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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. Time After Time + Slash Fiction -- Hello, Cruel World -- 13- Time After Time 08 - Slash Fiction 04 - Hello, Cruel World 04 - Meet the New Boss 01 - The Born-Again Identity Bibbed: Season Seven: Time for a Wedding! Shut Up, Dr. Phil Party On, Garth The Girl Next Door The Slice Girls Defending Your Life Adventures in Babysitting Out with the Old Survival of the Fittest The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo Of Grave Importance There Will Be Blood Repo Man How To Win Friends and Influence Monsters Death's Door The Mentalists Reading Is Fundamental Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie I've seen the end of Penny and now that you've talked about it I sort of remember the Sorry image but this is when I joined I'm so sick of Dean's story being about nothing and I no longer cared about hurt Sam. I won't say more but maybe enough time has gone by that I can watch with a new interest...no promises, :)
  2. Slash Fiction -- Reading Is Fundamental -- Time After Time + 16 - Time After Time 14 - Slash Fiction 09 - Hello, Cruel World 09 - Meet the New Boss 04 - The Born-Again Identity 03 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie Bibbed: Season Seven: Time for a Wedding! Shut Up, Dr. Phil Party On, Garth The Girl Next Door The Slice Girls Defending Your Life Adventures in Babysitting Out with the Old Survival of the Fittest The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo Of Grave Importance There Will Be Blood Repo Man How To Win Friends and Influence Monsters Death's Door The Mentalists Reading Is Fundamental Okay I'll be the meanie that kills Reading Is Fundamental I would give it a send off but honestly don't remember what one it is. So I'll let the ones that love it give it a proper sendoff. Still haven't finished watching all of 7...
  3. There is a belief that many that are depressed focus on the issues that only make them more depressed. By faking a smile, you shift your body's attitude. What starts out as fake turns real. Talking about the hurts may release some but in many actually re-traumatizes the person and just adds more depression. So by teaching someone to focus on the positive, they learn how to move forward. It is more complex than this but it does help...if that makes any sense. So actually Franks advise does have a bit of sound advice....just because it's mixed with a bit of crazy doesn't mean it's all bad. :) I didn't think that Frank was telling him how he was so great, but sometimes the one who hasn't been successful has figured out what others can't see, but can't figure out how to get what they want either. Frank told him how he got his butt back in the game and was trying to get Dean to listen to the fact that if he didn't change something he wouldn't survive. Actually sound advice so it didn't bother me. On rewatch I actually like this ep so much more and most likely would have fought for it a bit more because I really do like it. Is it perfect...NOPE but it has so much that I do like. And at least it is moving in the direction to get Dean out of just being a drunk. The biggest difference this time and when Dean was four, he had lost too many and now was thinking that those that died, died because of him. Although not a fan of how easily Dean got knocked out, I bought it because his head really wasn't in the game and that last scene is a killer. I think what also really got me tired of the Gamble reign was that Dean seemed so less competent during her time of being in charge and that part I really don't like. But this ep sort of gives a reason at least better than the entire first part of season 6, which if someone really wanted to discuss belongs in the All season thread, but I think we've beaten that part down too. :) JMV
  4. Slash Fiction -- Hello, Cruel World -- Meet the New Boss -- 20 - Time After Time 17 - Slash Fiction 14 - Hello, Cruel World 11 - Meet the New Boss 04 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie 03 - Reading Is Fundamental 03 - The Born-Again Identity Bibbed: Season Seven: Time for a Wedding! Shut Up, Dr. Phil Party On, Garth The Girl Next Door The Slice Girls Defending Your Life Adventures in Babysitting Out with the Old Survival of the Fittest The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo Of Grave Importance There Will Be Blood Repo Man How To Win Friends and Influence Monsters Death's Door The Mentalists
  5. Slash Fiction -- Hello, Cruel World -- Time After Time + 22 - Time After Time 20 - Slash Fiction 15 - Hello, Cruel World 15 - Meet the New Boss 09 - Reading is Fundamental 09 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie 08 - The Born-Again Identity Bibbed: Season Seven: Time for a Wedding! Shut Up, Dr. Phil Party On, Garth The Girl Next Door The Slice Girls Defending Your Life Adventures in Babysitting Out with the Old Survival of the Fittest The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo Of Grave Importance There Will Be Blood Repo Man How To Win Friends and Influence Monsters Death's Door The Mentalists Ohhh Lovely Jensen in a hat! :) Pain is going away, while I drool. Don't mind me sitting over here. :) Thanks @Sue B
  6. I am learning to accept the pain exists but it doesn't have to control me. I am hurting but at a level that I can function. I'm hopeful the procedure will lower the pain but it said it might be 7 to 10 days before I see any results. Next goal is to get movement so that the arthritis will lesson, if that makes any sense. I have a lot of arthritis in my back and it feels like it is moving all over... that is the downside. But looking at Jensen does seem to help a little. :) Back on topic...so who will be the victor???? If they hadn't put that stupid Amy story in Slash I easily could vote it # one. But that is such a sour reaction for me, that it kills my level of love for it.
