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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. Finally watched the LoT trailer. Yeah, even if the show didn't feature Ray, I don't think I'd watch cause I'm really not keen on the time traveling aspect of LoT. Wow, the guy who plays Vandal Savage looks super cheesy to me. Hope he's not another major casting fail (see Ghul, Ra's al). Keep in mind that I have no knowledge of comics whatsoever, but for some reason, I thought that Hawkgirl and Hawkman were brother and sister! Whoopsie. I'm also a bit worried about the acting ability of the young guy who is playing the other half of Firestorm. I don't know who he is, and I've never seen him in anything, but he was a bit iffy in that trailer. Arthur Darvill seems to be playing the role of Rip Hunter a bit overdramatic...he wasn't like that in the other shows I've seen him in. Wasn't there that bizarre interview where KC talked about how she asked Atlin Mitchell to move like Sara because Laurel and Sara are sisters or some such nonsense? I guess Atlin is just doing as she was asked.
  2. I watch a ton of TV, but I'm sooo far behind on most shows (like 4+ episodes behind on many of them). I'm not sure I'll ever be able to catch up because my DVR is practically full (it currently has 11% space left), and I'm actually afraid the thing will die before I get through everything on there. I'm really hoping I can eliminate a lot of stuff when shows go into reruns in December, but the outlook is not so good :(
  3. I'm not watching LoT (because of my resentment of Ray Palmer and annoyance with the use of Arrow as a spin-off launching pad), but I'm curious to find out who the stand-outs among the cast will be. I feel like Sara will be the most popular, by far (just my opinion). With as much time and money that was spent trying to make Ray Palmer happen, I'm sure that the EPs are hoping he's a hit, but I've never seen a ton of enthusiasm for the guy. IF Sara is the most popular, I wouldn't be surprised if they try to pair her with Ray romantically in hopes that some of her popularity will rub off on him. I mean, that's exactly what they did with Felicity/Ray, so...
  4. Ha, I always thought that Pajiba referred to Laurel as "Lawwrel" to make fun of the way that Quentin says her name. That's all I hear now when he speaks to her. Lawwrel. I can't unhear it!
  5. Hmm. JJ Abrams is the lovely man who gave us a time traveling Felicity, Alias zombies, and a Lost ending that completely ruined the entire show, right? Pretty sure I have severe trust issues when it comes to him. Happy to hear about Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. Rebecca can be utterly insane, but I want to see where the Rebecca/Greg stuff is going.
  6. People must be saints, because if I stood in line for someone who showed up two hours late (without a valid reason for that happening), I would be piiiiissed. I mean, I'm generally very polite, so I wouldn't say anything or cause a scene, but I would be seething with rage. I'm not sure how actors do these cons. I'm not a fan of people in general, and the thought of having to hug/kiss/interact/take photos with complete strangers sounds like the stuff of nightmares.
  7. Moving away from Jessica Jones for a second since I don't have Netflix (so jealous of all you people who have a decent internet connection). Watched Agent X last night, and Zed from Constantine was on there. The male lead on Agent X is named John as well, so I thought that was a bit funny. Finally got around to watching the Into the Badlands pilot. It was kinda cheesy but interesting enough that I'll keep watching. I like the lead, Sunny, and yay! Madeleine Mantock (Astrid from The Tomorrow People) plays his girlfriend/a doctor. I'm not sure they advertised this show well enough, because I had absolutely no idea what it was about when I sat down to watch it.
  8. Didn't KC say something about Laurel getting some more training from someone (who we assumed will most likely be Sara)? I guess that means she's going over to LoT to spar with Sara? I'm wondering if that's just happening once, or if it will be a recurring thing?
  9. Sarcasm only works well for humorous characters like Roy, I think. Laurel's sarcasm reads as vitriol to me, so I'd rather they lighten her up instead.
  10. Yeah, I thought that Laurel was a goner in season two as well. Her love interest role was taken away, her BC role was given to another actress, and there was that blind item about a B/C list actress being written out of her role due to diva behavior. And then there was the most bizarre thing of all...she went completely media silent, rarely giving interviews about the show or tweeting about it, etc. Well, now I know that was because she was throwing a season long temper tantrum over the EPs bringing in another actress to play BC. Perked right up when she got that damn leather jacket, didn't she? I think there's like a 1% chance that it's Laurel in the grave. But the only way I could see it happening is if KC voluntarily leaves the role for something that she perceives as better. So, unless the CW is giving her a starring role on her own show, I think we're stuck with her :(
  11. Man, Supergirl is really going overboard with the love triangle stuff (or love polygon, maybe?). Just read that
  12. Melissa Benoist's husband is joining Supergirl as a "potential new love interest" for Kara. I thought we already had an annoying love rectangle going with Jimmy, Lucy, Winn, and Kara. Now we're going to stuff another person in there?! Bleh.
  13. How does that work? We're supposed to believe that someone is injured in the December cliffhanger and then dies in April? Confused. I'm all for them making it seem like Felicity is the death, though. Then we can look forward to bathing in the tears of those whose dreams are crushed when they realize it was all misdirection.
