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Everything posted by Persnickety1

  1. Right? She acted like Ellie May Clampett. I was almost expecting her to forget how to use utensils during the dinner. That entire scene would have been much better served with facial expressions of awe and wonderment rather than that verbal Beverly Hillbillies type of reaction. What I loved about that disastrous dinner with Logan's family most was it was so reminiscent of the way the Gilmores treated Dean during his dinner with them a few seasons before. Their mortification of the Huntzbergers' treatment of precious Rory was probably comparable to Dean's parents' outrage over how he had been treated at Chateau Gilmore. Gilmore Pot, meet Huntzberger Kettle. I must admit, as much as I love this show, I really grew to strongly dislike the character of Rory in season 4 after she slept with Dean. Her reaction to her mother pointing out cold hard facts to her was really reprehensible, and I just never warmed up to the character again. In fact, I pretty much did a fist pump when she failed to get her coveted internship at the New York Times and couldn't sweet talk her way into the position she'd turned down in Providence, so I was pretty much elated at the way her bubble was burst at the Huntzberger dinner. As Dean once told her in an earlier season, not everyone is going to like you, Rory.
  2. As most of us suspected, Glenn indeed survived. If the writers do kill him off in the future, I'm going to be one pissed off fan if he doesn't get his own 90-minute Glenn-centric episode so we can see what he was like pre-ZA, zipping around delivering pizzas and whatever else he might have been up to before the apocalyptic shit hit the fan known as earth. Carl...Just when I had decided perhaps I didn't loathe this little bastard as much as I thought I did, he has to turn all smart ass when Rick is showing Ron how to use the gun. Nothing like poking a cornered rattlesnake, Carl. I hope he shoots that fucking ridiculous hat off of your pompous head. And Carol was back...As in Badass Carol, not cookie-baking Carol. How unfortunate that the herd gets in (probably) before we can see Carol shove Denise out of the way to shove Morgan's stick up his ass after she beats the injured Wolf to death with it. Damn, damn, damn. All in all, I thought this was a great episode. And I have to say, I love the way they segued straight from the happy moment of Maggie and Rick realizing Glenn is alive straight to the fence coming down. More of this type of action, please, show!!! Now the countdown for next week and the mid season finale. And, because it can't be said enough, Fuck You AMC for your mid season finale bullshit. Just as the action picks back up, we're left twiddling our collective thumbs for a few months. Ugh. But, hey, Glenn's alive, Carol is out of the kitchen again, Coral might get his pompous ass kicked/shot, and it looks like the show will be shedding some excess baggage next week... #WINNING
  3. Boy, do I agree with you on this point. I was expecting something really cute and instead...Well, we got what we got. And poor Alexis/Rory. That beautiful child was cursed with such horrid posture and I felt like that dress just accentuated it. It almost made it look as if her head and neck were disjointed. Just a poor choice, IMO, all the way around, between looking like it was made from cheap fabric to the way it accentuated Rory's tragically awful posture, it was just a huge "miss" for me. There was another episode later in the series when Lorelai mentioned she could make a dress for Rory for some occasion. I remember sitting there and saying to the TV (because I'm weird that way), "No, no, please don't, Lorelai...Stick to making costumes!"