  7. The more I see of his personality the more I like. I really hope his career takes off in acting after supernatural. I don't want him to disappear behind the camera. The more I see, the more I like. It really made my day, thanks for posting!
  8. Travis looks his age and he is older than Jensen, so it's dumb to tell me he isn't in his thirties. I know the NCIS has had success with doing the same show with different groups in different towns which allows for crossovers, but they have to do a lot more than they are to sell me on Cole. For some reason using an alternate time line doesn't sound necessary for Charlie since they say she let something evil come back with her. Now Oz could have a different time line, like what for us was a few months is a year or so, but the show makes my head hurt when it does stuff like that. And they don't bother to keep it up, so why do the time jumps? The problem for me, the show isn't strong on making me care about the ones they want me to focus on and the ones that we do care for they happen by accident. The two females hunting together, Jodi and Donna, is the best idea I see they have set up. But that would mean that they actually allowed two women to come to the front lines and I don't know that these writers can do that. I think what they don't get is we the audience have to care about the characters which is why we have stuck with Supernatural even though there are so many wrong turns. If that makes any sense.
  9. Slash -- Time After Time + The Born-Again Identity + 27 - Time After Time 24 - Slash Fiction 20 - Hello, Cruel World 19 - Meet the New Boss 15 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie 13 - Reading is Fundamental 13 - The Born-Again Identity Bibbed: Season Seven: Time for a Wedding! Shut Up, Dr. Phil Party On, Garth The Girl Next Door The Slice Girls Defending Your Life Adventures in Babysitting Out with the Old Survival of the Fittest The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo Of Grave Importance There Will Be Blood Repo Man How To Win Friends and Influence Monsters Death's Door The Mentalists
  10. Slash Fiction -- Meet the New Boss -- Time After Time + 28 - Slash Fiction 26- Time After Time 24 - Hello, Cruel World 23 - Meet the New Boss 17 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie 17 - Reading is Fundamental 13 - The Born-Again Identity Bibbed: Season Seven: Time for a Wedding! Shut Up, Dr. Phil Party On, Garth The Girl Next Door The Slice Girls Defending Your Life Adventures in Babysitting Out with the Old Survival of the Fittest The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo Of Grave Importance There Will Be Blood Repo Man How To Win Friends and Influence Monsters Death's Door The Mentalists Hope your Mom is feeling better soon.
