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Everything posted by SonofaBiscuit

  1. Alright, the last Veil movie. It seemed a little cruel to make the ladies trek around in wedge heels. Lacey looked really unsteady climbing those steps! There was literally no reason for Lacey’s and Autumn’s characters to crash the Greek honeymoon. No reason except for the actresses to get a Greek vacation, LOL. It was kinda odd that the name Leo was being pronounced two different ways. Wouldn’t most people repeat it just as they’ve heard? The British guy was really familiar, and I know I’ve seen him before. Must Google that, I guess.
  2. Add me to the list of people who found it strange that Bode’s ex explained the procedure to Jake, instead of doing it herself. I thought it was weird that Sharon didn’t wonder what Manny and Bode were out and about doing when they came upon the motorcycle crash. That would have ruined Bode’s surprise (he got tested, and he’s a match, yay) though, I guess. It was so funny to me that the biker with the grudge was just riding around in the woods near Three Rock after he started the fire, apparently. Seems like that would have been cumbersome. Sigh, stop trying to make Gabriella and Bode happen, show. Every time I think they are doing a course correct (like introducing Bode’s ex as a possible love interest last week), they turn around and push the two of them closer. Bleh. What is with this show writing the firefighters chatting as someone’s life is in peril? That poor guy’s leg was grilling underneath the motorcycle while Bode and Gabriella were wasting time talking about their families!
  3. If that was the end, I guess it was satisfying enough. AJ deserved to be happy with Mina, though. Wish they could have made that happen 😩 Bell passing his stethoscope to Leela was supposed to be meaningful, but it fell flat since I guess I don’t really recall him mentoring her all that much? I’m kinda sad for Devon that he’ll probably never have those kids he’s always wanted. I loved him with Leela in the beginning, but I thought they should have broken up when they disagreed about having children. It felt like they never resolved that issue.
  4. Boooo! Autumn's installment of the second batch of Wedding Veil movies was the one I was most looking forward to, but too much time was wasted on Emma/Paulo being apart, as well as her teaching assistant's romance with Carlo Marks' character. I was so distracted by the cheetah print dress that Alison Sweeney's character was wearing. It had some black fabric draped over one shoulder and I didn't understand. Was it part of the dress? Did she just throw some black material over one side for no reason? What??? LOL, now the girls are going to crash Alison Sweeney's Greek honeymoon? How bizarre. If I was her husband, that would annoy me!
  5. I’m super intrigued. Science teacher (Evan Williams’ character) knows some stuff, obviously. Any guesses regarding what happened to Kat’s dad and brother? Did they die at the same time? Did the brother “drown” in the pond and the dad died trying to save him? That would be crazy if Jacob made his way through the pond portal and is actually alive. There would have to be some reason why the body was never found, though. Can anyone travel through the pond, or is it just The Landrys/their ancestors? Who do you suppose the lady being chased in 1814 was? Could have been Ali, could have been a younger version of Andy MacDowell’s character, could have been someone else. So many questions!
  6. Geez, you don’t even get your parole day off?! Charlie was apparently expected to work the program until noon instead of spend his last day just chilling. Bummer. Are they introducing another Bode love interest? Just give me Olivia Cooke…I know that Max Theriot has chemistry with her. On medical TV shows, it always seems like the worse your kidneys are, the faster you go to the top of the transplant list. So I guess I’m confused by the fact that Sharon’s numbers were so bad she was ineligible for a transplant, but whatever. Yay, Sharon is a candidate for Bode’s kidney now.
