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Sandy W

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Everything posted by Sandy W

  1. He may have been there participating in or attending a gun show at one of the convention centers. It must make him feel like the Cock of the Walk to be recognized and reported on in the rag magazines. Paparazzi! Paparazzi! Why do they keep hounding me. 🤩
  2. My home was built in the 1870's. No musty smells and plump inviting chairs and sofas to sit in. I love it when guests feel comfortable enough to put their feet up. The only modernization taken place has been to kitchen, laundry and bathrooms. Nothing at all like the BnB with tables dripping in crochet and stiff little chairs lined up around the room. But then that's Meri for you, stiff and uninviting, possibly musty smelling too.
  3. Not a murmur about the activities at this 2nd retreat. No photos of them enjoying the amenities offered at the BnB. Lounging around the indoor pool, frolicking in the hot tub, enjoying a gourmet buffet...Oh wait..
  4. Its posted over on Reddit too in case you miss the TikTok.
  5. It's the one he wore on the aquarium visit, a replica of one worn in the Titanic film.
  6. Sandy W


    They probably thought having twins was their Golden Ticket to a spinoff. No one wants to watch Robyn and Kody play abuela and abuelo to their 3 kiddies.
  7. 100% on board with stability and consistency in Truley's life. If you scroll up a few posts, Tea for Two saw the instagram clip and describes what went down that day. Even more reason for Christine to have not posted it. Truley will be truly embarrassed by that someday.
  8. Apparently Dayton did. I didn't catch the comment but it has been reported and confirmed by others, that when the group announcement about the move to Flagstaff was made Dayton looked shocked and asked..."does this mean I don't get to stay in the dorms?". If true, this would absolutely confirm the the Flagstaff move was motivated by helicopter mom Robyn. Probably also explains Dayton staying in the trailer/RV parked on R & K's property. It would give him a very small measure of independence.
  9. We don't know the context of the bite. It could have been something like...you're good enough to eat David...and playfully placed her teeth on his arm. In any case, Christine should not have posted the incident.
  10. Funny we don't hear Mykelti complaining about how tired she is while managing. 3 under 3 plus 2 MLMs. Mind you she does say she has help from Tony, who is probably glued to his keyboard all day.
  11. The furrows on his brow are not indicative of lots of love or peace in his own life.
  12. Enough with the Woe Is Me routine. Adapt your life and go to bed when the kids do.
  13. When my kids were 7, 8 and 9 the husband was given a 3 month job assignment in NYC. With their school's blessing, they skipped the 6 weeks left before summer break. We stayed in a corporate provided apartment steps from Gracie Mansion and Carl Schurz park. This left me to come up with daily excursions to keep them occupied and hopefully learn something along the way. We navigated our way through public transit and walking to the wealth of museums, parks and landmarks the city has to offer. Before the days of Google and armed only with a dogeared map and determination we managed to stay within eyesight of each other at all times and no one fell into water.
  14. . Meri - These are green peppers I wanted red.😬 Rest of group...Why didn't specify? Meri...No one asked me.😒
  15. Rumours are rampant about them seeking a sister wife to keep the show featuring them. One. BS story had them down in Mexico courting a young woman who turned them down flat. That would mean Kody and Robyn would have to divorce so he could bring in another woman as a 90 day fiance. Not going to happen. Another super sleuth spotted them in Las Vegas with a blond, turned out it was a sister of Robyn. Not an impossible scenario, but highly unlikely. I think Kody has realized he is a complete and utter failure at the polygamy game. Show or no show, they will just have to tighten belts and simplify their lives.
  16. Over on the Spoilers/Speculation thread. Started last Thursday with a quote from a Reddit story.
  17. Color is great but cut appears to be done with a weed whacker. Odd plaçe to part her hair.
  18. While I agree that Mindy did become part of the family, I think that Christine's not so subtle implication was...you and Robyn have help to manage your household, when I thought I was just doing my share when wrangling 10 or 11 kids without any help.
  19. They both look radiant and finally a post that is not gushing about their Royal status. Whoops, I missed the #myking. We get the message.
  20. My parents would have turned over in their graves if they knew I was paying $7.00 for a loaf of sunflower seed bread. Pulled out the old bread machine and a good recipe and now crank them out for about $2.00. To relate this to Janelle, she would carry on about the nutritional value of all pure foods...quality flour, olive oil, honey, sea salt, 2% milk, dry roasted unsalted sf seeds and yeast. So good!
  21. Looking back, I could not find a reference to a child of Mindy's. I did find the engagement announcement for her and the African American man. Maybe they are the couple that R&K employ as Nanny and husband. I don't know where I got the idea that Mindy had a daughter.
  22. Now Robyn will have something more to fret about...that time Ari came close to drowning in the shallow turtle pond...why she could even have contacted salmonella. I bet Mindy had to wipe her down with disinfecting cloths when she changed her clothes.
  23. Mindy may have just been there for a visit but I wonder why she didn't bring her own child. The regular nanny may have been at home tending to the needs of Aurorabreanna.
  24. I don't have the skills to transfer it over but on Reddit there are photos and commentary of a family outing to an aquarium. The group consists of Kody, Robyn, the "tenders" and Mindy (who is looking very rough). Kody appears to be wearing Suki's jacket from the tell-all and it fits him better. Robyn is in her trademark floral print blouse. Apparently Ari was chasing Sol and fell in a shallow turtle pond. Mindy was dispatched to change Ari's clothes. 3 adults 2 kids, what do any of them do to monitor behavior?
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