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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. Yass! Just realized that Danny from The Last Ship was on Monday's Scorpion. Need to watch that soon, soooo pretty!
  2. Cisco could have brought Barry to save Team Arrow-less, and then we wouldn't even need Oliver Queen! Yeah, no, that's not going to work on a show called ARROW.
  3. So I have a question for anyone watching The Flash. Do you get the impression that the show's quality is gonna take a nosedive off of a cliff, as Arrow did (IMO) when AK and GB left for The Flash?
  4. I haven't been watching The Flash, but I've been reading reactions to the episodes this season. Did the LoT spinoff affect The Flash at all? What I mean is, when The Flash was given the go-ahead, Arrow lost Berlanti, Kreisberg, and some writers (I think?). Did LoT spinoff steal away any writers or producers from The Flash? I know MG is involved and I'm guessing maybe Berlanti?
  5. I want PeterMills back! I don't understand why the show let him go :( I couldn't believe the people who moved next door to Molly's. You move next to a bar in downtown Chicago and then have the audacity to complain about the noise? WTF?! I hope that Steven McQueen's acting has improved since TVD. He wasn't terrible on that show, but he always came off a bit wooden. I'm pretty sure that he and Chilli will be an item in like two episodes cause this show moves FAST.
  6. Regarding the speculation that Lance is the death. Sigh. Why do people have to die to give Laurel a storyline? Also, I DO NOT WANT THIS! No Lance means no more characters for Laurel to interact with outside of Team Arrow. Laurel in the lair all of the time? Boo!
  7. Did we ever find out who the floater is or is that not happening anymore??
  8. Thea and Laurel have been at this whole superheroing thing for all of five minutes, so the idea that that they should be able to participate in this new team "democracy" and make suggestions regarding planning, strategy, etc. is hilarious. Over here, we have Special Forces Diggle & "I survived five years of hell & torture" Oliver. And then over there we have newbies Laurel and Thea. Haha, no! And as we shall soon see, when Thea and Laurel are left to their own devices, well...people end up Lazarus Pitt-ed!
  9. I'm bitter that Oliver is no longer the leader, and the team shall now operate as a "democracy." That's a nice concept, but in reality, nothing would ever get done because they would spend too much disagreeing about what should get done.
  10. Watched a few previews and tomorrow's episode looks really boring. I think I'm only gonna watch to see Curtis's introduction. And, then of course I have to watch the third episode because I feel like that one's gonna be completely terrible and have a high potential for snarky comments. Last season kind of killed all of my enthusiasm for this show, bleh.
  11. I didn't watch the preview, but you're right. I thought he was talking about the season premiere, but he was talking about this week's episode (I was wondering why he mentioned them fighting together in the opening moments of the episode because that didn't actually happen last week). Reading comprehension is good.
  12. I guess Oliver is going to be pissed about Laurel digging up and pitting Sara. I see that MG answered this question, so I'm guessing it will amount to nothing because he oversells everything ever. How often are we left asking "What was that moment MG was talking about in this episode?? Did that happen??" Edited to fix reading comprehension FAIL.
  13. That's what makes the line so utterly stupid. Alex was crowing about how easy it is for her to read people, yet...terrorist. So, given what we know about the future, maybe reading people isn't as easy as she thinks? Dumb line by the writers, that's all.
  14. I did chuckle about the fact that in the locker room, Simon was speaking quite loudly about his "stalker" who was standing like 10 feet away, but the stalker somehow didn't manage to hear the conversation. Priyanka Chopra is sometimes really terrible with the emotional scenes. When she was breaking down about her father while Booth held her? No bueno. Loved Alex going off on Simon at Quantico. "I thought I knew you." Yes, you've been together all of three weeks, but you somehow already know the guy sooo well? Which brings me to my next point... "This will be easy. I've never had trouble reading people" says Alex before Miranda's class exercise. Hilarious, considering we know that one of these people she's never had trouble reading is a fucking terrorist!
