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Everything posted by peridot

  1. I would not want that infected blood smeared all over my face. I constantly want to get the hair out of Billie's face.
  2. I'm not a fan of either Jade or Billie. It's seems they alternate burying their head in the sand. Did Jade really expect to carry that large desktop out?
  3. Adult Jade just keeps getting everyone killed. I don't know why she was insistent on cutting corners and disregarding safety.
  4. The state of the house was disgusting! I love that Nadja and Lazslo don't even get upset when Guillermo snaps or snubs them, they just laugh it off. I love their "ooh". Poor Guillermo, he was shipped in a wooden box twice and this time he was stuck an extra week in it! I wonder who he was talking to on his phone? I loved when Lazslo mentioned that he knew Freud and where "penis envy" came from. I always laugh when they show montages from the past and insert the characters into them. It's cool that they've shown that Nandor was always bi, and not just because he became a vampire. I laughed when one of his former husbands just asked the djinn for a gold coin.
  5. I can't tell if the show is trying to show Mike's obsession with El is a good thing. "He doesn't know what he'd do if she wasn't in his life"? After Eddie cut the sheet to real-Hawkins, I wondered how everyone was going to get out of the Upside Down. After Vecna blew out the window, I honestly thought that Max would end up paralyzed and blinded. That would have been a horrible consequence of Vecna's schemes. When she died, I was crying like crazy! Since when can El bring someone back to life? There were quite a few moments where I teared up. That ending was amazing, I can't wait to see what's next.
  6. I wish Nancy would have laid into the Head Jock, who was trying to intimidate her and question her about Mike. I really hope he and his crazy posse are dealt with next episode. I liked seeing El use her powers to see what her friends are up to. Brenner was insane, I was worried that El would agree with his delusions. He had a long death scene, wasn't he shot in the lungs? I wonder how the crew in Russia is going to get back into the states. Owens is locked up at the moment, I hope Sullivan doesn't intercept that call. This episode was very ominous! I'm afraid of what's next.
  7. I was looking forward to the Deep screwing up his interview, but that may be for the finale. The bestiality this season is pretty gross! When the tentacle was on his wife's leg, I was about to turn away. I'm glad she got the hell out of there, I hope she's gone for good. I'm really hoping that Ashley is exposed and ruined. I hate seeing the bad guys constantly win. The animated scenes with Noir were pretty messed up. I thought Soldier Boy caused his illness, but then it seems he paralyzed another kid when he was 9. It seems he's always been ill if he's been imagining his "friends" for so long. The brutality of Soldier Boy beating the animated Noir and MindStorm was gruesome. I was taken aback when Homelander just nonchalantly mentioned that he would harvest Maeve's eggs. I hope she gets away from that psycho.
  8. If Annie is self-righteous, then so is Hughie. He was supposedly concerned about collateral damage at Herogasm, but as soon as he saw A-Train that all went away. As someone mentioned above, he had to flex. I hated that Hughie felt so weak that Annie had powers (when they talked about it during season 1). I especially hated that he tried to stop her from going back to the party. Was he planning to knock her out to "save" her? I'm glad Annie blasted his ass. I laughed when one of the Supes brushed up against MM. I would have acted the exactly same way if someone put unidentifiable crap on my clothes! The Scary Movie blast was too much.
  9. In the beginning when they showed what Owen and Claire were up to, I didn't think about the fact that they left Maisie on her own during their adventures. I'm surprised she didn't lose her mind being isolated all the time. The death of the first mercenary was gruesome, even though no blood was shown. I liked the minor callback to Jurassic Park when Ian was splayed on the table with his shirt open. Kayla encouraged him to button up his shirt this time. I didn't realize the CEO in this one was tied to the first one! That makes his ending even more apt.
  10. Seeing the new abilities of the baby was very creepy. I don't understand how the girl who smashed her head in with a rock was walking around fine with no apparent injuries. Even though Natasha was harsh, she wasn't wrong in what she said to Bobbi. Bobbi puts on a false front of being happy-go-lucky, but she's a very insecure and needy person. I thought Mrs. Eaves died, so it surprised me to see her walking at the end. I thought this show was a horror comedy, we've seem to have lost the comedy a long time ago.
