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Everything posted by Persnickety1

  1. One more hour...I should commence drinking now. If they show Negan's soliloquy all over again, I'm going to hurl my wine bottle at my TV. Cheers!
  2. I'm a diehard fan of the show. No matter what fuck-and-awe shenanigans Gimple pulls from his arse, I'll be there to watch. In for a penny, in for a pound. I'll be watching this show 20 years from now in the retirement home whilst wearing a bib to catch my drool if it's still on. If not, I'll demand a DVD player to watch it on continuous repeat. That being said, I'm far more interested in seeing Morgan and Carol at The Kingdom than I am seeing the head bashing in the premiere. I find the developing relationship between Morgan and Carol fascinating, and I'm looking forward to seeing more of The Kingdom and how that community operates. And, of course, I can't wait to get back to Hilltop and see Jesus. Oh my my...I don't care what he's doing, I just want to gaze upon the eye candy he provides. Now, hurry the fuck up, Sunday, let's get this show back on the road!
  3. I loved that trailer. I gather instead of a "dream" sequence, what the viewers will see will be some of the moments of each potential victim's life flashing before their eyes...Probably right before Lucille hits a home run, just to prolong the anticipation of seeing who the victim(s) is (are). And "I have no idea what the hell's going on in the most wonderful way"? That's my new mantra. I want that saying on a T-shirt, a mug, a meme, and maybe on a wine glass. Hell, maybe I'll tattoo it across my ass. I can't wait for this upcoming season. #HurryUpOctober
  4. I must be the most oblivious human being on planet Earth. I just watched Land of the Dead (and Diary of the Dead) and saw that Nicotero was involved with the special effects on that film. Interesting that in LOTD, the zombies were called "walkers" and "stenches" (my personal favorite zombie slang). I was then doing a mental countdown of all of the names the walkers have been called on TWD. *Walkers *Rotters *Biters *Roamers *Geeks *Lamebrains Anyone else recall any other slang terms for the undead on this show?
  5. I just recently re-watched this season on DVD. I'd almost forgotten why I came to despise Andrea, but now I remember. She was like one of those fair-weather friends in high school who was your best bud until she snagged a boyfriend, then no longer had time to take your calls or actually get together with you in person...until there was an inevitable breakup, then she wanted to return to the fold, so to speak. Andrea was totally "dick-matized" by the governor and sold out every one of her CDB friends and Michonne for a warm bed and some weenie. I honestly believed she would have stood back and watched the governor maim, torture, or even kill Michonne rather than risk her ridiculous "first lady" status in Woodbury. Hers was one of the few deaths on this show that I was actively rooting for. Well, hers and Laurie's. I found them both pretty much equally vile.
  6. Mini Persnickety and I drew that same exact comparison at Roadblock #2. The RV, the night setting, the bloodthirsty followers, the roadblocks... We were just thankful a dead pet wasn't involved. I found the finale very atmospheric and suspenseful.
  7. Gimple maintains this wasn't a cliffhanger but rather the end of the "tearing down Rick" story. I might be wrong but it sounds like there may be a time jump and viewers may not see the actual murder...but I've had only half a cup of coffee so I could be wrong. http://www.thterrortime.com/negan-and-the-walking-dead-season-6-finale-cliffhanger-showrunner-and-creator-weigh-in/
  8. I'll bet the "victim" knows who they are but none of the other cast knows who the victim is. Dear gawd, that's such a butchery of grammar that maybe I should go kneel in front of Negan. But I'd prefer to kneel in front of Jesus. I was hoping for a Jesus sighting in the finale but...le sigh, no such luck. And I'll venture a guess that Abraham met Lucille last night. He was the only one who wasn't showing any sign of fear and if I were an alpha male asshole like Negan, I'd want to take out the one who looked like they would be resistant and present a potential problem. And that "taking it like a man" comment kind of cemented it as Abraham in my mind. Well, that and the fact whoever Negan played Whac-A-Mole with didn't have any hair in their eyes, so that quickly eliminated everyone but Abraham and Eugene for me. Yeah, I spend way too much time analyzing this show...but I loved the finale (those roadblocks and Rick's increasingly panicked reaction to them were fantastic). I'm all in for next season...but hoping to be spoiled before October.
