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Everything posted by nytonc

  1. I can’t even look at these two since they got their new faces! All I see is
  2. OMG the new faces! What the actual fuck? They want to look like Barbie? They do, if Barbie is a crack whore who lives in the ghetto. New Darcey is a strong” and “empowered” woman! Well that didn’t last long. Still pathetic and desperate.
  3. This has to be the biggest batch of losers to ever humiliate themselves on 90 Day but I say that about every new cast. I love that Memphis told Hazmat she wasn’t gonna put up with any premature ejaculating. Fix that shit Hazmat! I don’t love the fact that she disrespected his mother’s home. Not cool. Get a room. They could get the hourly rate. Jasmine’s jealousy has to be an act. I refuse to believe she’s interested in anything about this guy except his ability to provide passage to the US. If she makes it over here, she’ll bail on Day 91 and flee to Miami to meet up with the rest of the scammers. I think Alina will probably end up broken-hearted.
  4. I’m completely over this show. Sandoval is an obnoxious poseur and a know-it-all but he doesn’t mind working and he does come up with a reasonable idea every six blue moons or so. “Schwartz and Sandy” is not one of them. Schwartz is a useless, dickless zero and Katie is a miserable shrew. Does she ever smile? She sucks the life out of every single episode. Arianna couldn’t possible look more bored. I’m shocked Sandoval is throwing her a party that doesn’t have a ridiculous theme I also loathe Scheana and her brainless steroid-freak boyfriend, Lala, Raquel and LVP. Sober James is boring. What is the point of Charlie? Why is she even on the show with this perimenopausal crew? The only positive I can come up with is that they dumped the coke freak and his hillbilly.
  5. I can’t believe Karine wrote that. Does she have a publicist?
  6. Even better…a full body burka, with the mesh over the eyes.
  7. Shannon’s face looks so bloated and overdone and the long hair doesn’t help. All that alcohol and hypochondria is starting to really show on her. I used to like Heather but when she claimed to not know how many rooms are in her house, she completely lost me. The pretentiousness is just too much. Gina should invest in some good undergarments. She always looks lumpy.
  8. The same happened to me when I subscribed to Showtime and HBO thru Amazon. A lot of content wasn’t showing up on Amazon. I downloaded the separate Showtime and HBO apps and signed on using Amazon as my provider and it worked fine. All of the content is there on the apps.
  9. Where to begin with this group of sub-par rejects? Brittany blowing off the Tell Nothing was the best thing about the show. When she called in, Shaun should have taken the phone and said, “If you can’t be bothered to show up for filming like your cast mates, you don’t need to bother to call in,” and hung up the phone. They shouldn’t have given her another second of air time. Colt is beyond revolting. He has the weirdest body and he looks like a smelly unmade bed. He’s the epitome of a Loser. When he was yelling at Ed, he almost (but not quite) had me feeling sorry for Ed. Colt is the last person on the planet to be giving advice on how to treat a woman. I don’t think there’s anyone or anything that Colt wouldn’t fuck if he was given the opportunity. What the fuck is wrong with Vanessa that she married that pig and his hag mother? Fernanda can shut the fuck up too. She’s too full of herself. I hope Molly and what’s his name can work things out. He seems mostly normal. Although, I think his brother got the looks in the family. Ed and Liz would probably make a good match but I think Ed is just looking for hot sex with a barely legal child. I thought for sure their story was completely fake and producer-driven but Liz sounds like she does love him. He’s an insecure idiot and will surely push her away. I hope it’s the last chance she gives him. Last and least, Dimyelle. She will forever love Mohammed, even though he frauded her. Her telling the guy she was dating that Mohammed said she smelled, had to be in the top 10 all time cringiest moments in 90 Day history. I’m not looking forward to the next iteration of this shit show.
