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Sandy W

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Everything posted by Sandy W

  1. Shortly after they moved in, TLC posted a virtual tour of each of the LV houses. Meri's laundry room featured front load washer and dryer on platforms and Christine with 6 kids had mismatched beaters that looked like they had been dragged from Lehi. Christine chose to invest in the facade of her house with a simulated turret. The part that got me was Kody asking Christine to kick in her under budget surplus to offset Meri's shortfall. Meri did end up paying for her overbudget items herself but it took amazing gall for Kody to even ask.
  2. Didn't she say something last season to the effect that her bones would lie in AZ and she was never moving again? We'll see who wins this one.
  3. Not much room on that front porch for Robyn to come over and rock the grand babies.
  4. Good luck to him finding a replacement. Even if a potential bride had never watched the show, normal curiosity would drive her to look up past episodes. If she still wanted to proceed after she sees the kind if asshole he is, she is the type of woman he deserves.
  5. In Meri's position, I may have texted all the kids that were in town at the time and invited them to a holiday brunch or lunch. To know where she stood, she could have asked for a quick RSVP to make reservations. Even if the event were to happen at Meri's own home, it would give her an idea if how many (if any) to prepare for.
  6. I wonder how different their lives would have been had they stayed in Lehi. They could have taken the windfall show money to remedy the mold issue and add a new wing for Christine. Robyn would then be relegated to status of Basement Wife, still a huge step up from her single wide trailer.
  7. It may have been a security measure on the part of the owner, although it may have raised red flags for anyone so inclined to rob the place.
  8. Then turned around and added Kody to the title. I guess the Queen Bee threw a fit and shortly thereafter added Meri's name to title.
  9. Seems as though he's been taking profound deep thought lessons from his sister-in-law.
  10. Send them to the Arctic Circle for a Polar Bear watch. We all know how much Robyn loves the cold and if it became time to defend his family, Kody could pull the knife from his kidney and go mano a mano with the bear.
  11. There is a similar item just below the child's feet. Maybe lamps?
  12. Oh dear! The hugs and commiseration are appreciated but I have conveyed my Mother's sense of humor in a manner not intended. If anything, her remark would have been self-deprecating, in that all your mistakes were made on the first one. It did not sting me, I laughed right along with anyone else that heard it although, it has never crossed my mind to say this to or about my first born.
  13. Reminds me of something my Mother used to say, "kids are like pancakes, everyone should be allowed to throw the first one away". I was her first.
  14. As I recall, the circumstance was that as Annie had left the AUB and was critical of plural marriage, she was banished from the church and wasn't allowed to attend. That's why Christine's wedding gown was so ill fitting. The no contact order from the church extended to Christine and Annie getting together to construct the dress
  15. The horse had a 99 degree temperature with fire shooting out of it's butt. Very symbolic.
  16. Maybe the family saw the spread she laid out for her $4000. retreat guests and thought...even if invited, I would decline and stay home and order a pizza
  17. If you use plastic garbage bags maybe spread them over the top of the cages before you drape the sheets/blankets down. There should be enough air circulating from the sides for kitty comfort.
  18. When visiting abroad, I have heard more complaints about North American attitude rather than attire.
  19. Did Robyn draw the eyebrows on her t-shirt?
  20. This is the "Strong Woman" that looks life in the eye and gives it a wink. "Worthy Up" Meri and be honest with yourself.
  21. I wonder if he would have been quite so enthralled if Aurora had wanted her eyebrow, nose, lip or navel pierced?
  22. As if Logan wasn't perfectly capable of conducting a zoom call. Robyn no doubt was in a panic that somehow her baby birds weren't front and center of the call.
  23. Possibly why he zinged her with Janelle as his next "bride".
  24. I'm with you, I simply don't believe a Judge would tolerate that nonsense. Possibly, there was a private ceremony and later TLC and Kody and Krew re-enacted the procedure for our viewing pleasure.😒
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