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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. Mick Lady Hugs and I hope recovery went smoothly! thinking about ya. Too many times people don't realize the work it takes to care for any pet whether it be a cat or a dog. Dogs have to be trained and some are more maintenance than others. Dogs have to be shown who is the alpha and its a shame that they aren't working with him. If he doesn't get something done soon, it will be hard to train him. So I totally get your upset. It's a valid one. I hope someone will think he's worth it. I hate seeing animals in a bad situation since they give nothing but unconditional love. They deserve nothing but getting a little pampered and lots of love. I don't have a dog because I know right now, I just don't have the time to give it the proper attention it needs.
  2. I liked parts of it. On the whole I liked it. Jodi is still alive even though the show scared me. I liked Claire the last few minutes of the show, so if they don't go backwards with her, it might be interesting. I loved Moma Jodi. I liked Alex. I see we gave one kill to Dean, made Sam the damsel, but he did sort of rescue himself. Parts of this one I really liked...
  3. Having watched many of my older relatives die a slow death, I can get it. So the only suggestion I have @Rue721 is visit when you can. Say what you need to say. It doesn't matter if she really responds or not. Maybe tell her a favorite memory you have. Emotions can trigger memories especially older ones. So try to get her to talk about her childhood, something you might not know about. Those memories stay with you longer and if she can talk about it, it will give you something positive to hang on too. My favorite memory of my great grandmother is when she started talking about traveling by buggy to Dallas. She gave many great details. I listened. Then after she finished talking for a bit she would ask who are you. I would give her my name and how we shared the same birthday. Then I would prompt her with a question that would spark more of the memory. I found it fascinating because our drive was only a hour compared to her all day trip going the same distance if that makes sense. It created a nice memory. That was in her late 90's. She almost made it to 104, missed it by 5 months. But if you spend some time with her and say what you need to say, I found that I don't experience as much guilt or grief. Sure it hurts, but I didn't have this feeling that I should have done something. It allows the grief to heal a little faster and it is okay to feel what ever you feel. I think my sister may be scared or claustrophobic. I'm not calling right now as I figure I need to let go of the anger and she doesn't need the stress. She doesn't know about my dad yet so she can heal. Dad has to watch taking too much Vitamin K as he is on a drug that can cause a lot of interactions. But I'll share your ideas to see which ones will work. The real issue, is that right now all his food must still be like baby food, due to his broken jaw. He has another week before he can try real food. Thanks everyone. I'm starting to get some things done, but yes, dealing with teenagers, family issues and directing a play, finding the music, creating the set, teaching a stage fight scene...the list continues, well yes it is stressing me out. Thanks for sending positive vibes. Thanks for all the support. :) @Rue721 hang in there. Be gentle with yourself. It's hard watching someone we love die a slow death. The best I can do some days is take it one hour at a time, sometimes one second at a time.
  4. Yes welcome Dobian... My dad is home and now they are struggling to find foods that don't have added salt. Living in a small town, they have less options, but hopefully this won't be too difficult. My sister is being ornery. She doesn't want to follow the doctors orders but she is out of ICU. I understand not wanting to do something but if it makes you have to stay longer in the hospital...yes the saga continues. Doesn't this sound like a Soap???? ;)
  5. What I find interesting is season 8. Not counting Dean trying to survive Purgatory, Sam isn't that far behind Dean. I suspected the Mark would change the score. Interesting to see in some ways it went like I suspected. Thanks for all your hard work, I wouldn't have patience to go through all the data. Thanks DDaisy.
  6. @Omegamom. I use firefox and I don't have this issue. I have had a few times where the page wouldn't load at all. I come back later, usually the next day and it works. I have had my entire post lost a few times, so I would open up microsoft word and type it there and copy and paste when I got it ready. Not having any problems today. Vent ahead, can ignore...I may delete it later. Not sure why I'm reacting like I am. Usually I compartmentalize the issue and after a day of doing nothing I go on as normal. Taking the morning off work, since I couldn't sleep or do anything all weekend. I really don't have time for this, it's one act play season and we have less than a month to get ready. Dad may go home tomorrow, so things are looking up on that front. Sister hasn't answered the phone when I called, so all I know is that the surgery was a success and she is recovering. I haven't been the one to stay up all night with my dad. I haven't even had to change my routine. So not sure why I'm being such a whimp right now. Grades are due, so perhaps a deadline can get me doing what I should have done this weekend.
