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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. I grew up in a Southern Baptist belt. I find the characters to be real for some very small towns. I grew up ignoring it so it just doesn't get to me that much. Actually in some small towns it can be so much worse that I thought they were kind of at the middle of the road. My problem with Supernatural is they always seem to embrace the dark side but don't seem to balance out with the good side or positive side. I think they really goofed with John not making a phone call, even if they just had Sam say, "Dad called but he must have lost the connection and he hasn't called back yet. I blame the writers on that one. I really like the last scene with Dean willing to die and not going to keep someone else from having a chance that he feels deserves a better shot. I like that Sam knew that Dean needed to talk with Layla and her last speech reflects what someone would say that does believe in a Loving God. Since I do, I don't feel she is too preachy. Since you wrote this so well, I can't add much but I miss this from the show. Little brother for the win and not going to let his brother go without a fight. Also I think he knows that he can count on the same from his brother. This is the part that made me love Supernatural when I really really HATE Horror. Did I make it clear I hate Horror? LOL> But this puts this on one of the top 5 for me. I guess the preachy stuff is too real for me to think about it as being overdone. But then again I grew up where they preached if you drink you're going to hell. I guess I'm going to hell.
  2. How can you not love Dean in saying " I hope your apple pie is worth it." Smart Dean, capable of figuring out things for himself and able to do the research. I still like the line "I'm working on it" When he is asked what is his plan. He never believes he can't find a way out and never gives up even though he knows he's in deep deep trouble. I'm not sure if it is my number two but it definitely well written, acted and directed. Although I do wonder how smart Sam is, when he can't even see that Meg is so obviously not who she appears to be. One thing I don't remember, is this the ep that starts Dean's love affair with pie?
  3. I must take a moment of silence for Everybody loves a clown, the lovely brother moments and the heartbreaking action of Dean destroying the car that he had worked so hard to rebuild. I also loved the introduction of Jo and Ellen and Dean being captured so easily by a woman and then thinking Sam would come to the rescue only to be in the same situation.... What Is and What Should Never Be ++ Playthings -- All Hell Breaks Loose Pt 2 ++ 43 - What Is and Never Should Be 41 - In My Time of Dying 41 - Tall Tales 41 - Hollywood Babylon 39 - Born Under a Bad Sign 33 - All Hell Breaks Loose Pt 2 31 - Crossroad Blues 25 - Nightshifter 21 - Folsom Prison Blues 17 - Houses of the Holy 17 - The Usual Suspects 13 - All Hell Breaks Loose Pt 1 13 - Bloodlust 07 - Hunted 03 - Playthings 03 - Simon Said Moved on: Roadkill No Exit Heart Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things Croatoan Everybody Loves a Clown
  4. C probably should know it by now, but not that great at this, so maybe I'll help someone else out.??? :)
  5. I just wish they had been bolder and instead of Sam going I didn't mean it, just have him say. Hell ya, I'm angry and the ghost used that against me. I'm angry that Jess is dead and as irrational as it sounds part of me blames you because you drugged me back into this life and now Jess is dead. I loved her and I can't stop missing her, so I'm angry and that anger had to go somewhere. I'm just sorry you got caught in the crossfire. Because it rings so false that he didn't mean it.
