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Everything posted by Persnickety1

  1. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Tamras-Givenchy-Faux-Pearl-Jeweley-Set-/171361157507?pt=Fashion_Jewelry&hash=item27e5ebc183 Well, sentimental value be damned, the bills MUST be paid, I guess. I dunno. I'm a total Hard-Hearted Hannah, but even I would probably hang onto a set of jewelry that I had chosen to wear for my engagement photos. As LabLover pointed out, perhaps she purchased a dryer for the gym and it really wreaked havoc on her budget.
  2. Somebody with a better memory, help a girl out here please. In the season previews, I recall a scene of one of the women totally losing their shit and being dragged out of a party screeching IT'S. ALL. ON. TAPE!!!!!! I thought that woman was Shannon, and there were cuts to Tamra during that scene. I wonder if that will be a Tamra/Shannon showdown in which Shannon realizes Tamra DID tell Heather all about the email from David. Can anybody verify if that is indeed Shannon in that scene? Heather had her phone on at Shannon's party and it was (supposedly) the kid calling. I think it's entirely possible (plausible, even) that production encouraged Shannon to head on over to Heather's place for a little chat, that they were already filming over there anyway, and they'd let Heather know she was on her way over. Which they obviously then would not do, just to up the drama. I don't put anything past Bravo production. If these women were actresses going from scripts, they'd have mantles full of Oscars by now.
  3. So Vicki's been very active in social media lately. https://www.facebook.com/vickigunvalsonhousewife A couple of times in the past week she has randomly chosen people from her followers and posted on their pages. I love to snark on Vicki but even I must admit, this new (probably PR-related) strategy of hers is pretty damned entertaining. I found myself LOL'ing yesterday watching a string of her posts come through my newsfeed and the delighted responses from those whose pictures she commented on and shared. Mr. Persnickety called Coto for a health insurance request (we were legitimately looking for a policy). Vicki personally called us...twice. Make no mistake, if nothing else, Vicki is a hustler.
  4. Well, dammit, so much for own personal drinking bet with myself on who received more years that day, Apollo Nida or Juicy Joe. Drats. I'll still be all eyes and ears on July 8th though when Apollo gets his just desserts.
  5. YES!!!!!! Besides the atrocity of that thing on his head, he just looked so damned...OLD. I'd peg him at around 30 if I were to see him on the street, even with the attempts to cover half of his face with his hair (and didn't this Emo Fall Out Boy look go out at least 5 years ago?). They were so emotionally intertwined that she didn't even know he had a YouTube channel after all of those years of communicating and sharing everything. Ye gads. I knew I'd find clarity on these boards today. Am I relieved to see I'm not the only one who practically gave myself whiplash shaking my head at this episode.
  6. A D-lister who, I believe, co-starred as the affable best friend on Blossom about 10,000 years ago. Celebrity Wife Swap has a way of snapping up some of the most irrelevant "celebrities" to ever celebrity. Zarin would be case in point. Anyone who doesn't watch RH will have absolutely no freaking clue who in the world Jill Zarin is nor her "fabulous crowd" she runs with. Of course, I'll be setting up the DVR momentarily so I don't miss a snarkalicious drop of this episode.
  7. ZARIN ALERT!!! Jill is going to be on an upcoming Celebrity Wife Swap. She's really milking those last few seconds of her 15 minutes, I'll give her that. http://www.irealhousewives.com/2014/06/former-real-housewives-of-new-york-city.html
  8. From your keyboard to Bravo's eyes...This would be better than a hug from Baby Jesus in a field of lollipops, rainbows, and unicorns. *fingers crossed*
  9. He wasn't??? I still don't know what I watched last night. I'm sitting here with my first cup of coffee of the day, still bleary-eyed and trying to wrap my mind about this episode. That dude was definitely one of the oldest-looking 20 year olds I think I've ever seen and that hair? As a woman who adores long hair on men, just...No. It looked like a cheap wig from the Walmart holiday aisle. And no fucking way this body is getting tatted to match some assclown who disappeared for years and then reentered my life, after having only heard his voice once in that entire time. This entire episode was one gigantic WTF moment for my overworked brain. Ugh.
  10. RealityTea is picking up the story as well. I can't help but wonder if all of the stress of Teresa and Joe's legal difficulties didn't put additional stress on the man. And because I'm a cold-hearted snake, I can't help but wonder if this will change Joe's scheduled sentencing. http://www.realitytea.com/2014/06/18/report-joe-giudices-dad-died-of-an-apparent-heart-attack/
  11. Could be. I think my sticking point is the convenient timing of Good Day LA deciding to highlight Heather's preferred gym during one of her guest host segments. I'd almost wager a bet that they solicit all of their guest hosts for ideas on segments. But I'm a suspicious bitch, especially when it comes to Heather's machinations.
