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Everything posted by peridot

  1. I don't really understand the Diana that we first met in Batman v Superman to this one. In BvS, wasn't it implied that she stayed away from the world after the war, and didn't use her powers? She's using them left and right in this one. I couldn't really get behind the fact that Diana and Steve was using some other guy's body to be together. When I saw them in bed together, it kind of turned my stomach. I want to know how everyone reacted in the aftermath. This was the first wide-scale showing of magic, right? Lord should have been arrested or something, his face was on every screen in the world.
  2. I'm surprised that Diana thought that the Uptown Girl performance would be a good idea. She's been married to Charles several years by this point, and she had to suspect that the dance wouldn't go down well. I loved when the queen made the crack about ballerinas to Philip. He was no saint during their younger years, either. The "private" viewing of the Phantom of the Opera performance was extremely cringeworthy.
  3. I hope those security guys were fired. If someone breaks in once, I could maybe understand. But the same guy broke in twice, and it looks like they didn't try to ramp up security at all after the first time! Was Fagan mentally ill, or was he just depressed/fed-up? The system kept bouncing him between two departments about child visitation, and his wife's new boyfriend seemed like an ass. It was pretty creepy to be sitting on the end of her bed.
  4. It's interesting that Thatcher bemoaned the emotionalism of women as why they shouldn't be elevated, but she became completely wrapped up in her son's disappearance and tried to ignore the conflict with the Argentine miners. Her son was an idiot, but I guess it ties into her hypocritical nature - making excuses about what happened to him, calling her mom and daughter weak, and even becoming unprofessional in front of the queen. The story about the kid drinking chilled urine was terrible, but I didn't have much sympathy for him. Was he going to the same school that Philip and Charles went to, where everyone was overly dickish?
  5. I feel so terribly about the press secretary who's been serving for over 30 years. He protested several times about the course of action, but he gets thrown under the bus so easily? I would have definitely wrote a tell-all if I were him. It seemed that Thatcher was both isolationist and racist. I hated that she had no empathy for the people suffering under apartheid and was all about the money.
  6. I liked seeing a normal couple react to all the bizarre protocols and odd pastimes. I liked when Denis made a remark that he didn't realize that Margaret was listening to him on the plane, since she wasn't looking at him. The snobbery was terrible, and I felt badly for the Thatchers. I'm surprised that she could leave early without repercussions.
  7. I understand why Charles proposed, but why did Diana say yes?
  8. I'm glad we could see what happened to the monster! Though I wonder how he managed to get to Ardham undetected. I liked the scene where the ancestors were together, summoning Titus. I'm glad that Ruby attempted to do the right thing in the end, though I wonder what Leti told her at the graveyard. I didn't expect for Christina to show up like that at the end. How did Leti come back to life, and is Dee possessed? She killed with no hesitation.
  9. I don't get why Ruby is ok with Tic being murdered. Does she think that Leti will forgive her for letting the father of her child be murdered? Based on what she said to Christina, is she now going to find a red-headed woman and take her skin? The events of 1921 and seeing how abuse is passed through the generations was tragic. Montrose has been been through a lot, I half expected him to commit suicide in the hotel room. The corrupt cop was literally ripping flesh off a black man to staple onto himself?! I'm glad he actually died this time. I really want to see how the team explained the "gas explosion" in their neighborhood. Where did the monster go?
  10. It looked like Homelander was grimacing when she started with her "white genocide" crap to Ryan. Do you think that he would've left her over that, or stayed with her so that she could be a mom to Ryan? That poor kid, let's hope the accidental murder of his mom won't turn him into someone worse than Homelander. I'm glad that Stormfront was taken down. Was she actually tearing up when she saw the bad press and memes?! I thought that Kimiko was killed, I didn't think she could come back from a neck-snapping. I wasn't expecting the Congress lady to be the mystery Supe. It looks like Hughie stepped right in the thick of it. I hope there will be a third season.