  11. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
  12. Slash -- Hello -- Time After Time + 34 - Slash Fiction 31- Time After Time 30 - Hello, Cruel World 27 - Meet the New Boss 20 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie 18 - Reading is Fundamental 12 - The Born-Again Identity 02 - The Mentalists Bibbed: Season Seven: Time for a Wedding! Shut Up, Dr. Phil Party On, Garth The Girl Next Door The Slice Girls Defending Your Life Adventures in Babysitting Out with the Old Survival of the Fittest The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo Of Grave Importance There Will Be Blood Repo Man How To Win Friends and Influence Monsters Death's Door Death's Door is just one of those really well done eps, and for me it would be in the top 3 and is one of the best for the entire run. I don't have a problem with Bobby seeing himself as their adopted Dad because Dean doesn't see that until after his Dad dies. He even tells Bobby you're not my dad, so there are lines that were never crossed for Dean. I can get this as I know I feel closer to my nephews than they feel for me.. I think this is what the show was trying to say and not really trying for an entire rewrite. JMV Slowly rewatching season 7 and I must add that I really really liked Krissy and probably should have voted for it more. I still hate the big bad for this season but Frank definitely is a fun character. Also in Time after Time, I really liked the scene where Dean shows Sam up in how to do something on the computer with camera's and Sam won't let him bast in his glory for long. It is a fun brother moment. So yes I still want Time after Time over Slash. I'm sure I'll get out voted but I'll keep the fight up till the bitter end. :)
  13. Slash Fiction -- Hello, Cruel World-- Time After Time + 37 - Slash Fiction 36 - Time After Time 30 - Hello, Cruel World 28 - Meet the New Boss 23 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie 18 - Reading is Fundamental 11 - The Born-Again Identity 04 - The Mentalists 03 - Death's Door 01 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters Bibbed: Season Seven: Time for a Wedding! Shut Up, Dr. Phil Party On, Garth The Girl Next Door The Slice Girls Defending Your Life Adventures in Babysitting Out with the Old Survival of the Fittest The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo Of Grave Importance There Will Be Blood Repo Man May not get to vote tomorrow but it looks like the top 3 is once again not in agreement. Thanks for the well wishes...hopefully it will help with the pain I've been dealing with. Of course when we get to season 8 I'm afraid it will cause a lot of misery for many. I'm not sure season has the most worst eps in it, 6 or 8?
  14. Death's Door + Time After Time + SF -- 42 - Slash Fiction 41 - Time After Time 32 - Hello, Cruel World 32 - Meet the New Boss 26 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie 20 - Reading is Fundamental 12 - The Born-Again Identity 07 - The Mentalists 06 - Death's Door 03 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters Bibbed: Season Seven: Time for a Wedding! Shut Up, Dr. Phil Party On, Garth The Girl Next Door The Slice Girls Defending Your Life Adventures in Babysitting Out with the Old Survival of the Fittest The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo Of Grave Importance There Will Be Blood Repo Man Having a mini procedure done tomorrow so when I'm laying flat I can watch season 7 and see if my mind changes about any of the votes left. Very seldom do I agree with the majority so I'm use to being the odd man out. :)
  15. -- Slash Fiction -- Meet the New Boss + Time After Time 48 - Slash Fiction 46 - Time After Time 36 - Hello, Cruel World 36 - Meet the New Boss 26 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie 20 - Reading is Fundamental 09 - The Born-Again Identity 09 - Death's Door 08 - The Mentalists 04 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters Bibbed: Season Seven: Time for a Wedding! Shut Up, Dr. Phil Party On, Garth The Girl Next Door The Slice Girls Defending Your Life Adventures in Babysitting Out with the Old Survival of the Fittest The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo Of Grave Importance There Will Be Blood Repo Man Fixed it in my vote. :) Darn it I didn't want to help Slash Fiction...but I did. :)
  16. Time After Time + Slash -- H, CW -- 52 - Slash Fiction 46 - Time After Time 38 - Hello, Cruel World 38 - Meet the New Boss 25 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie 20 - Reading is Fundamental 13 - Death's Door 11 - The Mentalists 10- The Born-Again Identity 08 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters Bibbed: Season Seven: Time for a Wedding! Shut Up, Dr. Phil Party On, Garth The Girl Next Door The Slice Girls Defending Your Life Adventures in Babysitting Out with the Old Survival of the Fittest The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo Of Grave Importance There Will Be Blood Repo Man
  17. -- Slash Fiction -- Hello, Cruel World + Death's Door 54 - Slash Fiction 48 - Time After Time 47 - Hello, Cruel World 38 - Meet the New Boss 25 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie 20 - Reading is Fundamental 14 - Death's Door 13 - The Mentalists 10 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters 08 - The Born-Again Identity Bibbed: Season Seven: Time for a Wedding! Shut Up, Dr. Phil Party On, Garth The Girl Next Door The Slice Girls Defending Your Life Adventures in Babysitting Out with the Old Survival of the Fittest The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo Of Grave Importance There Will Be Blood Repo Man
  18. Part of it, is the idealizing the dead, don't speak ill of them. Mary lived in denial. Dean is understandable, his life in a way stopped at 4 and he can't talk bad about her. Even John he has a hard time speaking bad about. Sam is the one that could speak about this and it would make sense, but no Mary wasn't a saint and I don't think John is the abusive father of the year. I think he did the best he could living under all the fear and he even admits that he started thinking of his boys as soldiers, which really says a lot. This is how he can make sure they live through the battle. But I don't expect the show to deal with this, because they barely deal well with the dark stuff. They bring it up just to drop it. The one line I really loved from this season, He may not win Father of the year, but he was there when you needed him. Which I think is the major issue with dysfunctional families. You put up with the negative because the good outweighs the bad. This was the part I liked about the early years. I still believe there is more good than bad for John. I also thing that Dark of the Moon showed that not everything was a simple as Sam thought about his family. I even wonder if the Story Sam was so wanting Dean to tell Cas at the bar in the last show was really true. Or how much truth does Sam really know. Could it have been another yarn to tell Sam, so he didn't really know the real issues?