  9. At the end of season 4 when CDB are trapped in the railroad car and Rick says, "They're screwing with the wrong people?" On the DVD, he says "They're fucking with the wrong people." Maybe when this season comes out on DVD it will have unfiltered language, too. It's an adult-oriented program, so I really don't understand why all the blood-letting is okay with AMC but they tone down the language for apparently their delicate-eared viewers.
  10. I concur wholeheartedly. I don't need to see Glenn's head beaten into oblivion. The audio sound effects of that bat are enough to make me shudder, and I'm normally a total gore hound. If a cliffhanger means not seeing the aftermath of Lucille on Glenn (or whoever the victim is), I'm perfectly fine with that.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmtnUj8c02M It's now up on You Tube. This is a spoiler thread so I would expect anyone venturing in here would realize it's going to contain, well, spoilers but I have a couple of questions about what's heard. Now the long countdown until Sunday night....And it's a 90-minute episode so at least the last 11 minutes will be action packed!
  12. Well, besides the last 30 seconds, this episode was pretty much a bust for me and worked better than Ambien to knock me out. Is the stupid contagious in the water at Alexandria? Why, oh why, do these resourceful warriors keep falling for ruses and stepping into traps? Hell, at this rate, I'm waiting for Super Duper Tracker Darryl to carelessly step into a goddamned animal trap and be taken down by a hungry herd of walkers. And speaking of Daryl.... Okay, show, I'm on Shenanigans Lookout. We played that entire fucking scene second-by-second and that shot went into Daryl's shoulder. Do not play Pop Goes the Weasel and have Rosita be the one shot. You've committed to Daryl being shot in that scene. I find it amusing that Daryl's hair is now clean but his body still looks like it would take a fire hose to clean off the stank. I still love Carol. I know this won't happen, but in my particular vision, she sneaks up behind Dwight and the Motley Crue and mows them all down with yet another assault rifle hidden somewhere on her body. I hope the season finale is much more action packed throughout and not just the last 30 seconds. Oh, one more thing... End, could you give Carl a much-needed haircut before the shit hits the proverbial Alexandria fan? PLEASE???
  13. A dingo? I'll show myself out now...
  14. I was wondering about that, too, and tried to figure out if there could be a time jump at play, but I don't see how there could be since Carol just left and previews show people out looking for her after inquiring when she had left...And Carol just told the Savior women that Maggie was only about 2 months along. Sounds more like suffering a miscarriage than labor but sometimes these writers are exasperating. On another note, I'm reading every spoiler I can. I really don't give a fuck whether they kill off Abraham, Eugene, Rosita, Tara, Glenn, Maggie, or any non-original CDB cast members (except for Michonne, who I love almost as much as I love Carol). For me, Abraham, Rosita, Eugene, and Tara just take away screen time from the original crew, whom I find infinity more interesting, and I pretty much lost interest in Maggie and Glenn when they became attached at the hip. Separately, I enjoyed them, but together...not so much. I was even glad to see Denise go. If they have to spare some Alexandria folks, I'd vote for Heath and Adam (and whatever his boyfriend's name is...since they never show the dude, I can't ever remember his name). Other than that, I hope they do a massive housecleaning on this show. Oh yeah, and Jesus Saves, so keep that fine looking piece of eye candy, please.