  6. Voted and right now Jensen is in the lead. Kate from Castle looks like she in the lead for lead actress in a drama. So I'm on the winning team cause I like both. LOL>
  7. -- Everybody Loves a Clown ++ Hollywood Babylon ++ All Hell Breaks Loose Pt 2 39 - In My Time of Dying 39 - What Is and Never Should Be 39 - Tall Tales 39 - Hollywood Babylon 37 - Born Under a Bad Sign 31 - Crossroad Blues 31 - All Hell Breaks Loose Pt 2 27 - Nightshifter 21 - Folsom Prison Blues 17 - Houses of the Holy 15 - The Usual Suspects 15 - All Hell Breaks Loose Pt 1 13 - Bloodlust 11 - Hunted 11 - Playthings 03 - Simon Said 01 - Croatoan 01 - Everybody Loves a Clown (yes I love where Dean beats the car but the clown part, just doesn't offset that one beautiful moment.) Moved on: Roadkill No Exit Heart Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things
  8. I guess this is why I write fanfiction and read it. They have lost so many opportunities but I think they really needed a balance of good storytelling. Instead they seem to get caught up in how much gore or horror they managed to push and missed out on good story telling. I think over the years Singer lost the vision. However this is why I like this ep, because the richness and the depth it adds to the characters even if it is done poorly. If you make some good adjustments, it really does open up a whole new level of storytelling
  9. The most awkward moments was Misha running off the set... lol. It's a weaker show than when it first started I'm talking about the original in England back in the 90's...he didn't have any problems fitting in and it would be interesting to see what Jensen or Jared would bring to the show. I just wish they had used the stronger improve stuff cause those were probably my least favorite bits. It kind of looked like they were bored with them and kind of phoning in the jokes since they've done them so many times. Edited cause I can't seem to make sense. :(
  10. Everybody Loves a Clown -- What Is and Never Should Be ++ Hollywood Babylon ++ 37 - What Is and Never Should Be 35 - In My Time of Dying 35 - Tall Tales 33 - Born Under a Bad Sign 33 - Hollywood Babylon 29 - All Hell Breaks Loose Pt 2 29 - Crossroad Blues 27 - Nightshifter 21 - Folsom Prison Blues 17 - Houses of the Holy 15 - The Usual Suspects 15 - Bloodlust 15 - All Hell Breaks Loose Pt 1 13 - Hunted 11 - Playthings 09 - Croatoan 05 - Everybody Loves a Clown 05 - Simon Said 03 - Heart 01 - Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things Edited to add: Moved on: Roadkill No Exit
  11. Sorry, I wasn't talking about Jensen. I was talking about Kripke. I think he thought he was better than he was and all of his projects fall short that I know of. Tarzan (2003) was pretty bad and I loved the old Tarzan show. I just wonder how much influence Manners had on Kripke? I know Manners was a really strong director and Jensen's acting has always pulled me in. His phone call to his Dad really shines as it isn't overdone. He follows his gut or instinct and doesn't act with his head. He does his homework before hand and then listens. Great actors really listen and react. It makes the reactions more realistic and natural. OOPs fell into teacher mode again...sorry hangs head in shame. bad girl.
  12. Jensen recorded a song called Angeles' which you can find on youtube and itunes. Bought the song on itunes you no longer have to buy the entire album. I liked the song he did a convention called the weight, but this one is a more professional quality. I wonder if he will be persuaded to give singing a whirl once he gets done with supernatural. Shame they made Dean unable to sing...I would have enjoyed seeing him sing a bit more.
  13. Darn I missed it, I was out and about...hopefully I can catch on the internet tomorrow.
  14. I never could figure out the reason that Missouri was being so awful. Yes it is a part that I hate and just skip. I think it is almost as if the writers can't look at their work with an objective eye. We set up Luke Skywalker and young Sam will instantly grab everyone's attention. Nope didn't work at least for me. It made me more interested in Dean and less interested in Sam. This is where I just believe Kripke is just a poor showrunner at times. His character's are one dimensional and if Jensen hadn't been such a strong actor we might have never liked Dean so we might have found this funny. I really wonder how much that is really great is pure accident by nature or a result of Kim Manners? I get they only have so many minutes to tell the story but surely Mary would want to say something more to her firstborn and I get the sorry Sam was a setup that once you've watched the series you get. But this is a part I would love to see rewritten.
  15. Hollywood Babylon ++ Everybody Loves a Clown -- What Is and Never Should Be ++ 37 - What Is and Never Should Be 35 - In My Time of Dying 35 - Tall Tales 33 - Born Under a Bad Sign 31 - Hollywood Babylon 29 - All Hell Breaks Loose Pt 2 29 - Crossroad Blues 25 - Nightshifter 21 - Folsom Prison Blues 17 - Houses of the Holy 15 - The Usual Suspects 15 - Bloodlust 15 - All Hell Breaks Loose Pt 1 13 - Hunted 11 - Playthings 11 - Croatoan 07 - Everybody Loves a Clown 07 - Simon Said 07 - Heart 03 - Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things Moved on: Roadkill No Exit
  16. I do watch this ep for parts, not the whole thing and the lines used to put down Dean is just stupid, but the phone call to Dad, Dean trying to save his brother, and heartbreaking moment of facing his Mom...well I do watch those parts several times. I wish they hadn't made the choice to have John avoid his sons. And I really hate Missouri's smack down on Dean. So not my fav but I do watch it. I blame the writers for writing some really bad stuff and their humor wasn't as funny as they thought it would be.