  19. -- Slash Fiction ++ Death's Door ++ Time After Time 53 - Slash Fiction 51 - Hello, Cruel World 49 - Time After Time 35 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie 35 - Meet the New Boss 25 - Reading is Fundamental 23 - Death's Door 19 - The Born-Again Identity 18 - The Mentalists 17 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters 03 - There Will Be Blood 01 - Repo Man Bibbed: Season Seven: Time for a Wedding! Shut Up, Dr. Phil Party On, Garth The Girl Next Door The Slice Girls Defending Your Life Adventures in Babysitting Out with the Old Survival of the Fittest The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo Of Grave Importance
  20. First of all just to be clear, Jared is NOT an inherently bad actor...and if you thought I said that, then let me clear that up. I would love to direct either in something as I think it would be fun. I think that Jensen is stronger in overcoming the bad writing. It might be the soap background that is helping. Jensen is not a perfect actor, but I look forward to seeing what more can he do and how much more he will grow as an actor/director. I also think the real chemistry both actors share makes the show stronger and that one is just the lucky find. But what I notice is that Jensen can seem to create the chemistry a little easier with his co-stars or guest stars. Jared may seem more trusting but he may actually have more protective armor than we realize which can cause the chemistry issue. So it isn't really an acting thing but a protective thing. Some of my favorite moments are in season 1. And I love that scene. Jared has some really great moments in every season. Now the hair is another story...seems like his best hair was the earlier seasons. I almost expect him to wear his hair in a ponytail. I really hate what the writers gave Sam in Season 8 with a passion. The not looking for Dean, not looking for Kevin and I think that must have been really hard for him to do. It is really difficult to act something you really really disagree with. So I blame the writing more than acting sometimes. But I also hate the Judgmental Sam. And sometimes I wonder if that happens due to the combination of writing and acting. I know this is unpopular but I want the show to end before I decide nope quit watching it. So far I'm enjoying this season, but that could change if they give Dean's story to Sam. Someone other than Sam needs to get the mark. So I'm cautious at best on this season staying as one I like, because usually the second half is the least favorite for me.
  21. Love the clip and I think Jared is fine in the moments he really feels it or connects with the writing, if that makes since. The fact is all actors improve as they age because they have real life experience to draw from where before they had to fake it.