  11. I don't blame the DoJ lady for resigning. All the work they do doesn't seem to make a difference, and the current administration made them even more ineffective. I would probably become an alcoholic if I tried to do that type of job. I did not understand why Jenkins was so indignant about being called a dirty cop. What the hell does he define as dirty?! I kind of laughed at how easy his bail bondsman "friend" rolled over on Jenkins. He was so nonchalant about it. What happened to Suiter was so sad. Jenkins was such a shithead for re-stating that he didn't plant the drugs. I don't know why, but I was shocked at charges being made against the mayor. The corruption is top down, but it doesn't seem like an issue that higher ups want to fix. What a shame.
  12. I thought the orderly was an undercover reporter, I wasn't expecting that reveal! I'm not sure why El didn't just kill him outright, instead of sending him into another dimension. I'm surprise Brenner didn't kill One. The threat of poison wouldn't have kept him down for long. Brenner should have been watching One, knowing how sly he could be. I always worry when I see people breathing in the ash from the Upside Down. Maybe everyone will have health problems down the road. Overall, this season was interesting but there were a few filler moments that could have been cut.
  13. I really hate the jock riled the townspeople into a mob. These people actually believe the D&D group is a Satanic cult?! If that was really true, wouldn't a smart person run in the opposite direction? Having the gate be underwater is pretty cool. I'm not sure why Steve got so close and touched it. I don't like love triangles, so I hope this flirtation between Nancy and Steve isn't going anywhere. The bullies from the lab were psychotic. Wasn't Eleven around 9 at that time?
  14. It's interesting they added to the backstory of Hopper. I knew his daughter died of cancer, but the whole Agent Orange thing is new. I wasn't aware of the side effects of that stuff. They just keep adding to the tragedy of Hopper. The Joyce and Murray scenes felt like slapstick to me. I wanted to fast forward through their scenes. I wasn't expecting that from Dr. Owens, that was a huge breach of trust. He even buttered her up beforehand, saying that all the doctors believed in her. They were sure as hell quick to detain and drug her. I hope Hopper or Eleven takes all of them down. Dustin really let Eddie down. Did he just magically forget that the guy was depending on them for help?
  15. I agree about the jocks too. At first, I couldn't believe that Lucas would be so weak to use the information from Dustin to join those psychos. I'm glad he got the hell out of there. It's pretty interesting that the demon appeared before Eleven opened the gate. I guess Hawkins has always had a weak spot between worlds? I don't get why Joyce keeps leaving the kids on their own, when she knows shit goes down when she's away from them for an extended period. The gore is really ramped up this season, I had to look away from Jim moving the chain off his mangled foot.
  16. I'm glad to see that Suitor experiences guilt for the terrible things that he did while he was with Jenkins. It's surprising that despite knowing the Feds were on to them, no one tried to ease off on the illegal activities. That's pretty nihilistic. Baltimore PD had to know that something shady was going down. A person gets $8k in one pay period, and that didn't raise eyebrows? All of these guys were extremely greedy. I think Jenkins mentioned that his base salary was $85k. That's a pretty good salary. I felt bad for the guy that was being stalked by the cop and lost his job. The meeting with the new mayor had me shaking my head. They know of the problems, but refuse to try something new to fix them.
  17. I enjoyed the movie! I liked the opening scene with the wedding and everyone taking pictures for it. Everyone laughed when Molesley's picture showed his hair was all askew. I was surprised that Daisy married the guy that's been pining over her. At least she made some movement in her life! The "who's the father" plot was entertaining. I liked the scenes which showed everyone's speculation about what happened all those years ago. I felt sorry for Mary, who felt last on her husband's list of priorities. I really wonder where they are going to take his character. A few scenes made me tear up, which I wasn't expecting. I'll definitely buy this when it comes on DVD.