  7. I just started watching this show last week and am caught up to this episode. Some thoughts: Joe - Literally the only reason I took a chance on the show. Netflix kept recommending the show to me, and then I stumbled upon a Joe/Georgia video online. I recognized the actor from a Hallmark Christmas movie I watched and enjoyed last year. LOL, how is Joe single? He is cute, funny, lives on a farm, and is employed. I would absolutely be at his restaurant/cafe on a daily basis. BTW, did you know that Joe and Padma are brother and sister in real life? Paul - Seems like a nice guy. Got a little weird for a second there last season when he was speaking to Georgia about the two of them craving power or whatever, but he doesn’t seem like a bad person. He’s great with the kids (especially Austin) and should be a good stepdad (if the wedding actually happens), but Georgia will probably blow up his entire life. The Teens - Assholes. -Max is so damn hyper/overdramatic/over-the-top. I really hope Sophie doesn’t get back together with her…that voicemail Max left Sophie after their breakup was SO cringey. -Marcus just grosses me out with the way he and Ginny first hooked up last season and kept sneaking around behind Padma and Hunter’s backs. -Ginny…sigh. She became increasingly unlikeable as the show went on. Her mother told her about being abused and molested, she was sympathetic for like two seconds, and then she became more of an asshole. She has alerted Austin’s dad to their whereabouts, which will probably be a disaster. She stole Marcus’ motorcycle and took off with her brother in tow. She knows her mother’s a murderer (bad, yes), told her boyfriend, and keeps hanging it over Georgia’s head. WTF, take therapy seriously and get some help. Sending your mother to prison for murder is not going to make your life better. Oh how I wish the show would significantly reduce the teens screen time. They’re awful! Georgia - I wish they would write Georgia as more savvy than they have been. Stealing money from the mayoral account and then depositing it all back?? LOL, I am sure that’s not going to majorly blow up in the future. I thought her scams would be more sophisticated, I guess. Also, how does she not realize that Joe has it bad for her? I really would expect her to be more observant than that. The twins’ mom is great - I love her, and their dad seems like a nice guy. What did they do to deserve such shit kids?! Anyway, I wish the show would ditch the kids (even Ginny) and focus on the adults. But I know that’s not going to happen 😩
  8. The funny line about the accent is in like the last minute of the movie, after “The End” flashes on the screen. The characters are being interviewed about their relationship, for some reason. Alison Sweeney’s character made multiple comments about not ending up with children, so I hope they stick with that. Not everyone wants kids, so I don’t need to see some storyline in her movie where she unexpectedly finds out she’s pregnant.
  9. Meh, I watched, but I’m not sure I needed another round of The Wedding Veil movies. Before the movie started, I was thinking to myself, Hmm, Maybe Kevin McGarry dropped the terrible accent. LOL, nope! It’s still there. There is a really cute, hilarious little moment referencing the accent at the end of the movie (that I won’t spoil), though. I know they’re rich and all, but Lacey’s character came across as way too into sparing no expense fixing up their house. At one point, she also told her husband they needed to buy a mini van because of some lie she told an acquaintance! Meanwhile, he was super stressed out and losing his shit about all of the house’s issues, and I am not sure she really noticed much. Wasn’t a good look. Anyways, I didn’t care much for the movie or all of the mentions of baby brain/pregnancy symptoms/pregnancy hormones. So. Many. Mentions! I like Paulo, so I hope the next installment is better (but my hopes are super low since I can’t think of any Hallmark movie where later installments were an improvement on the first movie).
  10. My issue with Jimmy is that last season, he made terrible, dumb, life choices. I may be misremembering, but didn’t he participate in a rodeo, get injured, and have John tell him stop? And then his stupid ass kept at it and nearly got himself killed? Also, he was dating that annoying barrel racer. Dumbass. And watching episode after episode of “Jimmy Becomes a Real Cowboy at 6666 Ranch” did NOT endear him to me, unfortunately.
  11. Did I find this episode interesting?…No But was I happy to see Jimmy again?…Also NO! Ha ha, seriously, I am glad Jimmy is doing well and is content with a seemingly nice lady who isn’t trying to get him killed by pushing him into the rodeo life, but I got more than enough of him last season. Don’t need to see him again, thanks. But the fact that John is sending his cattle to the Texas panhandle, and 6666 Ranch is in Texas, leads me to believe we will see Jimmy again (boo!). I have been fast-forwarding the episodes, so I may have missed some things! Beth should just leave and go live with Rip for the next year. It would probably be good for her anger issues. l can’t believe these people were having very loud conversations about their body dumping ground! I’m sure the lady in Jamie’s bed didn’t hear a thing, LOL. This show wastes such valuable time on stupid things that we don’t need to see. Last episode made it clear that they were going to disappear the body of the guy young Rip ended up killing. No need to expand more on that or on young Rip being branded. I also don’t need to see endless scenes of everyone on horseback driving cattle. That stuff just seems like filler that sucks up screen time. The writers (or is it just TS??) seem to have run out of ideas.
