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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. I actually missed all of the Joey/Pacey stuff because after season two (I think?) we lost the WB channel through our satellite provider, I guess. I remember seeing a few seasons of Felicity and a season of Jack & Jill (I periodically check for the DVDs of that show, but I guess I'll never get to see how it ended). Luckily, DC reruns started airing on TBS while I was still in school, so I taped ALL of the episodes on VHS and marathoned the whole thing years after the show had already ended, ha. Now if I can just find Jack & Jill...
  2. I'm confused. The Dinah Laurel Lance BC didn't have training as an assassin, and her mother never wore the jacket before her. What the hell?
  3. Looks like we were thisclose to getting a Dawson/Joey pairing there at the end. Thank goodness that didn't happen! Dawson was such a pretentious douche and I'm just now finding out he was modeled after Kevin Williamson? Oh my.
  4. Hopefully, Sara choking her out with some chains also helps her purchase a clue. OMG, this storyline is cracking. me. up.
  5. i just need to show her some family photos, and that will fix everything! LOL, no Laurel.
  6. Imagine that...Laurel is crossing her arms in the comic preview. It's one of those things that once you notice it, you can never unnotice it. Ahhh!!!
  7. I missed the beginning of the episode. Did anyone see what month it was? Poor doctor's daughter, she went from married to widowed in the span of a month or two, it seems. Her husband has died, her father is dying, her sister is going to get herself into trouble, I'm sure...I hope we don't add a surprise! baby into the mix. I'm interested in watching Teresa teach Steph and Stan to read. When Stan Sr. went off to fight, the Farrows should have come up with some sort of plan regarding where Steph could go to get help reading correspondence and such. I guess he didn't plan on writing to her while he was away? I'd like Claire to stay away from Spencer. Rather than just tell her the truth that he had to go before a tribunal for being a conscientious objector, he let her find out from the gossip floating around town. Add that to the fact that he was involved with some other girl when he was making plans with Claire, and I don't think I want to root for them. Oh, Pat. I feel like this might blow up in her face if Bob finds out what she's doing. Then he'll be really mad and hurt her even worse, probably. How about a sedated Bob takes a little nappie nap while everyone else takes off for the bomb shelter? Lights out, Bob. Edited to correct name from Daisy to Claire
  8. They're in a tough spot because IMO, they don't seem to want Laurel working too closely with Oliver, but they also don't want her eating up too much airtime with an independent storyline. They haven't figured out how to balance the two, I guess.
  9. Nah, I don't think that there's going to be some surprise! reveal that Laurel has become unhinged or anything like that. Sure, the stroking of the coffin was a bit strange, but I just figured that was an acting choice made by KC. Personally, if I was trying to analyze why in the world they chose to have Laurel bring Sara back, I'd go with Occam's Razor: Laurel needed a storyline. That's probably the extent of the EPs thinking on that one. Hey, Sara needs to come back to life, and we need to find SOMETHING for Laurel to do for the next four months...hmmm...I think I've got it! As for why they're going about this in such a terrible manner? Yeah, I've got nothing.
  10. Hilarious! And ughh, I had totally forgotten about that itty bitty creeper, but of course it's him. Fingers crossed that he's only showing up for an episode max. Did the writers forget that Quentin spent half a season last year in the dark about his daughter's death because his fragile heart couldn't handle the news that she was gone? Did Quentin's heart magically repair itself? I mean, I don't want to go through that ridiculousness again, but it seems a bit out there that we're supposed to believe that he won't drop dead of a heart attack next week when he's
  11. How fun for Lance that he'll find himself in some really messed up version of Old Yeller next week. He's probably going in the grave at the end of the season anyway, but good thing his heart is apparently A-okay now or this would surely kill him. Forever laughing at Laurel thinking it's a good idea to turn her back on her murderous bloodthirsty sister. Sorry, but you deserve to get choked out if you're that careless.