  17. Not sure if the colt would work? My question, isn't Dean the only one with the mark besides Cain. We never saw the mark on anyone else and it would make sense that the knights didn't all have the mark just Cain.
  18. Jensen talked about how it got started. He wanted his voice to match his father's. So he went deeper than his natural voice. Then over the years his voice got deeper. So he kept lowering it. And yes there was a competition between Misha and Jensen to see who could make their voice deeper during one season. Now they feel they are stuck with it, even if it harms their voice. I think it would be better if they didn't go so low, but it did provide a laugh or two when I saw 'The Wil Wheaton Project" mock commercial for "Christian Bales's Reverse Throat Lozenges" . I agree it was pretty funny!
  19. ++ What Is and Never Should Be -- Everybody Loves a Clown ++ All Hell Breaks Loose Pt 2 35 - In My Time of Dying 35 - What Is and Never Should Be 33 - Tall Tales 31 - Born Under a Bad Sign 29 - All Hell Breaks Loose Pt 2 27 - Crossroad Blues 27 - Hollywood Babylon 25 - Nightshifter 21 - Folsom Prison Blues 17 - Houses of the Holy 15 - Hunted 15 - The Usual Suspects 15 - Bloodlust 15 - All Hell Breaks Loose Pt 1 13 - Playthings 11 - Croatoan 11 - Heart 09 - Everybody Loves a Clown - (hate the middle) 07 - Simon Said 03 - Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things 01 - No Exit Moved on: Roadkill - ( I liked part of it sniff - not my worst ep in the lot.)
  20. Poor guys, I can't handle one bee landing on me much less the amount that they had to deal with. They said, yes they got stung. Glad to know that Manners was willing to face the bees with them. I just hate the bugs killing scenes cause I Hate Hate bugs. So I will never watch most of the ep and only watch a few bits but it isn't one I'll watch over and over.
  21. The only plus is it stops the using credit card fraud to pay for stuff at least for a bit. It gives them a place to return after a hunt. But I agree they need to figure out how to use it, if they are going to keep the set. I always thought that season two had some serious flaws. The writers even agreed they didn't know what to do with the children with powers and just needed to move on. I think that is the biggest flaw with the show. They keep the story-lines that aren't working and don't keep the ones that are. I think Carver has his eye on the big picture but the details is the issue with him.
  22. I like the moments labeled but I fast forward through most of it. I just like Dean's fun of life and I like Sam more in the earlier season's. I still cringe at some of his choices but he's likeable and I get it that he wanted a normal life but can't have it. Interesting, I didn't know that Manners had to rescue this one. I never felt scared from watching Supernatural, so I guess I can't tell when something is suppose to be scarier, lol. But I usually re-watch for the brother moments anyway or to do research for writing. It's not one that I watch much at all. I think I've watched it twice? Not sure if it counts when you fast-forward a lot on the second time around.
  23. Sometimes it seems like any idea I have is the unpopular one. Looking at the last scene with Dean and Sam mixed with this season's ending, makes me like the direction Carver is taking the show a bit more. I think if I just started watching in season 8 and hadn't really watched before that, I wouldn't be so tired of all the angst. I've always found little moments I've liked in every season, but I really wished they had had the brothers unite to take on Michael and Lucifer instead of making Dean just an observer in the final hour. I don't see Dean written as a Mary Sue what so ever. He doesn't have all the answers, and he has made some whoppers of errors. The mark being the latest. Mary Sue's have all the answers, always save the day and don't need others to win. Dean has won with others including Sam helping him along the way. JMV. I like fanfiction and many write a nice story but yes it is getting harder to find them but then again a lot of tv shows and movies look like crap to me, and people love them so I guess I just seem to have the unpopular opinion and sometimes though it seems rare, I find someone that agrees with me. It is nice when that happens. :)
  24. Thanks, now I can focus on something else. lol
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