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Sandy W

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Everything posted by Sandy W

  1. Leather jacket??? I can smell the Pleather from here, carried over by a sea of gush.
  2. The authors of the articles have literally taken her self photos at "face" value.
  3. That's where she came up with Dayton (in Robyn speak, pronounced Day-Un). She combined David and Preston to become Dayton. I wonder if the child was allowed input into this change.
  4. It would not surprise me if Meri and Kody (maybe all of them) were still involved with LIV. When Truely became seriously dehydrated, Kody advised one of the girls to give her some LIV water. A few seasons later, a bottle of it was spotted on one of the kitchen counters.
  5. I don't know how long the Lehi house sat vacant but it was eventually rented to family members. Probably for not much rent, as it had serious mold issues that was part of the expensive renovations they had to attend to before they could put it up for sale.
  6. Unless Christine paid down her mortgage on anniversary dates, I calculated at one time that she came out of the LV house with a net loss. Nearly a year of carrying costs (mortgage payment, HOA fees, Real Estate fees, taxes, utilities etc) would have consumed any equity she did have in the house.
  7. TLC seems to have found a goldmine with the 90Day Fiance franchises. They have had spinoffs ad nauseum. Even individuals like Darcy and Stacy. I quit watching any of them and have no FOMO. I hope they don't take a leaf from that notebook and attempt to exploit any interest from Christine's new life or Mykelti and Tony life with twins plus a toddler. I could tolerate one episode of each but not a series.
  8. Love your Tuxedo kitty. I had one too, travelled the country with us and lived to the ripe old age of 17. Boss cat over our 150lb. Bouvier.
  9. Interesting that the time she chose to bail was when she could no longer ignore the fact that she had been taken advantage of financially. Her own kids feelings of emotional insecurity were a secondary afterthought.
  10. It is so annoying. They think they are beating the "SYSTEM". The system is the worker bees that pay their taxes and bills on time and eventually pay more for goods and services because they choose to live beyond their means.
  11. The recreational amenities would be limited for Savanah. These places cater to senior citizens and parents of young kids. Even if there is a nice pool, I think Savanah would feel uncomfortable there being splashed by little kids and eyeballed by older gentlemen. She may enjoy a rousing game of Quoits or Horseshoes in the communal area 😒
  12. I think she means limited to 3 seasons. She may be able to store it on the site if she disconnects and drains the water supply.
  13. Someone else used the word shenanigans in reference to the Browns and/or TLC. So appropriate. The general public is fed up with the tempo of the show when so much has already been revealed through social media and reliable sources like People magazine. Wrap it up already!!! Surely there are other groups of misfits that they can present for our snarking pleasure.
  14. In my view, Janelle comes in for the harshest criticism. She knew what Gabe had at stake, rated in the top 10 academically for the entire school and slated to become captain of the school wrestling team. This would have assured him of at least one college scholarship. At first, she adamantly refused to relocate then folded like a wet paper bag. I guess Kody showed up in a ponytail and that was all she needed to throw Gabe's accomplishments down the drain.
  15. How pathetic that they would stoop to this level.😒
  16. Meri envisions herself an edgy, uptown, world traveling girl. For that reason, I don't see her settling into life at the BnB. She does not have the temperament to act as a gracious hostess, the population of Parowan is just over 3000 people and the closest major airport is 3 hours away from there. Even if she didn't operate the house as a BnB, the place would need an overhaul to meet her exacting standards. Aside from a few pictures and that round table with the crocheted cover in the parlor, there doesn't seem to be anything of her heritage there. Besides the lack of social stimulation, it would drive her bananas to sit on the front porch and stare at the eyesore across the street. I think she will use the Parowan house as a stopgap until she catches her breath and plans her next move.
  17. I use duct tape anyhow,find it more effective than the lint rollers. Maybe the demand is caused by people that bought companion dogs or cats during Covid and are faced with the animal hair situation.
  18. The birth of twins is a real event BUT it's old news now. Between the baby shower and birth, they will probably squeeze 3 episodes out. Boring! After TLC gets their return on investment there, I hope they jump ahead to current events and wrap it all up neatly. They could depict Janelle debating where to live, Meri moving to Parowan and questioning if that is rilly living her WHY, Christine gushing over living her happily ever after and Kody and Robyn scrambling to find an affordable 6 bedroom rennal, maybe in some war-torn area in a State where people are abandoning their homes for safety issues.
  19. I bought about 30 of those Precious Moments figurines still with original boxes at auction for $30.00, so I hope they don't plan to live out their golden years on the profit if they sell them. I gave them to my granddaughters to give to their mother (my ex-daughter-in-law). She left my son for a man 20 years her senior, so it figures.
  20. I am shocked that she didn't swap Christine's image for her own...holding 3 infants. Sol, Ari and the dark haired spirit baby that has yet to manifest itself.
  21. Your memory was close, but it was even more unnerving. She took a photograph of Kody and Christine's kids, that I guess was in Kody's possession, and had a sketch made from the photo, and had the artist sketch her 3 kids (at that time) instead of Christine's 3 oldest kids.
  22. I have read that Meri was paying $4500. a month to rent the Flagstaff house. Now that she has vacated the owner is asking $5800. Even assuming that she is pulling in $200,000 a year with LLR, is seems wild that she spent $54,000. a year over the several years they were in Flagstaff.
  23. You are right, Christine is the only one to never have had an officially recognized wedding. I recall her bemoaning the fact that she had never had a document to hang on the wall. If all goes according to plan, she will when she marries David.
  24. She may have had micro dermabrasion too. The texture of her skin has lost the oatmeal look she had from enlarged pores. Also noted, the brown tooth seems to have been capped, replaced or lightened in some way.
  25. I saw the photo before it was taken down, maybe you did too. As you know, I am no Meri fan but her and Kody both looked positively radiant. It may have been the camera angle, but Meri appeared to have smooth skin and actual contours to her face. Unless she commandeered the guy's camera to apply a filter, she is looking pretty damn fine.
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