  12. When Aviva pulled out her economy-sized bag of medications and incorrectly used one of the inhalers, I had a mental flashback to the scene from the movie "It," where one of the kids would have an "asthma attack" whenever he was upset and grab his rescue inhaler. As the story unfolded, the viewers learned his inhalers were in fact "placebos" provided to the kid so that mentally he felt better because physically there was nothing wrong with him. I'd have loved to have seen the labels and dates on that sack of meds that Aviva was tossing around.
  13. Maybe this is the reason Tamra was so hell bent on getting Gretchen off the show this season. Gretchen was going to take her "I want to have a baby" storyline. I hadn't thought of that until I read your post. I'm absolutely ecstatic Gretchen and Slade are gone and never felt Tamra ever truly made up with Gretchen but rather used her as a pawn for her own purposes for a storyline but, yeah, one of those things that make you go hmmmmm.... And speaking of things that make you go hmmmm, I'm a bit confused. 1. Heather claims she has absolutely NO pull with Good Day LA about who their guests are and thus claims innocence about her gym of choice being featured on the show. 2. Heather almost in the very next breath claims to have done Tamra and Eddie a favor by getting CUnT Fitness a gig on the show. Well, that's quite the contradiction when you think about it. She either does or doesn't have a say-so in who the guests are. Here again, much like with her varying stories of what really happened with the bull riding debacle ("I was drunk," "I don't remember saying that," and "I was just kidding!"), you can't have your champs and drink it, too, Heather. Pick a story and stick with it. I'm going to go with Heather does indeed have pull with suggesting guests for segments. Presumably wealthy people still like to cut themselves a sweet deal, and Heather probably got a free lifetime membership for touting the gym on Good Day LA. I can't for one minute envision Heather going to Tamra's gym-in-the-box for a sweat session with the few "regular folk" who attend those classes. I'm sure her gym is much more elite. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Hell, I wouldn't go to Tamra's classes, either, but I really wish Heather would just own the fact she promoted her own regular gym instead of handing out 2 stories for the price of 1. Terry was also shit-stirrer extraordinaire when he insisted Jim Bellino come to the wrap party (when even Taliban Jim was smart enough to smell the stink of Bravo Setup and abruptly left when Tamra plopped her ass down at the table) and also when he insisted Brooks come to Lydia's salsa dance party and "surprise" Vicki. I think Terry is a nasty piece of work. He's the perfect housewife (and that's NOT a compliment, Terry).
  14. I agree overall; however, isn't it Lizzie that rips into Tamra and sends her barefoot and screeching into the night in an upcoming episode? I'm bored with Lizzie now but I might want to host a parade in her honor when THAT episode finally airs. Until then, I'm patiently drumming my fingers during all of her scenes and anticipating future events. Anybody who can reduce Tasmanian Tamra to the shrieking she-beast running barefoot through the night is probably going to become my new Housewives Heroine.
  15. Looks like the much ballyhooed French villa is history now (and for over $1 million less than the price Sonja had listed it), all going towards paying off her bankruptcy judgment. https://tv.yahoo.com/news/real-housewives-sonja-morgan-loses-french-villa-bankruptcy-085300804.html
  16. That conveniently-timed "oh, you're sick, oh it's 10:30, oh lions and tigers and bears on my!" phone call was about as fake as the "emergency" phone calls my friends would make to me when I was desperate to bounce from a bad date. A little too conveniently timed, a little too over the top about the time (does the kid turn into a freaking pumpkin at 10:30?), the repeating of what the call was about...Yeah, I detected the distinct odor of bullshit emanating from Terry and Heather during that call. I need to watch that scene again to see where Terry's hands were. I wouldn't be surprised to see he had one hand out of sight, furtively pocket-dialing Heather so they could bail. I don't blame them for leaving. But I'd sure have an iota more respect for them had they stood up and announced they were departing because they didn't appreciate the confrontation in their hosts' home. But I always think Terry and Heather are probably the most stealth housewives (yes, I'm including bitchy Terry as a housewife, the fame-whoring freak) to ever hit one of these franchises, so I wasn't shocked they pulled the sick kid shenanigans. Awfully telling all concern about the kid apparently fled their minds as soon as they were in the comfort of the limousine and could bitch about the other women.
  17. I remember Carole stating either on the show or in her blog that she likes Ramona because Ramona is (my words) batshit crazy, which makes her interesting. Maybe she felt the same way about meeting Kelly. She was nice to her so as not to alienate her and be able to observe the crazy in its natural habitat. I'd probably react the same way and sit back and wait for the bats to escape from her belfry right before my own eyes. I was glad I had this episode on the DVR. The ability to watch Ramona's reaction to Kelly as the "surprise" guest was pure gold.
  18. Just interjecting this here because I was shocked when I noticed it. Did y'all notice that this episode's thread has almost 15,000 (FIFTEEN THOUSAND!!!) views? PreviouslyTV, I'm duly impressed...I remember thinking the threads didn't look particularly active when I first joined but YOWZA!
