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Everything posted by Persnickety1

  1. I was laughing at how ridiculous it was for either Heather or Kristen to be trying to argue with someone who was clearly drunk (and being a "mean drunk," as a couple of them called it). Always a total waste of time, just like it was in this episode. I would think these "worldly" adult women would have been aware of that and saved their efforts for when Sonja was sobered up and more receptive. But then that would have been the logical thing to do and if there's one thing these women usually can be counted on NOT to be, it's logical. Yup. The link to her sugardaddyforme.com ad was posted over on TWOP. Also, she does NOT own a "chain of luxurious" nail salons. She's apparently the manager of one of the TWO that exist. Sonja was totally delusional in her description of that entire scenario. Their website is...interesting. http://www.tippietoesinc.com/
  2. I just figured Sonja was drunk and holding onto Aviva to avoid falling flat of her face.
  3. These middle-aged beauty queen women make the real housewives look downright sane and logical by comparison. There's something I never thought I'd say. Grown women snarking on each other's looks like pissed off high schoolers who failed to make the cheerleading squad. And I even learned a new phrase during the preview, a "40 Footer." Which apparently is as huge a diss as calling someone a "but-her-face." I'm thinking this could turn into some type of demented crown-wearing, hair-pulling, shriekfest before it's over. I'm in!!!
  4. I recall last season during the London trip Sonja also was on a bitchfest about LuAnn being tall and therefore she should stand back and let the other shorter women enter a room before she did. She's had a bug up her drunken ass about LuAnn ever since, I think. Kind of like with the tranny comment she made to her in the Hamptons.
  5. On the west coast and can't watch this until I'm off work (ugh 2-1/2 more hours and counting).... Is this the episode where Sonja passes out at the dinner table, or is this another drunken Sonja escapade? Damn paying my bills interfering with my Bravo addiction!!!!
  6. No worries. She's previously engaged at Celebrity Marriage Bootcamp or sun-theen like that. Where she's already being called out as being phony, hehe.
  7. Isn't that the same episode where they had a disagreement and he said something (paraphrased) "It's not my fault everybody loves me," and she looked askance and replied (again paraphrased) "That's because they don't see the real you that I live with"? I distinctly remember that comment, and I remember it was a Skinny Girl trip and somewhere cold and maybe snowy, LOL. The comment just stood out in my head because I'd noticed several subtle little things he did that would set her off. I always felt he knew precisely which Bethenny buttons to push to make her appear crazy(ier) than she already was. For example, throwing her that birthday party she had adamantly and repeatedly insisted she did NOT want. It sounds so trivial but, hey, I agree with Bethenny on that one. Hell, I used to lie and tell co-workers I was a Jehovah's Witness just so they wouldn't embarrass me with those ridiculous office birthday parties and holiday fuckery. I think Jason was probably a passive-aggressive manipulative asshole as a husband; however, I've never seen or heard anything so far to convince me he would be an unfit father. I hope they settle this shit soon just to stop the freakshow proceedings for Brynn's sake. BTW, didn't Bethenny name her daughter Brynn to honor Jason's dead brother, Brian? Maybe she should lob that one out there as a reminder for speculation that she despises Jason's family.
  8. Yolanda is my second favorite housewife because of her snarkability (she is second only to LuAnn from RHoNYC for me). She had me from her first dinner at her home, where she shushed the women and told them to just sit and listen, had them look absolutely ridiculous with the drunken congo line, and then unceremoniously threw them out immediately after the last chord sounded from the piano. "That's all, we have fed you and entertained you, now you must go and we go to bed" as she clapped her hands. Yeah, way to get rid of those drunken shrews before the chucklefucks start fighting with each other. It would be better than 10 hugs from baby jesus to see Our Lady of the Lemons grab that little twat in a choke hold like she did the self-defense instructor. I'd pay to watch that shit.