  4. Oy, where to begin with this motley group of heifers. First of all, Brianna, come up with original material to bitch about. We heard about this "Girth Brooks" fuck-and-awe shit at least 2 reunions ago, only now you're apparently embellishing it even further as a direct sexual proposition to your hot self (as if the comment alone weren't disgusting enough....It needs no embellishment to be more odious). If you're going to spew shit about Brooks, at least make it something new and interesting that we haven't heard before. I'd love to hear more about his allegedly fake cancer or catching him hitting your mom's bank account without her authorization or forging her name on pink slips or title deeds. Other than that, this old shit is boring. And you're boring, too, Brianna. Interesting that Brooks said Vicki is apparently bankrolling at least a portion of the finances for Brianna and Ryan. I have no clue what Ryan makes but a quick Google for "average salary of an ER nurse in Oklahoma" indicates it's between $61K-$72K. Definitely a decent salary...But considering how often Ryan is not at home and the cost of child care, not to mention the expenses of (at least) 2 vehicles (not necessarily payments but regular maintenance, insurance, etc), utilities, internet, cell phone, gas, water, etc., it's conceivable that you could still be relying on mommy to pick up some of the tight spots. Child care alone for 2 children must be a pretty penny, even in Oklahoma. So, the $1100/month mortgage conceivably could be only a small portion of your monthly outflow. So, yeah, I'm not discounting what Brooks said here, lying sack of rancid shit that he is, just because you looked shocked and gave him a very mature Double Birdie. Well, thank goddess for small favors, because at least you kept your shoes on for this reunion. Tamra? You might be fooling Jesus but you ain't fooling this bitch. Same old Tamra, barely restrained smirk and evil Chucky-like gleam in her eye at anyone else's misfortune. Oh, I don't believe for 1 hot minute that your ex-husband Simon wrote that text message on Sidney's behalf. Sidney is a young adult and I'm sure she has her very own opinions about your abilities as a mother. Now let's all count down to how long it takes for Spencer and the other daughter to go to dad's house. Simon might be an asshole, but at least he's an asshole who appears to be very involved in the children's lives and is always posting up pictures of them at various sporting events, local and out of town trips, etc. It's called "quality time," Tamra, you ignorant bitch, not "Bravo time." Heather, shove your latest mausoleum with it's obscenely ridiculous $600K cabinets right up your pompous ass. Sideways. Without lubrication. And then shove Terry's head up your ass, too. You are probably the most materialistic people I have ever seen on my TV screen. Irony = You chastising Alexis Bellino for being "materialistic". Ms. Grinch, you and your equally pompous and arrogant husband have taken "materialistic" to a whole 'nother level. Vicki, Vicki, Vicki....Cut back a little on the Xanax and just own your shit. You're a horrific troll of a human being but damn if you aren't good reality TV gold at time. Do me a personal favor. Buy yourself another award that comes complete with a Plexiglass trophy, host an event, get drunk, and fall squarely on your ass collecting said trophy as you did way back when. Or go visit Don in Havascrew and take another football to the head. Those are things you do that I enjoy the most. Meghan. Go fuck yourself. You're not worth more of my time than those 3 words. I'd love to be a fly on the wall when Haley is hanging out with her girlfriends talking about your ridiculous ass. Shannon...See a real therapist and try to sort out your food/body issues. Requiring an at-home colonic after eating a single tangerine? It's all in your head, sweetie. Ignore the voices and seek help. STAT. Before your odd and perhaps health-endangering habits become ingrained into your young daughters impressionable psyches. Did I cover all of these heifers? Ugh, I don't get my cable for another 10 days so I watched last night's episode on the Bravo Live Feed. That Bravo live feed sucks harder than Andy Cohen at a coke party. Hi everyone!!!!!!
  5. But..but..but... (Let me find a straw to grasp here...) These are dumpsters from a future ZA time so their design is modified to allow hiding space and/or trap doors underneath? No? Okay, I'll put on my tinfoil dunce cap and sit in the corner now.
  6. My speculation about Glenn is that it was Nicholas on top of Glenn being eviscerated. In my speculative dream world, Glenn is strong and wiry and conveniently right smack against that dumpster. He'll find a way to shimmy out from under Nicholas' dead weight and under that dumpster, undetected by the walkers until the horde moves on and he safely emerges. That's my speculation and I'm going to convince myself that's what will happen.
  7. I would feel pretty safe in assuming she was not distracted but DICK-stracted. Probably bumping uglies with her beau of the week, high as a proverbial kite, and obviously to everything and everyone except herself. Girl's downright nasty. I'm glad those kids were snatched from her custody. She's no better than any other addict that endangers their children, MTV "celebrity" or not. I've pretty loathed her stank ass since the whole feeding the girls Cheetos off the floor debacle. Ugh. Now I hope Germy follows Corey's lead and gets custody of baby Adderall before that little girl is snatched off the street by some pervert whilst Leah is getting her freak on oblivious to the world around her.
  8. EVERYONE looks like a weakling next to Queen Carol. I don't think it's a racial issue, it's across the board...All the other men and women (even the Wolves) look like candy asses in comparison.