  19. While I realize Catfish probably was trying to portray John as the victim here, holy christ on a crutch...Watching his odd mannerisms and reactions, all I could think of was that this oddball of a loner seemed only about 5 degrees of separation from being another Eliot Rodger. *shudder* I did love the part where Adam "thanked" John for sending him that dick pic and how it took him forever to finally get it off of his hard drive. So much for unsolicited peen shots, guys. Unless we ladies ask for it, we really DON'T want one. Sending them unsolicited is just all sorts of inappropriate. I think Ellie seemed very young and probably didn't have a whole lot of life experience. Maybe she took all of Adam's shenanigans as "proof" of how much he really loved her and the lengths he was willing to go to "prove" his love for her. Yeah, hopefully she'll outgrow that phase if that's the case. I can almost understand overlooking the creation of a woman puppet page to distract the guys from her...But to use that same page to extract information from her so that he could mold himself to be whatever she wanted? Total creeper territory. Yet still not as creepy as the vibe I got off of John. Again, *shudder*
  20. Production doesn't clue in every housewife as to what they're up to behind the scenes. I think there's every chance they "forgot" to tell LuAnn about Miss USA attending. I can also understand if LuAnn jumped to the conclusion that Aviva had invited Miss USA to stir up drama. LuAnn's already experienced Ramona and Sonja hijacking her season wrap party on the yacht with that ridiculous pregnancy story. And they all know Aviva is so damned thirsty for a storyline that it wouldn't be unlike her to invite Miss USA so she could then steal the show with her fuck-and-awe threesome story. I mean, even if production actually did invite Miss USA, then Aviva still got to center the entire benefit luncheon around her and her father. There have always been instances on the reunion and in the cast members' blogs about production being behind something (even on RHoBH, Lisa left it to production to inform Yolanda she wouldn't be at an event...And Lisa maintains production neglected to tell Yolanda, which caused a rift between the 2 women during the season). I don't believe LuAnn's reaction was scripted nor do I believe she was acting a role. I think she was reacting to what was the most likely scenario, that Aviva had invited Miss USA so she could turn the attention away from the event and to herself. And she did, whether she invited Miss USA or production invited her.
  21. I'm thinking Bravo is wanting this show to be "trending" on Twitter and Facebook, which would encourage new viewers to check it out. Maybe a way to lure in new viewership. Maybe because with my career I literally have headphones in my ears 12-18 hours a day, but I can't get past the horrific tinny sound quality of her videos to sit through one. I tried a few times thinking it was just a fluke but, nope, every time I start out with the intention to watch one in its entirety, my ears (and brain) beg me to shut it off. Depends on which contract someone signs. The one the housewives (and I understand pretty much ALL Bravo-lebrities) sign tells the person right up front, in no uncertain terms, that they may be edited to be the subject of ridicule, embarrassment, humiliation, etc. And I'm not even kidding. There was a link to one of the Bravo contracts at TWOP and, if anyone is desperate enough for exposure that they're willing to sign away their souls to such a degree as specified in that contract, I cannot find a single fuck to give about their protestations about how they were portrayed.
  22. Yes. I distinctly remember reading an interview with Heather before her first episode aired. She stated she didn't want to do the show but Terry did. She said he gave her the silent treatment until she caved and agreed. Manipulative much, Terry? I just can't tolerate his "aw, shucks, I'm a regular guy" shtick when he probably stands in front of a mirror every morning chanting "Mirror, mirror on the wall...Who's the biggest famewhore of us all?" Speaking of running and screaming into the night, does anyone have any idea when we'll be treated to the sight of Tasmanian Tamra running barefoot in her evening finery screeching at the top of her lungs? That's one episode that may never leave my DVR once it's aired.
  23. So was I. Eddie was concentrating so hard on browning that ground turkey that it was almost as if he was trying to find ONE SINGLE FUCK to give about Ryan in the bottom of that skillet. Love the way he pretty much just cut off Tamra's tale of woe by telling her to hurry up and get the vegetables ready. It looked like Eddie and his chompers have all but checked out of the drama known as Tamra.
  24. I was absolutely flummoxed at the scene with Cindy having lunch with her parents and her complete and total inability to manage the kids at the same time. She honestly acted like she'd never been out in public with them before and was absolutely clueless. If anyone remembers the Diane Keaton movie, Baby Boom, that's precisely how Cindy came off during that lunch...Except for the fact those were her kids and not a last-minute inheritance she had to drag along. It's pretty bad when you can't navigate a family lunch with your children without having to call your assistant in to take over. Yeah, she was boring, bland, brusque, and seemed to be absolutely humorless. And I found the fact that her brother's wife looked just like Cindy was totally creepy.
  25. An excerpt from the above-linked article: I've read that "rumor" several times over the past few days. I'm hoping it's true if for no other reason than to drool over Camille's fashion choices. I've had enough of Lisa's pink frocks and Kyle's caftans to last a lifetime.
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