  7. Kripke hasn't gotten another show to stick as far as I know. Carver came into it with a built in fan base. I suspect he'll have a harder time with a brand new show. IA that J2 is the drawing card and as long as the person in charge doesn't do something totally stupid, the show can go as long as they want to stick with the show. Buck-Lemming as show runners would be a problem, but if Jensen and Jared pulled their weight with the show, perhaps it wouldn't go off into a ditch. Or it might be the nail in the coffin that ends this little show that could. Of course if Carver, stays on and really focuses on the new show...would we really see a difference?
  8. Dean kills him but it is also angst driven. But Sam has one in season 1 in Heart. I forget the characters name, but he kills her to save her from killing others. Dean kills benny to save sam. It shows how far he will go to save his brother.
  9. Thanks everyone. I'm not going up right now, since they are limiting who can be in ICU and it would cause another worry for my mom. She starts freaking if I'm spending money...so keeping in touch by phone and that way if I need to go later and she really needs the support I can have the days to do that. Right now just praying and trying to do normal. Oh I love Galavant and the Librarians. Last night I was in shock, I think. I couldn't eat and well just now starting to get motivated to do something. I know if he can be active he'll do better but I just found out he got hurt just before the heart attack. So lot's going on for him. ETA: Both my sister and Dad have been moved to a regular room. For some reason I'm tired and doing nothing. Guess I'm the whimp. I didn't stay up all night with my dad. I should be doing something...but I don't wanna! Me bad. :)
  10. Mick Lady I'm so glad to hear things are looking positive. I think sometimes you do connect to folks on line and you can get support in a different way than you do in person, because maybe your more open than you would be in real life. That said, I guess my roller-coaster ride is going for a another wild loop. My dad suffered a major heart attack and is in ICU. I'll be calling and having to decide if my flying out will help or not. My mom freaks over the littlest stuff when she's stressed, so I may be waiting till later when he's home if they need some help. But he's in the best place for now and they think the got everything moving in the right direction. Talk about what you hear and what someone says. I thought it was a mild one and it was a massive one, the artery that was clogged 100% is nicknamed the widow maker. My sister, had her surgery, I think it was about 4 to 5 hours and she is in ICU and will have to be incubated to deal with the pain. With her having a pace-maker, I think it is required so that she responds better. Her husband reported that she did well during this surgery. No family member lives near her state, so none of us are with her, but we are keeping in touch by phone. We aren't telling her about my dad's heart attack because that would put too much stress on her right now. For some reason I have a headache and can't sleep. :) I'm hoping I can find some energy to write, as I think I need to harm something. Any suggestions on who I should pick on? I guess it's time to play Farmville 2 as it is mindless and sometimes that calms me down. I know I talk to much. :)
  11. I loved Dee Wallace, and I guess it is more special since I got to hear her live addressing issues of acting and finding jobs. It was fun to see them burning the body but finding out it was something new that they didn't know much about. Sam's heartfelt apology was nice to see and I was fine with Dean's response. Now maybe the fandom can heal over the mess of season 8. I liked what Misha did as Casifer this time, and I'm hoping Dean will wonder more about how touchy feely - Cas got. I think I was too tired to see Dean as bait. I thought it would be Sam. Then when it was Dean I wondered if Cas touching him on the shoulder had done something. I'm not wanting to see Dean pining away for Amara but Sam letting it go for now seems like a good explanation. Forcing Dean is never a good idea. I do hope a part of Cas is able to hear Dean. You know in the past any one that cares about Dean has been able to overcome the more powerful demon, so it would be a nice continuity of Dean's storyline. I would give this one a thumbs up. Nice to feel good about an ep. It feels like it's been awhile. :)
  12. I totally get the fear as I've dealt with several scary stuff in my life. I've been lucky that none of my tumors were cancer, but I've dealt with other stuff that could have been life threatening. So here is the advice I can give. Focus on the positive, try to visualize seeing yourself healed and healthy. Get clear on your intentions and allow yourself just to feel the moments. Don't make it mean anything. If your scared, acknowledge it, cry, try to do something creative if you feel up to it. It can be just finding some happy pictures of what you want to have in three months, 9 months and so on. Something to shift the feelings to something to look forward to. Allow Mick to support you, and know we will do our best to support you too. You're not alone and how you feel matters. The good, the bad, the ugly. I know the last scare I had, I found myself focusing on how I was getting stronger, even though getting through the day wore me out. People kept telling me, how they couldn't believe how well I was doing and it wasn't as scary as your issue. But because I felt I could do - I did so much better. But for a little bit, I got lost in the fear because I was dealing with it alone. I started listening to how difficult it was and scary and suddenly my energy vanished. My health got worse. Then I got it together, and started focusing once again on seeing myself getting better. So allow Mick to share your experience, to be there for you and it is okay if you both cry together. Courage is facing the fear, acknowledging your vulnerable but being willing to keep moving forward. It is okay to be afraid. Don't know if anything I said was helpful, I hope it was. but sending positive energy and prayers your way.