  22. Jared started out as an personality actor and a technical actor. He thinks about the movement to create his characterization, this is a valid method and many actors use it. Not sure I can explain this well as even those in the profession vary in what they think makes it work. He had moments that I've always liked, period. Example him coming up with walking with his hands and feet not swinging naturally is an example of how he uses his head to create the character. Does it make him a terrible actor...not saying that. But do I find moments where I see him acting...that's a big yes for me and it pulls me out. I have seen improve over the years and I don't have complaints about his acting this season. More of my complaints lately would be the writing. Bad writing can really take out a great actor, period. Has Jensen had off moments, I think so. He does have a tendency to go big in comedy but since I watched so many shows that that is all they did, I can find it humorous. Yellow fever is an example of Stage acting vs film acting and he did it deliberately, IMO. However, I never got into Jared playing Gadreel and really really didn't like it. I understand what happen because his choice to do it came from a physical action. But there is another style that to be honest I'm not sure either has been trained in and hard to explain. But I use it with my students and would be too long to explain here. Jensen has the plus of thinking like a director, he can't help it. Both of them look out for each other and I agree the too gravel low voice is not a choice I would have Jensen do, especially since it can harm not only his vocal voice but his singing voice as well. The bottom line, you will never have everyone agree with any statement about a show 100 percent of the time. I've also seen Jensen grow as an actor. I think them working together has helped them both because they have different techniques and it allows for a chemistry which audiences will always react positively too. More times for Me, Jensen also works well with other actors, sometimes it isn't the same for me with Jared. But so far I'm enjoying both of their work this season and my only real complaint for Jared is he is too thin and his hair. But I'm sure there are others that love his hair. Guess I'll end with a student's statement... "Ms. it's all your fault. I can't enjoy stupid movies anymore because I can now see the bad acting. My answer turn off the critic, but sometimes once you've had your eyes opened that is really really hard to do. Not asking for anyone to agree with me, just explaining why I have a harder time.
  23. One of the hardest things for me was just that, how badly Jared acted in season 1. If I hadn't started with later seasons and gone backwards I don't know I would have seen anything to grab my attention other than Jensen. I agree they have to mix up the MotW's because without looking for something new it would get dull. I also think there are plenty of unexamined stories in the boys early years. As much as family members think they know each other, there are plenty of secrets that are never explained. I kind of thought the story Dean told Sam about John recusing him after being roofied was one of those issues. Not sure what Dean told Sam really was what happened. Sam already found out that one story wasn't true, Dean lost to cover up he was in a boys home for example. Jared's grown as an actor but not all of his not Sam's have been strong for me. Actor's grow when they work against someone that is stronger which is why Dean and Sam work so well most of the time. But I find if I just roll with it and turn of my directing side, I am a lot happier. Many actors think with their heads. I think Jensen does this too but he also trusts his instincts which is why he came up with the unexpected. Dean just not caring at all as Demon Dean. It gave him stronger choices to play. Jared doesn't always go for the stronger choice he goes for the obvious choice. The stronger choice provides layers, the obvious choice is more one dimensional. Free acting lesson. :)
  24. Slash Fiction -- Time After Time ++ Death's Door ++ 53- Slash Fiction 47- Time After Time 43 - Hello, Cruel World 33 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie 31 - Meet the New Boss 25 - Death's Door 23 - Reading is Fundamental 22 -The Mentalists 19 - The Born-Again Identity 17 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters 11 - There Will Be Blood 11 - Of Grave Importance 07 - Repo Man 03 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo Bibbed: Season Seven: Time for a Wedding! Shut Up, Dr. Phil Party On, Garth The Girl Next Door The Slice Girls Defending Your Life Adventures in Babysitting Out with the Old Survival of the Fittest Fixed an error with count, so it should be correct now. Although I do like Slash Fiction, I hate the Amy breakup scene with a passion. So no it can't be the best for me. SueB I'll join you in mourning Defending Your Life for all the reasons you stated. I will also add I wish the secret had come out during the trail and forcing Sam to decide if he would still defend Dean. There are places where the fumbled the ball on this one but I thought the concept was such a talented idea and I think that is my problem with Gamble. She had such a talent but I don't think she can do it all alone, she needs a strong partner. But I believe that about all of them. Plus I do get bored with the dick jokes, they are funny once then move on. The big bad this season looked interesting but turned into a big nothing. JMV
  25. -- Slash Fiction ++ Time After Time ++ Death's Door 43 - Slash Fiction 41 - Time After Time 35 - Hello, Cruel World 33 - Plucky Pennywhistle's Magical Menagerie 23 - Meet the New Boss 23 - Reading is Fundamental 23 - Death's Door 21 - The Mentalists 19 - The Born-Again Identity 17 - How to Win Friends and Influence Monsters 15 - Of Grave Importance 13 - There Will Be Blood 11 - The Girl with the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo 11 - Repo Man 11 - Out with the Old 07 - Adventures in Babysitting 03 - Survival of the Fittest 01 - Defending Your Life Bibbed: Season Seven: Time for a Wedding! Shut Up, Dr. Phil Party On, Garth The Girl Next Door The Slice Girls
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