  9. That infamous meeting with Bethenny and the disjointed "I'm up here, you're down here" conversation will never not be hilarious. It was like a more confusing version of Who's on First. Also the "I don't eat processed food," as she's noshing on gummy bears and jellybeans. And the "You're not a chef, you're a cook, not a chef." Kelli took crazy to a level I don't think any housewife will ever be able to top. Even Aviva (although I reserve the right to change that statement if there's more over-the-top batshit crazy antics courtesy of Aviva later this season).
  10. I can't find the links right now, dammit. Maybe scoobiedoobs will chime in on this thread and remember what they were. I lost any sympathy I had for Sonja financially when I read the details behind the lawsuit against her. She totally scammed those people and even told them Mr. Morgan would be investing in the film. She abruptly backed out when John Travolta asked for his salary to be paid at the time he signed the contract (apparently very common practice in the industry). Sonja couldn't cover her financial ass and just walked away from the project, like she was just stiffing someone with the tab for dinner. I always wonder if a lot of her on-air shenanigans of incompetency and delusion are part of her repertoire to use the footage as her not being of sound mind and trying to get the decision reversed. Not that I think it would work but I wouldn't put it past her to try it. Or maybe what with her scene of passing out at the dinner table she'll try to reverse the decision and claim she was a raging alcoholic but didn't realize it and was mentally impaired by her alcoholism when she put that deal together. I used to have sympathy for Sonja in this matter until I read the actual details of the proceedings and judgment. She cost a lot of people a tremendous amount of money with her desire to be the next Kathleen Kennedy and her charade bit her in her liposuctioned ass.
  11. I don't believe Donn was awarded spousal support in the end. That being said, Vicki was married to Donn when she began her business and obviously he helped to contribute to her ability to build it, by working to support her as she developed her business and I'm sure helping to wrangle the kids, cook, and other things. Had Donn been awarded spousal support, I would have totally been okay with that. I can't equate the Donn/Vicki divorce to the Jason/Bethenny divorce at all, except they're both Bravo-lebrities. It's a totally different set of circumstances.
  12. I remember reading on a couple of tabloid gossip sites that there were whispers around Atlanta that Phaedra herself had pulled the final trigger, so to speak, on Apollo when she found out about his mistress and that she'd been played for a fool. If I recall correctly, there was speculation that she knew Apollo was under surveillance and made the investigation a little easier. I have no idea whether that rumor is true, obviously, but if it were the case, I wonder if Phaedra could have cut herself a sweet deal in the process of rolling over on Apollo. I'm curious to see what happens after the sentencing. I don't think Phaedra will immediately hop off the supportive, loving wife train. I think we'll probably see a single mom Phaedra on the next season with lots of references to Apollo "being away."
  13. And that her "Joe, her loving husband of 13 years" occasionally refers to her as "my bitch of a wife" and "she's such a cunt." Such a scamp, that Joe. I've decided whoever writes these bios for Bravo has never seen any episode of any franchise. I don't see any way they could actually watch these shows and write this type of effusive flowery crap.
  14. That's from this Bravo bio about Dina: http://www.bravotv.com/people/dina-manzo/bio If I recall correctly, there was a whole lot of speculation about Project Ladybug and its lack of being a registered charity when this show first started airing. I find it pretty amusing that now Bravo and/or Dina are going out of their way to make sure the viewers know it's now above-board, whereas before it was looking a bit shady. I guess they want to shut down any speculation before the season gets started so they can focus on more important things. Like those spastic twins and that new shrieking asshole.
  15. I don't recall OC ever being filmed at the holidays, either. However, I do recall NYC being filmed at the holidays. It's forever emblazoned in my mind thanks to the Fuck You in the Ass band that LuAnn hired. My freaking DVR didn't record this episode last night for some reason but instead randomly set it to record tonight right before RHoNYC. I was severely butt-hurt that I had to console myself with 16 and Pregnant instead of these bitches. Oh well, tonight I'll have 2 straight hours of snark with the back-to-back recordings. Actually, I was so happy to see all of the activity in this thread this morning that it kind of made up for the slackassery of my DVR.
