrased).
  22. On Jill R's Facebook she has a post about taking lunch to Timothy at his job at the airport. It looks to be a rather small one like our local county airport.
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