  15. Oy...Mini Persnickety is giving me "the talk" about how I must prepare for my favorite character's impending demise. It's sadly very much in the same tone as when I had to confess to her there was no Santa Claus. I've loved Carol for so many seasons....it's going to be hard to find another character for me to "bond" with on this show. Le sigh... On the upside, that shirt Eugene was wearing ("Virginia is for Lovers") was just EVERYTHING in that scene. So ghastly inappropriate for the scene that had just unfolded and it was much needed comic relief. And Jesus....through broken glass on my hands and knees for a piece of that....YOWZA!!!!!!
  16. Oh, damn, you're right. I'd forgotten all about that. Okay, now I can go back to focusing on how complacent Rick and Darryl have gotten going on runs.
  17. I was a bit confused (not an unusual state for me) when the episode started and thought perhaps Rick and Michonne had been hooking up during the elapsed time since the end of the last episode. At the end of the episode, I decided the writers must have put that opening segment in to show the viewers just how comfortable Rick, Michonne, Carl, and Judith had become together so it didn't look like a huge leap with the end of the episode hand-holding/kiss/sexy times scene. Now, here's where I'm having difficulty producing a gratifying fanwank.... How the fresh hell are they managing to take and print/develop photographs? I appreciated the picture of Carl and Judith was to show us time had progressed....but...Okay, help me out, fellow PTV'ers. There's no internet, no WiFi, no cell phones, etc. Is there maybe a photographer and some super-secret dark room somewhere deep in the corridors of Alexandria??? I don't know out of the multitude of roll with it moments this one with the photograph really bugs me, but it does. And, BTW, I'm agnostic but that is one hot-assed Jesus that I'd go on my knees for. YOWZA...THANK YOU, SHOW!!!!!!!!!
  18. The entire opening segment of Knit, People, Knit, where Emily and Richard give Loralei and Christopher "Wolf Girl" to start their art collection and playing the message of Loralei telling them that she and Christopher had gotten married in France... And I've found more than 1 opportunity to use Emily's, "You're like a dolphin at feeding time" when telling Loralei she can finally open her gift. That whole segment keeps me laughing from beginning to end...everybody involved in that scene was pure perfection.
  19. Rory, the same twit who sat there and never clarified to Emily that the "errands" Loralei had to do that caused her to not go to the Friday night dinner was because Rory had written down the wrong date she had to report to college and hence Loralei was running all over town doing all of the preparations for Rory's departure the next day to Yale, including doing all of Rory's packing and getting Luke over to help her load the truck in Ballrooms and Biscotti? THAT Rory? Yeah, she was pretty much at the top of my shit list in that episode. There was no earthly reason she couldn't have told Emily, "Grandma, mom can't come tonight. I wrote down the wrong date that I had to be at Yale and it's actually tomorrow, not next Saturday like I had written down, so mom's running around getting everything I'll need and packing for me so I can have dinner with you and Grandpa." Did she just not want to cop to screwing up? Did she have temporary amnesia about just what errands her mother was running? Did she want to shit stir between Emily and Loralei? The child prodigy who was setting world records for her intelligence suddenly couldn't formulate a coherent yet simple sentence to Emily explaining just what her mother was doing that caused her to miss the dinner? Again, yet another Twilight Zone moment comes to Stars Hollow...
  20. In my (probably) unpopular opinion, Zack was pretty much Todd 2.0. After Todd bored her to death on their movie date, I'm at a loss what would have ever attracted her to another bone headed neanderthal such as Zack. The only thing I could find to justify the chemistry-free, milquetoast relationship was Lane was in the end just another groupie attracted to a guy with a guitar and a band. Of course, I'm still trying to figure out how Mrs. Kim apparently never opened Lane's closet door in a decade and discovered her "secret" life. It's not like she could have hidden all that shit and dragged it back out on a daily basis. Just another Stars Hollow eccentricity, I suppose, where logic is in short supply and history is rewritten as necessary to push a plot point. Kind of like Loralei telling Luke that she ran out of gas driving halfway to Hartford and back a few times when Rory was spending the night with Richard and Emily...Fast forward to the episode where Loralei shows up at Yale to take Rory on a road trip after the breakup with Christopher...They run out of gas, and Loralei says she's never before run out of gas. There is definitely a surplus of WTF moments with this show but I love it anyway.