  14. I don't pay much attention to ratings anymore. Even the crappiest crap of Arrow crap seems to do fine ratings-wise, so I guess that the show must have a pretty loyal audience at this point. But I think you can tell what the showrunners believe is popular by watching how they treat their characters. My guess is that if you're often front and center in the episode, have plenty of screen time, have multiple narrative roles and quality storylines, the EPs and/or network are invested in your character because they know the audience is invested in your character. If you don't have those things, well, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  15. I think Diggle is great, but...yeah, I don't think I've ever really enjoyed any of the episodes that have been promoted as his. This one, the Suicide Squad one, and I think there was another one early on in season 3? Meh. I find it unfortunate that Bam-Bam is getting so much positive feedback from the media regarding his directorial debut, because it probably means we'll see him direct another episode at some point in the future. I would tell him to stick to his day job, but I don't even think he's so great at that, either. When they showed all of those yellow pills, I thought of the fish oil pills over on SHIELD, ha. Actually, a SHIELD/Arrow crossover would be pretty cool. I'd love to see GA team up with Mockingbird. Outside of Sara, she's who I think of when I envision what BC should have been. As others have mentioned, Laurel really has nothing going on. Is she just going to be in a holding pattern until Arrow starts up again after the midseason break? I have no idea (and no, I still don't think she's gonna die next year).
  16. Well, if you're impressed by stunt sequences, I guess this is the episode for you. Not necessarily my thing, I'm afraid. HATED how the shipping container action sequence and the Thea elevator action scene were shot. Sadly, I was pretty bored and found my mind wandering A LOT. Did laugh at Felicity whispering to Oliver about how he usually spends his evenings dressing in leather and tying people up. The face of the lady that overheard was hilarious!
  17. "With almost a dead police department" Okay, that phrasing is terrible!
  18. The second hour of OUaT last night was pointless. I hate the Brave stuff, it's soooooooo boring. Don't know if anyone is watching The Last Kingdom (I'm three episodes behind, so no spoilers), but I'm really enjoying it so far, and I'm usually not into stuff like that. Plus, the main guy (Uhtred) is not so bad to look at! Agent X is okay so far. I guess Jeff Hephner's 40 now, but it was crazy to see how gray he's become. I think he's one of those guys that look better with age, mmm hmm.
  19. With regards to lodging options for Ray, do you suppose Laurel still has those chains in her basement? Just wondering...
  20. Retyping this as the forum ate my post! Ugh. The November Witch took out my satellite for like 20 minutes of the last half hour (went out in the middle of the dinner scene), so I feel like I missed some pretty important stuff...oh well. While I'm not happy with how Felicity was written (or maybe how EBR played her??) this episode, she's still my fave, and I'm sure things will be better next week. In the future, I would prefer if she directs that intense anger and vitriol at someone deserving, like Malcolm. I am thankful that Oliver reacted so well to being the punching bag (don't need to see season 3 asshole Oliver again), but I'm ready to go back to rainbows and unicorns and puppies. After season 3, my tolerance for misery, or negativity, or inharmonious O/F is not very high.
  21. Tator Tot Ray brings out the worst in Felicity, I swear. I was not a fan of the passive-aggressiveness or bitchiness this episode. Reminded me too much of season 3 Felicity, who I was generally not a fan of. Thought the episode was boring and a let-down, actually.
  22. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the dog. When Alison was gassing the house in an attempt to kill herself, I thought, Surely she tied Boris outside, because she wouldn't want to kill her beloved dog as well, right? RIGHT?! Nope. Why, Alison? Why would you do that?! BAD.
  23. Oh my gosh, the comments this week are hilarious! The final exam was the dumbest thing ever. It cracked me up that Brandon was labeled as a "coward" because he didn't admit that he hadn't received a blank page. Overreaction much?! A more appropriate response would have been something like, "You made us waste valuable time figuring that out. Thanks a lot, jackass." I don't get why the analysts were part of this test, and honestly I would think that a good FBI agent would tell an analyst to get the hell out of there since their intelligence deciphering skills would be more valuable if they were, you know, alive. I would also think that a good FBI agent would make a run for it when encountered with a bomb that is impossible to disarm, but no, apparently you are expected to stand there and die. Man, they really misused Rick Cosnett here. He's a cutie in real life, but he was a creeper on Quantico. Yuck. Ha, I thought the guy in the picture with Liam was Grayson from Drop Dead Diva. So glad it's not! But...I'm not sure Jonathon Schaech is much better? Earlier in the season, I thought something was said about Simon being kicked out of Quantico for something to do with a bomb. Perhaps the FBI will be questioning him shortly on exactly WHY he knew how to disarm a bomb.
  24. Reverend Collingborne is a lovely man, BUT if something SHOULD happen to him, I would not be opposed to his wife pairing up with the handsome lodger that tried to kiss her. Stan Jr. continues to be a fine young man, keeping Laura's secret, telling his mother that she did a good job with the farm paperwork, teaching Isobel to milk the cow, etc. Fingers crossed that Bob goes "missing" in the field, never to be heard from again. I look forward to seeing Pat shine in his absence. Oh goodness, the butcher's wife is going to have a baby? That poor, poor child. I can imagine her hovering over the child, freaking out if she has to be separated from him/her (for school, etc.), having a coronary if the child gets a little scrape or bruise, etc. The woman has some major problems, and I'm not sure that a child to replace the one she lost is what she needs right now. She needs therapy!
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