  13. Oh IA that it started with Sam being the lead...Jensen has confirmed this in an interview. I also have seen that when an actor goes beyond expectations, they will give stronger material to make use of that talent. I loved both brothers at the beginning with Dean being higher on my list. I like Han too. So I get the I wish they wouldn't drop a storyline. as I've felt that way too. But I still see both being used in a pretty balanced way. I don't always love the direction that they put them in, but I don't think any fan would be happy all the time. As for the Cas/Lucifer...I don't expect much to it. Look how they ended the Mark and such. Poof, oh I forgot to mention...we have this thing called the darkness, did I forget to tell you it was tied to the mark and it's a really big deal. They seem to whimper on the big story endings...I just hope we get a few good moments. Crowley in a onesie was pretty funny. So I'm just hoping for a few laughs. I suspect I won't be satisfied with the wrap up. They've failed a few times too many and I'm including Kripke - Carver.
  14. Kripke has always said that it was a Luke and Han characters. Now some LOVE Han way over Luke. But both are needed. No matter what the show does, some fan feels their character has been wronged over the other. The last one had a bigger focus on Sam, but Dean's moments did give Sam the means to hang on and not say yes. Of course we can't say the same for Cas. I would just love to see something original, to be surprised. Now that I know Cas said yes, Rowena is dead, I doubt their killing Crowley yet...but I would like to be in I wonder what they will do next? Instead of not really caring one way or another. I mean by that, I don't have a sense of urgency, or a sense of suspense. I'm hoping that the next ep will go in a slightly new direction, but I'm not counting on it. The one good thing I'm liking Billie, but wished she had more to do, I like the brothers still supporting each other. But if this show was expecting me to feel like I'm going through the ringer, well they failed. Hopefully the next ep will add something interesting instead of treading water. JMO. I will say since my expectations are low, I'm hating the season a lot less than I did season 7. Still have only watched Season 7 one time. However, I do find sometimes time allows the heart to grow fonder than when you watched it live. :)
  15. I'm sending positive prayers your way. I know you'll go through highs and lows. When you want something to distract you, come read or post a thought. Come when you feel like it and may journey suck a little less knowing your not on this journey alone. Keep in touch...HUGS. Well teaching middle school, I know this. Some are harder to deal with than others. Hugs and know that this too will pass. Find humor when you can. Sometimes I write it down. I think my best revenge will be writing a play with their lines. Last year we created a play and some of the kids said, "Hey, wait a minute, I said that at the last rehearsal." I replied, "Yep, you did, and no it will live on forever in this play!" Evil aren't I. :)
  16. For some reason I suspect a thread will be very busy or some will stop watching for a bit. Why do I feel this is a train wreck. Maybe Carver feels that if we all shout at each other, we will eventually turn on the one that deserves it...Carver??? I don't know how I feel. Castifer I guessed before the reveal. I was hoping I was wrong. Rowena must be stupid. She couldn't see her reward a mile away??? Now Dean's in trouble as he doesn't have a weak back up angel to call on anymore. If Dean doesn't figure it out...then he'll be the dumb idiot when he can't see Castifer just isn't Cas.
  17. Jensen does do slapstick, but that is the directors asking for it. The example is the ep Yellow Fever. Jensen did it smaller and the director asked for it to be bigger. I know Jensen can do simple comedy too, I've seen it in other shows, like Dark Angel where it isn't over the top. I think they want him to go over the top, so he does. Could it be more subtle...yeah at times I think it would be a better choice. It reminds me of MASH...the first years the comedy is over the top, then it gets softer and for it, it gets better. So I can see your point. To be honest I don't remember the "eat me" so I can't really comment. But IA with Sue B, that the closest we'll get to yeah I goofed, is fanfiction. I also remember one of Jared's comments which I take to heart. We mess up, and the fans forgive us. We must, because we are still here. LOL>
  18. When I say that I think the initial reaction was suppose to be support Sam and his mature new outlook, I think the fan reaction changed it in a quick heartbeat, which would make sense in a way. The rewrite comes from nowhere. It's not organic at all. So I can almost see the writers going, well our love interest has died, how can we save this. Why don't we do this. There is enough thread to make it work, kind of how Kripke did with the show Bugs. The fan reaction was not good towards Bugs, so he turned it into a joke in the later years. It wasn't the initial plan. I can also see that Jared is thinking that something is going to happen but he doesn't have the gift of layers like Jensen. Some of his reactions give that, but not all. It's not about him being a bad actor, but not always seeing the better conflict choice. I remember watching an interview where he thought he would react to John in one way and Kim M. suggested another way, which to me is obvious but to Jared it was a new thought. Without a strong director, he may go with his first reaction but it may not give the deepest conflict, hence the layers that make us feel many emotions. I don't know if any of this makes in any sense at all to non actors/directors...But to me season 8 had this weird vibe shift that just didn't make sense. Of course 8 may be my worst season ever, as I don't even own it besides 6. I liked Lisa and Dean, but the season 8 love affair never felt real. Maybe it wasn't suppose to be.