  12. I hate the Manny gambling/money issues storyline. It came out of nowhere and now his daughter is mothering him, which is annoying. Uh, for these people being firefighters, there isn’t always a lot of urgency. Last episode, they got a respiratory distress call, and Jake and Gabriella were responding to the call just strolling on in while Gabriella was going on about her dad’s credit card debt. Like hurry the fuck up, someone can’t breathe! This episode two kids are hanging off a bridge and there Gabriella is again crying about her dad. Not to mention a bunch of other firefighters standing around chatting while these kids in the car wait to fall over the edge. If I was their parents, I would have been pissed! The flashback scenes to Riley’s death were just way over the top. Yikes, some of the acting there was not great. That was gross that Vince’s brother tried to make a move on Sharon. WTF is wrong with you, man?! Yeah, we all know Bode isn’t dying in that fall. Hopefully his kidneys make it out OK - Sharon will be needing one soon. I think this was the worst episode so far…I didn’t care for it at all!
  13. Luca is whiny and mumble-y, and I wish they would have killed him off at the end of season one instead of leaving him on this health roller-coaster, LOL. It was a strange choice to ignore Thony and Arman's fantastic chemistry the entire season. We got Marco out of the picture pretty early on when he took a header down the steps, and the show brought in Nadia's ex-boyfriend...only so nothing could happen between Thony and Arman. It's been weird. All Nadia needs to do now is inject something that'll kill Kamdar into his IV. Thony would know what untraceable drug to use and could probably even procure it for her. Otherwise, yeah, she probably doesn't make it out alive.
  14. Boriiiiing. Let's see...John dodged his Governor's duties, Beth and Summer beat the crap out of each other, we took a useless little Josh Lucas story detour, and everyone prepared for next episode's cattle branding ride. Seemed like a waste of an hour to me. I don't know why I watch, but I do (while doing productive things like getting ready for work, etc.)! I don't hate Beth (I certainly don't like her, though), but Rip should probably leave her. His entire existence is basically "If Beth is happy, I am happy." She'll just do whatever she wants, and you'll live with it because it makes her happy?? Nah, that wouldn't work for me!
  15. Bye, Chris. I've been side-eyeing you since you hummed Lucy's death song. Don't care that you've been dumped! OMG, I hope Celina is not sticking around beyond this season. Auras and dark energy and interpreting your dreams to solve your case, etc...nope! It's such a strange choice made by the writers??? Sadly, Nathan Fillion has not had chemistry with any of his love interests on this show, and I think Bailey needs to go. I don't find the character interesting, and the Bailey/Nolan scenes are boring. Peyton List (Tim's sister) seems too young for John, but strangely, I was more intrigued by their scenes than I ever have been with John/Bailey 🤷‍♀️ I like Lucy and Tim and think the actors have great chemistry, so I'm happy with it. As the writers started writing them towards becoming an actual couple, some of it was cheesy, and I wonder if maybe Lucy/Tim should have shared a kiss earlier (like when she was staying with Tim after Jackson died), but whatever. They are pretty much the only romance on the show that I have any investment in.
  16. Yay! I had convinced myself that season three would definitely be the last. So happy to be wrong. I won't be able to watch season 3 until January, and I am currently annoyed with Eliza and William, but I need them to at least kiss before the show ends! (I am guessing a kiss did not happen in the third season since I've not seen anything about it here or on Tumblr, LOL).
  17. Sigh. I’m another one who wishes they had killed off Monica. They (and by they, I guess I just mean TS, LOL) never should have made her pregnant, really, and killing off her baby is just awful. I don’t hate Monica…but Kayce’s family storyline bores me to tears. And LOL, I forgot all about Monica bathing her grown-ass son last season until someone mentioned it again. Ha ha OMG. I do enjoy Josh Lucas, but I have started fast-forwarding through all of that. Don’t care. Please, stop shooting animals and showing dead animals! And now a horse is supposed to die because of something to do with Kayce’s dead baby? We just shot John’s horse last episode though? 😩 Oh god, barrel racer lady is back. WHY?!!! Hmm, don’t know about Ryan’s potential love interest, but I really enjoy him and hope he gets some focus this season. Carter doesn’t look like the same actor. I know that he apparently is, but my brain is having a hard time believing it, LOL. When Beth wanted to take everyone out to the bar, and Rip said no, that should have been the end of that. He’s responsible for keeping everyone in the bunkhouse in line, and he knew it would end up being a shit show, but Beth completely ignored him and it pissed me off!