  11. The first episode was pretty sad. The wife didn't seem to have a job and kept thinking the soulmates were 100% happy all the time. Finding a soulmate seems too easy and you really don't have a foundation. Her brother married a stranger after 3 weeks, who was already in a relationship. I felt bad for the wife, who realized what she had way too late. I wonder if people are obligated to partner with the soulmate, or can they just say "I'm good"?
  12. I thought Becca was being held hostage by Vought in the fake neighborhood? She should have been honest with Ryan about who Homelander is and why she's wary of him. It's sickening to see the boy embrace a rapist and supremacist as new parents. It seems like the majority of the parents are shitty people - Annie with her guilt-tripping mom, and Butcher with his conniving mother and abusive father. I was afraid that he would throw his father off the balcony. I could have sworn that Lamplighter would last all season and into the next.
  13. I'm glad two major secrets were let out of the bag in this episode. I really don't know why they didn't let Diana in on the secrets. They should have realized that their secretiveness caused Hippolyta to do her own investigation, and they lost her to magic. Diana is just as intelligent, and they should have told her. Those demon girls were scary as hell, they kind of reminded me of "Us". I was not expecting for that to appear as a result of Tic's spell! How are they going to explain that to the neighbors?! I thought Ruby's potion lasted for a day? It seems her skin was ripping off after a short period. Ouch at Ji-Ah and Leti.
  14. Hippolyta's journey was interesting, though I'm not sure who the alien lady was. Dancing with Josephine Baker must have been a blast! She had a lot of scarring on her chest, was that real or part of the character's injuries? It was nice to see that she got some closure with George, even though he wasn't her version. I'm really worried about Diana now. It looks like Leti's pregnant! I would really hate for Ruby to completely join Christina's side and spy on her family and friends for her agenda. How safe is it to constantly drink the blood of dead people? It's pretty gruesome they are just propped up in the basement.
  15. I never suspected Stormfront was married to Vaught. I wonder if she's being honest with Homelander, or is just using him so she'll be safe. A Supe-powered army led by a white supremacist is terrifying. Are we supposed to infer that the bald woman is a skinhead? I can't believe that A-Train is even entertaining joining the creepy scientologist guy, and how is he in seven-figure debt?! When Elena saw the video, I was afraid that Maeve would murder her for seeing the video. I'm surprised that normal people would date a Supe, they have crazy powers and all of them seem to be psychopaths. I have no words about the actual third leg of the inmate.
  16. I was not expecting those things to come out of Ji-Ah. They looked like spider legs, but I guess they were meant to be fox tails. I was expecting for her mom to want her to bring a husband home, not food. I had no idea speed-dating existed in the 40s. I felt bad for her when the guy she clicked with decided to go with her friend, but it worked out perfectly for him! The murder of those two innocent nurses was shocking. I'm really surprised that Tic decided to date a nurse without any fear of repercussion. It's terrible that his Korean-American friend was discriminated against on both sides. I wonder if Ji-Ah will end up traveling to Chicago.
  17. Annie's mom continues to be a piece of shit. Not only has she lied to and exploited her daughter, she's trying to use a third party to guilt Annie into forgiving her. I'm surprised no one has tried to kill Ashley yet, since she's always holding the Supes back or foiling them. No wonder her hair is falling out, I would not want her position. Ouch at Homelander not even showing up for A-Train's scene. I didn't catch Stormfront dog whistling, but of course she had to needle him talking about garbage people being let into the Church. I wonder if Adele is Stormfront's daughter instead of mother. I'm starting to get worried about her, anyone who encourages Homelander's sadistic nature and is that hard to injure, will probably shape up to be the worst villain we've seen.
  18. The overhead view of the causeway was terrifying! I would be driving the exact same way as Jude was when he first came to the island. I couldn't live in a place that was only accessible for a few hours a day. I didn't know what the kids were doing at first, and it startled me when the girl jumped with the noose around her neck. The whole town was pretty creepy, I'm surprised Jude's character didn't try to leave as soon as possible. Though that may have been deliberate, since he had the cash all along.