  19. Remember when he would barely sing in front of people. It is cool to see the transformation, but I do wish we could hear him a bit more. lol
  20. Maybe the furniture can be saved, at least I hope so. Hugs and may it be better soon.
  21. the problem is we don't know what they will do. What makes sense and seems logical is not their best suit. I wouldn't be surprised if it is the Cas is dead and maybe he is brought back later... I also think that when we watch the real ep, we will see all the ways they mislead us. It really looks like things are not in order and who is Dean talking to? It may not be Cas at all when he says I'm going to hell. Note to self, don't break the TV!
  22. I don't think the fans were supposed to like Benny so much. The actor helped in that area. I would have rather seen Sam tried to hunt for Dean and Kevin. I would have rather seen Sam trying to like Benny but wondering if there was a dark side that his brother had been too traumatized to see. Dean exploring why he found Purgatory such a relief and almost had a longing to go back to it. One strong fanficition writer is exploring Sam trying to understand his brother's changed direction. Things that use to cut him to the core no longer mattered. This might have been interesting to see on screen. I almost wonder if Carver really knew why fans liked this show. His attempt to show Sam as mature failed. The love interest failed. Instead he seemed to bring out all the worst things the writers had done to Sam over the years with their weird unexplained comments. Some go back as far as season 1 Sam. To much of this has been rehashed over and over. The only solution I see is to rewrite the history and move on. I find fault with every season, but there are moments I love. I'm hoping that I will find more I enjoy moving forward. The mess of the past hasn't been addressed and perhaps in fairness, it is better to leave the plot holes and move on. I blame the writing and directing more than the acting. Also a fun soap story line can be entertaining, but these are sloppy soap story lines and I resent that.
  23. I still haven't rewatched season 7 or 8. It was a time that I barely watched at times. I did get interested in 8 due to the Benny storyline, but Sam's made me want to quit again. I think there were some really great ideas, but they didn't do the idea any justice to connecting the dots. I admit my hatred of Sam started unravel my love for the show. I remember thinking in season 6 what is this nonsense about Sam vs Dean because I loved both characters. But my tolerance for the boys fighting was going down the drain. I couldn't understand Dean's reactions and Sam's concern about his brother I just didn't see anymore. I was sick of the suck it up speeches Dean got. I was excited about "Defending your Life" and even felt that Jo character had really grown. But the issues they gave to Dean fell flat. The idea came way short. So I got more frustrated and not even the humor could draw me back in. I did enjoy Frank, Charlie and the first ep where Dean and Sam are stuck in the hospital. The villains started out scary and fun, but I got bored with them fast. The dick jokes were lame for me and tiresome. I finally joined why is Dean's character so badly written. It wasn't a story I wanted for him. Plus I knew the pay off would be ignored once again. To be honest it's not about which character has gotten the better love. It's the poor manner in which they handled it and it just made me want to quit the show. I almost did. Maybe when the drama in my life is better, I'll see if I can see the things you like, but right now I don't think it's a good idea. At least this time the brothers are working together, sort of... I think Gamble is good at spinning ideas, but she needed someone that balanced her ideas. I don't think she had the support she needed to be successful. Plus she got blamed for not being the "God" writer before her. Some of it was unfair because I saw major flaws in seasons 1-5. I wonder if she had done season 8. If we would still hate it? Even though I hate parts of season 8, I also enjoy parts...but that is my feeling for every season. :)
  24. Shows one thing for me, Nope...not doing it. No way! I would be one unable to make it lol. Loved how they helped each other. Glad they shared. :)
  25. IA with the parts that are the weaker links. But I think everyone is sounding better during their singing moments. I just hope they won't cancel it, because I'm tired of watching something I like taken off the air, while something that isn't as strong or fun lives on. I doubt the Queen will stay nice. I suspect it will just be a bit of indigestion and she will return to her nasty self in record time. But it might be fun to see if she softens just a tad every once in awhile. :) The first thing I thought of during the Get Richard to fall in love, was "Kiss the Girl" Hopefully someone will steal the tiara next week. But they have to give a reason for her not to just walk away. But I'm fine with it ending now. lol
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