  10. I, too, was shocked at the weight loss diet that included ice cream and bacon and actually allowed Nathan to lose weight. I thought Dr Now eschewed carbs and sugar. I’m so happy it worked for Nathan. Now all he needs to do is dump pickle puss Amber the Sabotage Queen. She wouldn’t crack a smile even when she lost a few lbs. Glad I didn’t have to listen to Dr. Lola. Her baby voice makes me want to eat everything in sight and write letters to all of my family telling them how they ruined my life. Not really but you guys get it…
  11. Steven with a Vagina has to be the weirdest little troll in the 90 day arena. Alina must have led a very sheltered life to think that he’s a prize worth leaving her family for. Mama Alina: grab your daughter and make a run for it before it’s too late. He’ll knock her up before the ink is dry on the marriage certificate. Jenny is a shit housekeeper and probably a terrible cook and I can’t wait to see Mother Sumit rip her a new one for it. It won’t be long before Jenny is hysterically sobbing in a production car on her way to the airport. Cut to Sumit, doing a happy dance. Mama probably has the not quite ex-wife waiting in the wings. I feel sorry for Father Sumit. He seems to be the sane, level-headed one in the family. I just can’t with Areola. She such a spoiled, entitled little princess. Every time she talks about making a family life in Ethiopia, I can practically see her pants catching on fire. After a few months of relative luxury in the US, she’ll say fuck Bini and create an excuse to permanently leech off mommy and daddy. I just got caught up on the last 4 episodes I missed and I see Evelyn still hates Cory but now she has an excuse to treat him like shit.
  12. Faux beau 2.0 Twit meets Le Blur in person, they fall in love and quelle surprise! she gets engaged, this time on American soil. He’s a much quicker study than Chase. He realizes Twit is an obnoxious delusional narcissist after just a few days. He gets an “emergency” call from France. Mère Blur is ill and he has to rush home. C’est dommage. Twit never hears from him again, ever. The end. I knew those 5 years of French would come in handy one day.
  13. She can use the egg that Angela’s uterus is sure to spit right out.
  14. Kenny’s family seems to think he moved to Antarctica, where they can only visit once a year during the spring melt.
  15. Enough with Mt Whitney constantly worrying about and talking down to her parents. She needs to worry about her own choices and leave them the hell alone. My mom was still teaching 2nd grade at 80. I hate the way this asshole treats Babs and Glen. Frenchie wants no part of Twit, waxed or unwaxed. She’s so pathetically desperate. No man wants a woman who has to beg for attention. Fat Girls Getaway would have been a great testament to heavy women if they left Twit at home. She’s an embarrassment to all women. I love when the camera is focused on her fat ass! The camera people must really despise her. Who could blame them? Last but not least, Twit got all glammed up, lipstick and all, to meet Buddy. She must be seething with jealousy over the new girlfriend. She’s the worst friend on the planet.
  16. They’d be way more attractive than the Silva oompa-loompas. Darcey’s mantras: I’m a strong woman (except when it comes to younger men) My daughters are the most important thing to me (after Georgi and plastic surgery)
  17. Dimyelle is still looking for closure with Mohamed? Sad. The rent-a-friends could have done a better job of sprucing her up for her big date. So mach cringe. Ed is a pig. Fernanda is a poser and a user. I’m with @Hotel Snarker Fuck Brittany!
  18. I got here just in time to see that Scummeat is still stringing Geriatric Jenny along. She’s way dumber than I gave her credit for. She better scurry back to the USA before the Indian Mafia comes after her. Evelyn is as lovely and charming as ever and still hates Corey. At least her family isn’t putting out a hit on him. Did Areola find someone to screw around with in Ethiopia??? I missed most of their segment. I hate every single couple except Armando and Kenny but they’ll probably be on my shit list by the end of the season.
  19. Aw Mt Whitney has a new fake boyfriend. Does he get paid if his face is blurred out? I’m surprised some Nigerian scammer hasn’t latched on to her by now. She’d be such an easy mark In true lazy ass Twit style, she couldn’t be bothered to heave her fat ass off the bed when Babs and Glen came in. She must really miss Buddy and the bedside food delivery service he used to provide. She’s resurrected her “dance” career. Todd dances, Twit flaps her arms around and moves as little as possible. With all that dancing and training, I predict an injury by episode 5. Spoiler alert: She looks like she put on more than a few Covid pounds.
  20. Finally finished watching Part 1 of the tell nothing. I don’t know why I bothered. Brandon needs to crawl back inside mommy’s uterus and take the entire “farm” with him. He’s a dimwitted, pathetic little mamma’s boy. Just once I want someone tell Angela to sit her flat ass down and shut the fuck up. And fuck TLC/Sharpe for condoning her abusive, assaultive bullshit. Why was Skyla there? To gape slack-jawed in the matching dollar store hair and hideous dress, that made her look like an unmade bed, while her mother acted like an uncaged animal at feeding time? I love Yara and emerald green is her color.
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