  16. I think Vicki was grabbing more than one metaphor at a time. It was like she started out going for that alleged tunnel of light where someone who's already passed awaits you and beckons you in...Then got herself all fucking confused and it started sounding more like she was describing Gretchen was calling her over to the dark side. Vicki...She's always just so spazz-tastic. On the other hand, she makes excellent snarky entertainment for me, so I hope she never changes. (BTW, I see lots of familiar names on this board tonight...So let me do my best Vicki imitation and say WOOOOO HOOOOO!!!!!)
  17. Delighted to see you, Scoobie/swineinny!!! I loved Harry when he was listening to Sonja prattle away about her various endeavors. He just looked as unimpressed as I felt listening to her and just kept telling her to "finish one." I can't wait to see what happens when Sonja is crying because Harry gives her a ring and then takes off with LuAnn in a car. Looks like that situation will be very interesting indeed.
  18. Or in the event of the much heralded Zombie Apocalypse? Damn, now I'm thinking I should set up a Google alert for keyword zombie (not that I believe in a ZA but, you know, "just in case").
  19. I think so, unless she had two of them. One was featured walking around on a table (dining room table over dinner, I think?), and the subject of her cleaning the cat's anal glands came up. Keep it tacky, RHoNJ, keep it tacky.
  20. Internet trolls did Google image searches on pictures of the desserts on their website, which touted that Amy had made them and how wonderful they were. They came back and were posting the source of the actual desserts under those pictures. Amy and/or Sammy had even taken the trouble to remove watermarks from the original pictures. I remember one of them originated on a Chinese website. I think even Gordon knew she didn't really bake those desserts on his first visit. If she was doing that type of baking, I would think the restaurant should have smelled absolutely wonderful. Instead it must have smelled like cardboard bakery boxes...Until Amy began the day's cooking and then it smelled like undercooked pizza, anyway. Their Facebook page (ABC Bakery) makes for some fascinating reading. Every time they try to post something defending themselves, the trolls are on them quicker than you can say MEOW!!!
  21. I giggled a tiny bit in the scene where the women were fighting and Melissa and Teresa looked at each other and said, "Aren't you glad that's not us?" or something like that. Yeah, it was refreshing to see those two being out of the fray for once.
  22. Well, that extended preview looked interesting. This is probably my least favorite of the franchises just because it's so much family "dirty laundry" being aired, but maybe the cast overhaul will change it up a bit. Those twins were intriguing. They came off almost ditzy enough to have warranted their own Bravo weekly 30-minute freak show, "Jersey Devils" or something like that. Angela (I think that's her name, the breast cancer survivor) looks like she's bringing bags full of drama to the show. I didn't care for Dina on her first go-round of the show. Damn, those Laurita genes are strong. She looks just like Caroline would in a long blond wig. Or Chris in a long blond wig. Hopefully she brings that "bitch" factor with her that she keeps boasting she has. I'll be tuning in, if for no other reason than to see the Teresa and Joe goin' to the pokey footage. I really wish Bravo would have edited out the kids, though. I realize that's part of "reality," with the kids having to deal with this but I don't need to see understandably upset and crying children on my Bravo craptastic shows.
  23. I wouldn't either. In fact, I wish Bravo would just do a quick re-edit and leave everything to do with Aviva and her twisted father on the cutting room floor. Ugh. I'm pretty sure Aviva has enough money (pretty sure, but not positive since you can never tell with these housewives' financial statuses) that no amount of "persuasion" to get her to go on that Montana trip would have effected her. Like Adrienne Maloof on RHoBH, I think Aviva can afford to just tell Bravo to shove that contract up their ass and walk away. And I really wish she would so they'd get rid of her. I can't see where she's adding anything at all to the show this season, unless she does some epic volcanic meltdown later in the season. Even at that, it'd have to pretty damned jaw-dropping to make up for having to see and hear George.
  24. Maybe we'll get lucky this season and someone will tell him to look at the pretty, pretty flowers. While he's wearing the hat, of course.
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