  9. So many favorite moments but my ultimate favorite moment was actually the entire opening sequence of Season 7, Episode 9, "Knit People Knit" in which: - Emily plays Lorelai's message from the machine announcing she and Christopher are married whilst Emily and Richard snark on the call, Rory looks appropriately mortified, and Lorelai looks like she wants to disappear into thin air... - Lorelai is so excited about opening the wedding gift from her parents, and Emily tells her she sounds "like a dolphin at feeding time"... - The indescribably ghastly sketch that Richard and Emily chose to give Lorelai and Christopher to start their "art" collection (and the look on Rory's face when Lorelai turns the sketch around to show it to her) coupled with Lorelai's bemused look... - The way in which Emily and Richard replay Lorelai's voice machine recording announcing the marriage at the end of the sequence This sequence is just everything about why I love this show, all in one short little opening sequence. Everyone was so on-point perfect. Here's a clip of just part of it if anyone needs a refresher:
  10. Ugh, that ensemble just bugged the crap out of me. For a closet that Rory raided more than once, even if her "work" clothes were all at the cleaners, that Daisy Duke look complete with cowboy boots was the only outfit she could pull out of the closet? She didn't have a pair of jeans she could have pulled on and a sweater? She didn't have a single pair of clean slacks somewhere in that treasure trove of a closet that she could have paired with a plain white T-shirt and one of her many blazers? That was one of the things that bugged me about season one. In no woman's closet, particularly someone like Lorelei, would that ghastly outfit be the only thing to wear. As an aside, Mini Persnickety and I have a hoot over seeing so many of Lorelei's accessories that I had in my closet circa 2000-2005, such as a multitude of the purses she carries and some of her jewelry pieces. Since we never saw the show until it started showing on Netflix, I had no idea I was sporting a Gilmore piece at the time. As a knitter myself, though, I do enjoy seeing the various scarves, hats, afghans on the backs of the couches, etc. Not that I necessarily like them all, but I find that those handmade-looking touches added some authenticity to the small town atmosphere of Stars Hollow. Well, except for the fact it was painfully obvious during the Knit-A-Thon episode that over half of that cast had no idea how to even hold a pair of knitting needles, much less how to knit. I should point out that I adore this show so much that I purchased the entire series on DVD and can randomly grab any season and know I'll enjoy it. Well, except the episodes that include April. I detested that kid but that's a whole 'nother rant.
  11. I think this is the appropriate thread to vent in about what I consider the absolute derailment of this show for me. I should preface this by saying I do still love the show and, being without cable TV at the moment after I relocated to a mountain village, I bought the entire series on DVD and watch it ad nauseam. But that kid who played April? I find that kid absolutely insufferable. I see ZERO chemistry with her and any other cast member, whether it's Fenn as her mother or Patterson as her father. It's almost as if they wanted to make her somehow a counterpart to Rory, being brainy and advanced for her age, but goddamn that kid just grates on my soul. I can't stand her in any scene I saw her in, from that scenery-chewing scene in the diner about moving to New Mexico to her Lorelai-organized birthday party scenes. Maybe I'd have found this entire storyline more palatable with another kid (any other kid) in the role, but this one? Ugh. And that scene where they had to return her rock polisher that she apparently wanted Luke to get her, then pissed and moaned when he did get it for her because her grandparents had already given her one? Arghhh.... Good Christ, I just wanted to rip her oversized head from her shoulders and chuck it into said rock-polishing machine, hoping a new April would emerge. Okay, off of my rant now. It's just with the ridiculous amount of love I have for this show, that kid just ruined my enjoyment of every single episode in which she appeared. Every time her bespectacled, smug, overacting face pops onto my screen, I find myself wondering just who the frig she was related to that she landed that role. I feel so much better now...