  21. Well, that ruined my night. I couldn't stand that overacting, scenery-chewing kid or her character. So much disappointment. I was hoping there had been a mistake with the DNA test. Ugh. This *almost* makes up for for having to tolerate April. Hopefully, Mrs. Kim gets more face time than Luke's spawn. I love me some Mrs. Kim.
  22. Correct. I also believe Lane rather looked on her as a second mother and even asked Rory to be her twins' Lorelai Gilmore. Loralei took the time and effort (and dealt with the often formidable Mrs. Kim) to broker the peace treaty between Lane and Mrs. Kim for the baby shower, Loralei allowing coitus interruptus to talk to Lane after the incident of touching that band dude's hair, and other assorted instances of a motherly instinct in the character. Plus she made more than one reference to Rory about not breaking Mom Code. Yes, I agree with you. She was concerned with all kids. Except maybe Jess, but then Jess wasn't receptive to her attempts to "bond." I'll admit, she tried more often than I would have with Jess.
  23. Just my take on the situation, but I sort of felt Dean was to Rory what Max was to Loralei. Whenever either of the Gilmore girls were feeling lonely or insecure or needing a self-esteem boost, they had their "go-to" men in the wings. Well, at least until those 2 men caught on to the game and broke things off. I agree about Rory's Damsel in Distress call to Dean. Rory was purportedly "loved" by every single resident of Stars Hollow. She could have called innumerable individuals to pick her up...Instead she chose to call Dean, and then had the lady balls to ask him how he was able to get away from Lindsay to go out with her. Brass lady balls....Yep, the youngest Ms. Gilmore had them! Very reminiscent of Loralei calling Luke, who she had to know was attracted to her after their little encounter at the dinner less than an hour earlier, to help her find a freaking baby apparently Ninja chicken in her own living room. As Sookie pointed out to her, "You could have called anybody, Miss Patti RAISES chickens....But you called Luke." When those Gilmore girls want to use their wiles on men, they're pretty much a force to be reckoned with.
  24. I couldn't find the original post for this but I had a totally different interpretation of that scenario, just based on watching my own real-life dealings between my daughter and her grandfather. I interpreted that entire scene as Richard trying to avoid Rory when she showed up, bent on holding up his end of the deal with Emily and Loralei about how to handle the situation and present a united front. I knew as soon as Rory cranked up the tears and hugged her grandfather, he would cave. Exactly as my father, my daughter's grandfather, would have immediately melted. I always got the impression Emily was going to stick with the game plan but Lorelai, based on past experience, just assumed Emily had been part of Richard's "scheme." And I don't believe it was any premeditated "plan" on Richard's part. I think he was, in that moment, simply a grandfather who couldn't hold a hard and fast line with his emotionally overwhelmed granddaughter. Maybe not the best decision in this case, but a perfectly understandable one, in my life experience. My daughter is the light of my father's life. He never would have been able to stick to a hard line in such a case, either. My general unpopular opinions include the fact that I found Rory an insufferable little shit after the Affair with Dean debacle. I pretty much chortled at every unpleasantry and disappointment she encountered after that event, primarily because of the way she turned on Loralei when Loralei didn't pat her on the head, tell her what a great kid she was for knowingly having sexy time with newlywed Dean, and take her to Westin's for a celebratory cupcake. Didn't take long for Rory to jettison her "best friend" as soon as she didn't condone a mistake of epic proportions. Ugh. Another unpopular opinion. I'm crossing my fingers that April's science camp took place aboard a cruise ship that disappeared into the Bermuda Triangle, and she was never heard from again...And Anna also disappeared into thin air when she went to join the search. And with any luck, TJ and Liz somehow were on the ship when it disappeared, too.
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