  15. Oh yeah, that was the scene where Dig kept telling her "Let's go" (or something similar), and I was wondering why she wasn't running away. Realistically, they should tie her hair back, but I know they're not going to do that for aesthetic reasons. In a real fight, no way your opponent wouldn't just grab onto all of that hair, which would surely hurt like hell!
  16. My guess is that the stunt double is flinging her hair around so we can't see her face, but it's kinda distracting. I mean, we can see all of the other stunt double's faces, so I don't know why they are bothering with it. And while I'm talking about that, man what happened with this show and stunts?!. They were so much better in the first two seasons and I don't remember ever being able to get a good clear look at the stunt double's faces (they weren't even trying with the Ra's cliff fight last season).
  17. I actually don't think it's a stretch to expect that we might see a more physical Felicity this year. She's been living with Oliver for a few months now, maybe he's taught her a few moves. Teaching her a couple of things to protect herself wouldn't be a bad idea, I think.
  18. Does Earth-2 Laurel/Dinah look completely different than our current Laurel? If yes, I'd be fine with this insane plot development.
  19. I think that there's no way that the death is Laurel, but could you imagine? Laurel digs up Sara's rotting corpse and hauls her to Nanda Poorbutt to revive her in the Lazarus Pit, but Laurel dies and they're all eh, she's gotta stay dead. Though, I'm guessing that this show will come up with some never-before-mentioned reason that the LP can only be used just this once for Sara, otherwise in six months, we'll all be asking why we can't just throw the dead person in there.
  20. I was zoning out...did Laurel actually lift the kid, or did she just help him stand up? If it's the second one, the "you're so strong" thing doesn't make sense, but OK. (The gifs look like she is just helping him stand).
  21. Learning that Matt Bomer is a part of AHS peaked my interest for two seconds, but then I went over to that show's forum and read the comments. Nope, nope, nope. Can't do it. It sounds WORSE than the horror that was the little bit of Nip/Tuck that I watched. Ryan Murphy's head is full of the stuff nightmares are made of!
  22. WHY do I keep seeing American Horror Story commercials with Lady Gaga in them? Is she an actress now? Is she the main character in this season of American Horror Story? So confused. This is beyond bizarre.
  23. OK, so I'm seeing a lot of votes for Quentin being the one to die this season. I don't want this because 1.) Paul Blackthorne is a lovely, lovely man. 2.) The producers looooooove that Lance family drama. No more Quentin on Arrow means no more Lance family on Arrow (well, we still have Dinah, but ewww no). This means all "Lance family drama" now becomes "Laurel drama." Hell no!
  24. Had season 3 never happened, I could probably take the Who's dead??? six month flash forward, but that one little scene just destroyed all the positive feelings that I had for the rest of the season. I don't want to spend another season pissed off! ETA: Oh, they don't know who is in the grave yet? Wow, that just makes things so much better. These assholes.
  25. Watched live. Haven't been watching sneak peeks, reading interviews, or following spoilers too closely. Had zero expectations going in, and it seemed to work best that way. If the rest of the season continues this way, I'll be happy enough. Love the addition of Thea to the team. She's adorable! KC's stunt double flings her hair around too much when she's fighting...hope someone tells her to stop doing that. So, Thea and Laurel ask Oliver for help, and then stand around looking pissed off when he starts to tell them what they need to be doing. That's a bit asshole-ish of them. Oliver's "happy voice" is awfully high-pitched. Diggle's helmet looks really stupid, and I hate the Arrow's new costume. The short sleeves are terrible! Damien Darhk seems more like a single episode villain than an entire season villain. Yeah, I'm gonna get tired of him quickly. The "I am the Green Arrow" moment was cheesy as hell and would have sounded so much better if we heard it through the voice modulator instead. Wow, what a terrible hiding spot for the ring, Oliver. If that is Felicity's grave, I think I will have to rage-quit this show forever. Damn it, Arrow, you were doing so well. This actually makes me reconsider watching because I don't feel like worrying about who is in the grave for an entire effing season.
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