  12. Oh, Bob. Do us a favor and choke to death on a fish bone or something. What a terrible excuse for a human being. Poor Alison would have been better off to break down and admit to stealing the WI money than to agree to cook the books. If she had just told the ladies what she had done in her desperation, I imagine they would have helped her out. Wow, it seems like the doctor's daughter married awfully quickly. She met her now-husband when Alison's dog was injured. Now, I'm not sure how much time has passed, but Alison just received the bill from the vet, so it can't have been long. He seems sweet, so I'm hoping that all works out for her.
  13. I'm fine with Diggle getting stuck in Laurel Land because I'm hoping it will keep her away from my other faves. I love you, Diggle, but someone has to draw the short straw! Sorry, man. It's unfortunate that the show is bonding these two with this stupid secret, though, and I'm sure that it'll probably blow up in Diggle's face somehow. Not talking to each other seemed to cause an awful lot of problems last season, but I guess Team Arrow is trying to forget season 3 just as much as I am.
  14. Put my vote down in the "Bob has to go" column. He's terrible and I would root for his wife to poison him, but I don't want her to get into trouble, so...hit-and-run it is, I guess. I'm totally confused, so I must have missed something. This show has two sisters, Sarah and Frances, I believe. Frances is the new president of the WI. But what is going on with Sarah? She was talking to that very cute lodger about how she didn't like the lamp that he broke anyways, and it was a gift from her husband's mother (I think?). Is her husband dead? Was that her father sitting next to her? Whatever's going on, I'd like to see more of that lodger, please. imdb tells me that his name is Nick and I will, indeed, see more of him, so yay!
  15. Yeah, I went to check the Nielsen's twitter trends yesterday and noticed that Arrow wasn't there. Every season two episode made Wednesday's top five list last season, I'm certain of that because I was actually keeping track of that during the second season.
  16. Did anyone watch Crazy Ex-Girlfriend? I really had no intention of watching, but someone in this thread mentioned rave reviews, so I gave it a shot. I had absolutely no idea that it was a musical comedy, and I'm not too crazy about that, but the songs are funny. The first ten minutes, I was kind of meh, but it got much better after that. I don't care much for Josh (the ex-boyfriend of the main character), but I already know I'm going to be shipping the lead and the bartender. I'm in.
  17. In the Laurel crosses her arms drinking game, we'd all be massively drunk by the half-way point of the episode. But I guess if the director is okay with it, we're never going to get anything different.
  18. Yum, I thought JR Bourne looked quite sexy in the preview for next week's Arrow. I love a good Villain of the Week episode. Can't wait for Constantine, I imagine we'll get some great snark coming off of him. Fingers crossed for more hilarity.
  19. Oliver, Diggle, Felicity, and BC. Not Laurel, but BC. Maybe there is something in the theory that the show is treating Laurel and Black Canary as two separate characters. How bizarre.
  20. Last season, I probably would have been fuming about the Laurel ridiculousness. Now, I just laugh and laugh...and laugh! I'm not sure if the writers hate her, or if they think we'll be all yay, thank you Laurel, for bringing Sara back or what. I really have no idea why they write her like this, but I've reached the point where it just entertains me. Just loved Oliver getting the blame for setting that dude on fire. Obviously he's not going to say that his sister did it, but I'm so very sick of him accepting responsibility for everyone else's fuck-ups.
  21. Haha, that's probably why my request was ignored. I thought it was a weekly thing, didn't realize most forums just do the live chat a few times per season. Constantine will now be on El Rey Network starting November 3rd if anyone wants to get a feel for the character. That channel also got the show Almost Human, as well.
  22. I did PM the Mods earlier this afternoon to ask for a live chat thread. Haven't heard anything, thought maybe they'd post a note or something, so I don't know if that's happening tonight or not. I see that Teddy Sears has joined The Flash. I remember him from that Raising the Bar show with Saved By the Bell's Zach. I shipped Teddy Sears' character with Gloria Reuben's character, but I don't think their relationship got much development before that show was cancelled :( Maybe a kiss or something, I can't recall. Eh, still not enough to make me check out The Flash again.
  23. Without the wig, you just know there's gonna be people out there who can't tell whether it's a flashback or present-day...
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