  12. BREAKING NEWS: Kim has fled rehab/inpatient psychiatric treatment yet again. Checked herself out and no one knows where the fuck she is. This is per ROL, but for some reason I'm betting this fuck-and-awe information is accurate. http://radaronline.com/celebrity-news/kim-richards-rehab-ditches-orange-county-treatment-center/
  13. Posted this in Vicki's thread but since it's pertinent to this season cross posting here: The great love affair kaput. https://www.facebook.com/vickigunvalsonhousewife?fref=nf
  14. And this just in....Straight from the horse's mouth on her FB page: https://www.facebook.com/vickigunvalsonhousewife?fref=nf
  15. I don't suppose there's a chance in hell that the police administer a breathalyzer for a shoplifting bust, right? Dammit. I'll bet this bitch was drunk and/or high when she pulled this stunt. Hopefully we least get a mug shot out of this latest arrest. UPDATE: TMZ is on it now, apparently it was at Target. http://www.tmz.com/2015/08/03/kim-richards-arrested-shoplifting-target/
  16. JUST IN... She really IS just the gift that keeps on giving, isn't she? Now she's been arrested for shoplifting... http://www.etonline.com/news/169262_kim_richards_arrested_for_shoplifting/
  17. Between a briefcase chock full of hotel receipts and text messages from the other woman on his non-password-protected cell phone, I'm going to make the logical leap here that David is a cheater who wanted to get caught. Who the fresh hell leaves evidence as powerful as this for his wife to find unless their goal is to be found out? It's actually quite cowardly of him to let Shannon find out through hotel receipts and text messages rather than growing a pair and just asking for a divorce. And all the while apparently denying it to her face and telling her she was imagining it. Lucky for him, he's not a powerful San Diego attorney and his wife isn't Betty Broderick.
  18. Oh no no, there was quite a ballyhoo about the charges last season when they were uncovered. I believe Shannon tried to explain it away as a mistake/overreaction and they had worked through it. I've known several women who also backpedaled after calling the authorities on an abusive spouse. Perhaps I'm being overly judgmental, but I will always have a gigantic question mark over my head when it comes to David in this regard. Here's one link but there are several out there (this is from the ghastly Radar OnLine, but Shannon has verified the incident did happen): http://radaronline.com/exclusives/2014/04/shannon-beador-david-domestic-dispute-violence/ (ETA: I just noticed the title of this episode which makes it somewhat ironic in light of discussion of domestic violence...Yikes!)
  19. And let's not forget that past domestic violence issue a few years back that came to light last season. Possibly abusive. Admittedly a cheater. Yeah, I'm not willing to hop on the Poor David train yet. Except when it comes to some total fuckwit like Terry Dubrow making derogatory, shady comments about his "construction" business. But as a husband? Nah, an admitted cheater is never, ever going to get a pat on the back from this bitch, not to mention there's still that huge question mark over the domestic violence charges.
  20. No clue, but I just realized Brandi's buddy Jennifer would jump through hoops of fire to score a gig on this franchise. I don't think the network even briefly contemplated bringing in a buddy for Brandi. She was done...She knew it, the audience knew it, and certainly Bravo knew it. Now back to the mystery question...Which friend is "Janic"?
  21. The idiotic twit NEVER fit in, even when she first joined the cast. Not fitting in wouldn't stop this bitch from collecting a Bravo paycheck. I strongly suspect Bravo simply opted not to renew her contract and she's trying to make it appear as if it were her choice. Wasn't it reported somewhere that Bravo pretty much lets these housewives spin their departures and they don't really challenge it? I would assume in most cases that's because they've humiliated and embarrassed the housewife sufficiently on the show where they allow her that one remaining shred of dignity. Unfortunately for Brandi, she never had a shred of dignity on which to cling. #byefelicia
  22. Vile human being that I am (and having single-handedly raised my own daughter with no financial support from her father), I have not a single fuck to give about how she earns money. I don't even have a clue what she was doing for cash when she married cheater dog Eddie. Her modeling career was never exactly white hot, so I doubt she was living off of savings from that. Eddie (and by proxy LeAnn) will see to it those children don't do without much in life. Brandi has been pulling in good Bravo money for 4 years. It's no one's fault but her own she pissed through it on leased cars, leased houses, dreadful plastic surgery, and who knows what else. Brandi Glanville = Not my circus, not my monkey. And no longer Bravo's monkey, either. HALLELUJAH!!!
  23. I haven't seen tonight's episode yet...It would be like a hug from baby jeebus if we could get another award acceptance like this epic moment:
  24. So which housewife is going to hold Tasmanian Tamra down and which one is going to fling holy water on her whilst they chant THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU!!! I mean, surely, there will be a pre-baptismal exorcism. Wouldn't the baptismal waters turn to blood or at least rapidly reach boiling points with the likes of Tamra's ass in there making a mockery of religion for a story line? Better not take her to the zoo, Eddie. I don't think the baboons would like her very much. And for heaven's sake (pun intended), don't let the bitch eat any split pea soup.
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