  19. What the hell at Ruby's situation!? The transformation was disgusting, and I'm surprised Ruby kept using it. The ending with the manager was gross and doesn't bode well for Ruby. I wonder why she's transforming into the lady who was controlling the monsters in Arkham? So we finally have confirmation about William and Christina! I don't see how the transformation is viable, wouldn't people wonder about the pieces of flesh being left around?! Tic can be scary, I'm glad Leti had the bat with her. On one hand, I felt glad that Montrose could be open and happy in the bar, but then I remembered he killed an innocent person who was exploited and enslaved for a long time.
  20. I didn't realize that Becca was kept in complete isolation, with no real-time news. That's really shitty of Vought. I'm glad that she chose her son over her husband. Butcher is a heartless bastard, I thought he would be an exception for his wife. I thought Homelander was hallucinating Caldwell - I completely forgot about Doppelganger. Can't believe he set up a cabin and played make-believe every night. I was very glad he wasn't so narcissistic to actually fuck himself! Hughie gets on my nerves, his head is always in the fucking clouds. I'm glad Annie came back to Earth in the end. I really hope they kill off Liberty/Stormfront soon. The racial-based violence is hard to see.
  21. I loved that little boy who kept shushing them in the library, he even slammed his book onto the table in disgust! Tic needs to get it together. He didn't tell Leti about the shadiness around her house, and he was just going to leave town without a word. I'm glad Leti ripped into him about his self-centeredness. She was the one who died because of this crap. I feel bad for Ruby, she tried so hard to get a job at that place, only to have it given to another, thinner black woman. Now that people are saying that William = Christina, I'm really not sure how to feel about that hookup. I'm surprised Ruby didn't say anything about that snake scarification on his chest. That would definitely turn me off. How strange that the tunnel landed them back in Chicago. I'm worried about Hippolyta now.
  22. Holy crap, I thought Stormfront would end up being an ally of Annie. I thought she was just a psycho killing the civilians, but now that someone brought up the fact that they were all black, it really makes my stomach turn. I want to know more about Black Noir. He was crying when the news about Compound V came out, and he made a farewell gesture to the dead whale. It's really disgusting that all of those parents made money off of experimenting on their kids and even more money exploiting them when they got older. I really hope that Annie doesn't try to make amends with her mom.
  23. The guy who talked about messing around with Leti in high school looked to be a lot older than Tic and Leti. He looked like some perv. It looked like Tic slept with Leti to "mark his territory" after she was grinding on the other guy. I hope it's not like that, and he's just too traumatized from the war to respond properly. I hope the team will be able to get that Sheriff who was "supplying" the evil scientist. What a soulless bastard.
  24. I didn't know how those horns were going off since no one was inside the car. The neverending horn was absurd, I can't believe the neighbors would put up with it, just to drive someone off. I was scared when the kids were left alone with the Ouija board (which is never a toy!). I expected for Hippolyta to be possessed when she walked into the room, but I guess the house just wanted to show her the machine. It's very interesting that the blond lady orchestrated the entire thing. I'm not sure I understand how the three neighbors ended up in the tunnel. When the elevator went up to the decapitated body, it looked like a kid was in the elevator. I'm not sure if it was the same person who ended up banishing the doctor. I loved seeing Leti overcome her fear to banish the evil doctor. The ghosts (especially the man with the baby's head) were horrifying.
  25. I wasn't expecting the memory wipes and force fields. I guess they really were wizards. Does anyone think that the guy that was escorting them around gave the clues to Uncle George? The book just happened to be askew in the bookshelf and the bylaws just happened to be on the table. He was kind of smirking when George confronting the order. It was disgusting that the order were mind-fucking the trio just for their own amusement. I'm glad George didn't break his vows (again?). I laughed when Montrose was digging his way out of captivity to find the trio were already there, waiting for him. I wasn't sure if George was permanently dead, but I guess so. That's a shame, I loved his glee when he was surrounded by all of his favorite books.
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