  18. I enjoyed the third season. The first episode seemed like something that could actually happen. I didn't realize it was a sequel to a previous episode. I'll have to re-watch that one. I had to look away from the gore in Bad Traveling. I wasn't sure of the motives of the main guy at first, but I'm glad it was for the ultimate good. The imagery in episode 3 was very beautiful, but the ending was ominous. Was the moon trying to lure others onto her for a feeding? For episode 8, I was reminded of Hellboy and IT. The ending doesn't look too promising for humankind. Episode 9 was stunning. I kept trying to see if they were real people! The siren's dancing was very graceful and creepy at the same time. I would have jumped out of my skin if I found that thing sleeping on me! I was trying to see if the guy kept going in a circle because of her powers. Her outfit was beautiful.
  19. The corruption and evil of these officers really disgust me. I feel so bad for the innocent people who were hit by the fleeing car. I guess Suiter is now trying to be an upstanding cop. He shouldn't be surprised that no juror had faith in the Baltimore cops, when he planted drugs in a car that killed an elderly man. Who was the guy that planted the gun under the truck? I don't remember seeing him before. I'm glad the FBI lady didn't alert Jenkins of the investigation. All the time jumps were hard to follow this episode.
  20. From last episode, I thought the baby teleported himself somewhere. This episode, it seems like Bobbi snuck inside the apartment and took him? I don't really get it. I didn't get the ending either. At first, I thought the crazy lady was going to throw the baby into the fire but then it lost me.
  21. The overblown ego on Jenkins is something else. Seeing all the corruption going on and lack of remorse is sickening. It was interesting to see the roadblocks that the DoJ lady is experiencing - everyone is passing the buck on the numerous problems. The union's stance ("we have their back, no matter what") is infuriating. Jenkins is a thin-skinned egomaniac. I really hope that Suiter didn't accept that cash.
  22. I wasn't expecting for the baby to have been around for decades! It was very creepy to see more of its powers (teleportation and mind manipulation). I'm surprised that Natasha went back for the baby, unless she did it to save her own life. It was gross that Natasha somehow ended up with shit all over her hands and face and that the baby was playing with a ball that was covered in a dog's drool. Poor Bruv!
  23. This show is good, but tough to watch. I hate that the higher ups are so concerned about "clearing up the streets", that they're looking the other way when the cops commit crimes/violations. It was insane that someone from the legal team sat in on bookings to verify if their charges were legit, and to ensure the city won't be sued by the wronged party. When I saw the first episode, I didn't even realize those guys were cops. It was sad to see the fresh out of the Academy Jenkins fall prey to the corruption that's standard, and also pass on those corrupt beliefs to another fresh out of the Academy rookie. The huge scar on that poor kid that was coming home from work was heartbreaking. I was half afraid the report would show that he died at the hands of cops.
  24. It's interesting to see the the jackal isn't visible to anyone else. When the HR guy talked to Steven in his office, I thought he was keeping his job since he gave a pamphlet about mental health providers. I thought he was just put on leave. When the god appeared in the storage facility, he looked pretty terrifying! I would have been screaming my head off. The bad guy showed his true beliefs pretty quickly. I thought he would spend more time trying to get Steven on his side. The Colonel Sanders suit was hilarious. I really liked the end credits song.
  25. It was hard for me to get into Anthony and Kate's relationship. They kept creating their own misery, and I just found myself rolling my eyes a lot. In the end, I felt bad for Anthony because he kept putting himself out there and kept being rejected. I hoped he would find someone that wouldn't make him miserable. I was cursing Colin for how he treated the ex-boxer, but I'm glad it was just a ruse. I really hated that he insulted Penelope in front of his friends like that. Portia just skates by consequences. It was terrible that she participated in the conning of her peers, but it somehow turns into her being a good mother and looking out for her girls? It was kind of terrible that Eloise said that Penelope may have gossiped before, but she wasn't listening until now. The friendship between Eloise and Penelope never did seem equal. The "just jealous" thing Penelope spit out just seemed like something to say when Eloise said she felt pity for her. Everyone does seem to punch down on Penelope, and she uses her anger to justify writing unwanted truths in her paper. It's hard to root for anyone here.
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