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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. Haha, I've heard about (and seen) the terrible wig. I know very little about the show, but I kept hearing about the bad wig all over the place! I think I'll give it a shot because it has some people I like in it (Harry Lennix, Parminder Nagra, and Diego Klattenhoff). I don't think that I've seen James Spader in much of anything except Pretty in Pink and the Stargate movie. I gave Halt & Catch Fire a chance because of Lee Pace, but the three main characters really are assholes! Gordon started out OK, but then he turned in to such a useless sad sack. Donna is awesome, though, and I hope she gets a lot of focus in the new season. I'll probably watch again, but I'm not sure I'll enjoy it.
  2. Honestly, it seemed like people were willing to give Ray a chance at the start, but his intro was so problematic, and then the writers just kept piling on all of these questionable behaviors which did the character no favors. I'd probably overlook a ton of crap if Ray was played by a charming, charismatic actor, but he's not. The SA/CL fight scenes were pretty awesome. The stunts this season don't even compare to the stuff we saw last season, if you ask me, and I think part of that boils down to the fact that the show eliminated all of the actors who were able to do even a fraction of their own stunts. This season is a mess with being able to clearly see the stunt double's faces in scenes. These guys stumble into the most wonderful things and then just toss them all away. It's mind-boggling.
  3. This is why I was initially convinced that they wouldn't go the romance route with Ray and Felicity. I remember commenting that it didn't work out so well for Sara when they put her with Oliver...people turned against her pretty quickly. It didn't bother me too much because I just figured this was the EPs way of fulfilling the comic canon that has BC/GA together, but I was supremely pissed off by how much screen time Sara was getting towards the end of the season. And it pisses me off even more now, knowing that it was all for nothing.
  4. I'm thinking about watching the first season of The Blacklist. Does anyone out there recommend it? I don't want to waste my time if it sucks!
  5. When he says "episodes," I hope that Kreisberg means like AN episode of each show, because using Arrow to prop the Atom character for the spinoff has really hurt this show, IMO.
  6. That reader popularity table is kind of interesting. The lowest rated episode of the season was Guilty (Ted & Laurel episode) followed by Nanda Parbat (Ray has sex with Felicity and flies) and Canaries (Sara and Laurel). The highest rated episode was The Brave and the Bold (crossover event) followed by Public Enemy, and then a tie between The Secret Origin of Felicity Smoak and The Climb.
  7. On the one hand, I want Laurel to be the floater since it would reduce her role on Arrow. On the other hand, I quit watching this show because I just can't deal with her, so the thought of her ruining two other shows for me is not appealing. Hmm. Feedback for Laurel has not always been so kind, so IMO, this would be a risky move. Don't want Diggle or Felicity to be the floater, either. I'm basically 3/4 of the way out the door already, but I think that losing Felicity, in particular, would crush any tiny amount of investment that I still have. Since she's got a contract, I wonder if they could force EBR to move between shows like that if she didn't want to.
  8. Peggy and Stan forever! I wish Weiner would end the series with those two together, but I don't think it's going to happen :(
  9. It's weird what DC will allow and what they put the kabosh on. We can't have two Deadshots, but they'll allow this show to possibly kill Ra's al Ghul and have Oliver Queen become the new Ra's, leading the LoA. Does any of this stuff happen in the comics? Could Black Canary please show up in some new project? I mean, people will totally be confused by two Black Canaries, so buh-bye Laurel. ETA: But now that I think about it, maybe I read something on here that someone else took over the LoA. Hmmm. Confused.
  10. I have to wonder if someone was tasked with the job of reading some Olicity fanfiction and reporting back to the writer's room, letting them know what fans want to see in the love scene. Scar touching? Check! I've never seen the glasses removal thing in any of the stories I've read, but that's kinda sweet. One that I've seen a lot (which obviously isn't going to happen here) is Oliver removing Felicity's ponytail holder. I'd probably straight up murder a dude if he ripped my very thick really curly hair out of a ponytail holder, but to each their own, I guess. It looks like Oliver is possibly wearing a button down shirt (probably with a T-shirt underneath). I'm thinking that this love scene is going to be long, is what I'm saying. And I'm probably not going to be able to watch this live, ahhh! :(
  11. Well, I mean, we could always go the "we hate each other and were forced to marry, but I'm starting to have real feelings for you" route (no, please no). Can this Oliver/Felicity love scene really be episode 3.20 since it's not May? Wouldn't they save that for sweeps month (or at least that's what I've been reading all season long...no Olicity hookup until sweeps).
  12. I'm actually more worried about EBR. Is this the first love scene she's ever done? I hope they can sell it because my standards are high with this one. Don't let me down!
  13. I do have to say, though...it is quite cruel of them to have Felicity wearing glasses during the love scene. Like, Oliver takes her glasses off and then she's not going to be able to see a damn thing INCLUDING HIS GORGEOUS BODY. This does not seem fair.
  14. Yeah, I think I posted something about that a while back because it seemed...odd that SA was mentioning at Paley Fest that if Emily is ever showing off her shoulder, they have to put a scar on there from her bullet wound. Like, was he trying to give us a hint or something? IF an Oliver/Felicity marriage happens, I can totally see it being Felicity's idea.
  15. Haha. No, he's a wise man. He said that his favorite scene takes place on a jet in episode 3x20.
  16. So, what ridiculous excuse do we think the writers will come up with for having Felicity and Oliver marry? Only LoA members allowed! The exception to the rule is that a non-LoA member will be allowed only if they are a spouse?
  17. I guess I shouldn't have said "rushing it" since really, this has been like 2.5 years in the making. I mean to say that I'm not happy with the fact that we're going straight from a Ray breakup (presumably) to Olicity sex in the very next episode. Like, the writers should have broken Ray and Felicity up earlier this season and waited at least a few episodes before having Felicity jump Oliver. I mean, I'll take what I can get, but this pacing is sort of awful. Haha. So, is this our marriage consummation scene, then? Could be.
  18. I was watching this thinking that it was SA's favorite scene...forgot that he said that one takes place on a jet. I hate how they are rushing this, though, and this season is still craptastic and this is not enough to make me tune in since I can catch the sex scene on youtube.
  19. If you can't watch the clip, it looks like Oliver is in some fancy LoA honeymoon suite with candles. Felicity comes in and sits down. He removes her glasses and then later her shirt. He picks her up and takes her over to the bed where they show him lying on his back and Felicity with her hands on his naked chest. Somewhere in there she's removing her bra too. Pretty hot.
  20. What the?! Yeah, I really hope that Felicity is broken up with Ray before she sleeps with Oliver. I can't believe that they would spoil that so early. Perhaps they are worried about the recent declining ratings? I don't know.
  21. Ooh. Ray in a heap next to some garbage. Just where he belongs.
  22. I definitely prefer Carter away from her obnoxious friends (not including Max here). Not happy that that the show brought those three back (I don't even remember their names). It was very smart thinking during the Lori/Elizabeth scuffle for Carter to run away with the gun, remove the clip, and toss the weapon. People on TV never do intelligent things like that!
  23. Yeah, see, there's no doubt in my mind that season 4 will NOT be an improvement as long as MG is still attached to this show.
  24. But shouldn't Felicity be all cried out by now? How can her body even form tears at this point? I honestly don't get it because it's one of the things that people bitched about regarding Laurel last season.
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