  18. Oh god, not Stella 😩 I saw Rebecca in the preview for the next episode (it looked like everyone had their hands tied behind their backs??), so I hope she gets the chance to interact more with Bode in the episode. Gabriella/Bode is just a no go for me 👎🏻 The Sharon/Bode/Vince stuff is what interests me most, so I hope to see more of that in the future. Sadly, I don’t have any interest in anything Jake or Gabriella and would not care if both left before the end of the season (they’ll can go off and be happy together!!). Did not realize that AJ Buckley is a producer. That’s cool - I like him and would be thrilled if he showed up here (even for just one episode).
  19. LOL at Jake sitting around while Vince was trapped in a hole that was filling with water. He apparently has not watched enough TV. The second the water started, I was like, You need to find some tubing or a pipe or something! At least try to be resourceful instead of letting the guy drown! I don’t care about Jake, and I am not thrilled that Gabriella looks to be Bode’s love interest. I don’t see any chemistry and it seems forced. I thought it was majorly weird that she called him up, nearly in tears, to complain about her dad. He barely know you, lady… The lack of Bode/Gabriella chemistry might be a Max Theriot issue, because I thought that he didn’t have chemistry with any of his love interests on SEAL Team (but he did have major chemistry with his love interest on Bates Motel, so 🤷🏻‍♀️). I was intrigued by Rebecca, though, and thought that they had a nice spark in their very brief interaction. She’s cute and I liked their flirty banter. I hope we see more of her and I’m curious to find out why she ended up in prison.
  20. Had no clue that Freema left the show until I read this thread. I just figured Max would start to move on and then she’d show up again, ready to be with him. Really wish they hadn’t even put Helen and Max together since they didn’t lock Freema in for the final season (which I think they knew was the final season well in advance). So annoyed. I enjoy Dr. Wilder, so I guess I’ll be fine with Max starting something with her. If I remember correctly, I think they were hinting at her crushing on him last season, so at least it doesn’t come out of nowhere. Also, regarding Wilder…this season I just keep seeing Sarah Drew (April on Grey’s Anatomy) every time I see her.
  21. You probably saw the part where Josh was trying to escape out the front door using his mouth to pull down the door handle (since his hands were bound behind his back, I believe). Murphy stabbed him in the back, he fell on his back, and then she stabbed him one or two more times in the chest. Like, I found it really disturbing how pleased she was with herself - it was giving me Dexter Morgan vibes. Yikes. Then Murphy called to Pretzel, they walked out the front door (stepping over Josh's dead body, possibly...I don't want to watch that again), and she made her way to like a convenience store, or something. The kid at the counter didn't notice that she had blood all over her clothes, since he was playing on his phone. She grabbed some clothes from the racks, washed up and changed in the bathroom, and placed her bloody clothing in some garbage bags. Then she threw the garbage bags of clothes in a dumpster and smoked a cigarette until Felix came to pick her up. Felix did ask why she was wearing the clothes she had on, so it seemed like he knew something was up, but they just drove off. Like, I know it's just a stupid show, but that ending made me feel really uneasy! Murphy was kind of a crappy person, but I don't know how we got from there to relishing killing another human being. Ugh.
  22. Welp, that was disturbing! I’ll admit, I kind of hated Murphy for most of the show’s run, and she was generally a terrible person, but like Felix said: She. Never. Killed. Anyone. Like WTF, she suffered enough. Couldn’t they have just let her go off with Max and be happy? What a horrible horrible ending. Poor Pretzel. Who takes their dog with them to commit a murder? And I feel bad for Felix, too, since he tried to talk Murphy out of it, and now I’m sure he’s probably an accomplice, or whatever, since he was her driver. Truly awful series finale!
  23. Sigh. I hate painkiller addiction storylines. Please make it end! Why do I feel like Bree’s new boyfriend is gonna end up in trouble for moving and not letting his parole officer know? Why do people on TV always pick up pregnancy tests with their bare hands? I give the firefighter lady props for not sticking the test on top of the trash, where it would surely be spotted before she was ready to tell people she’s pregnant (that always happens on TV!). But why would you place that pee stick in your jacket pocket?!! JUST NO! I hate Jess, but it’s a bit weird that she hasn’t been around much this season. She wasn’t at the intervention, and I don’t think she even knows that dad has a painkiller addiction issue. Strange.
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