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Everything posted by 7kstar

  1. Good NEWS! The test came back normal today. So they think it was an error on the handling of his blood to cause such a bad test results. He is off the blood thinners and looking forward to getting his jaw fixed in January. They wouldn't do anything until he was off the blood thinners. His heart sounds good and strong. So thanks for the support. I'm glad it wasn't something bad. It's time he got a break. :)
  2. I just got a new camera to try to film them but no idea yet how well it did. Not sure if I can create a copy yet, so will see about it and let you know. Another prayer request. My dad's health has been an issue off and on since last Jan. His latest blood test shows a score of 40 instead of 240 which is normal. The good news his heart has improved from the heart attack last year, just not sure what all this means. So if your willing please pray for better health and good news. :)
  3. 7kstar, I know it's early, but any news? Great news, He was only given 30% of surviving and he pull through with flying colors. He may even get to go home soon. His brother was really happy. They are talking about him maybe even getting to walk more and not have to use the oxygen except at night. Of course, it is very much wait and see. but it sounds like it went better than they hoped for. Thanks for all the prayers and positive vibes. It was nice to get some good news. I got told I'm his favorite but of course it's not polite to have a favorite. It's sort of funny the things he tells others, but it does make me smile. Sometimes teaching is a positive experience. Thanks again for all the support! :)
  4. I love Jody! But I also loved Ellen. I had a head writer once tell me, in a season you will have 4 to 5 really strong ep, some in the middle and then 4 or so that stink. Not a word for word translation. 7 isn't my fav but I imagine I wouldn't hate it as much as I did then, but I never like the big bad once they started with the dick jokes. I have seen many flaws with every head writer. JP has improved as an actor over the years and for me that is to be expected. He's lived more, experienced more so he has more to draw from when creating his character. My expectations aren't sky high anymore either so I just enjoy the ones I like and know that some I will never like. :)
  5. Because of all the crazy stuff several of my students are dealing with only a comedy will do. So the play is Shakespeare Unbound. Aliesha, a disgruntled student, is trying to carry a huge book of Shakespeare's plays, but it's too heavy for her. So she tears out some pages and throws them in a trash can. The characters on those pages materialize, crawl out of the trash can, and raise havoc on the campus. It's funny for the audience but frightening for Aliesha. We did You Can't Take it with You for the first show. Order of the best stuff... 1. Pumpkin Pie 2. Pineapple scallop dressing, it is a family recipe (secret not allowed to share) looks like stuffing but is sweet 3. Wine 4. Turkey 5. Potatoes, would have preferred sweet potatoes but I wasn't the cook and well needing to cut back on sugar so I decided it was fine to have mash instead. lol 6. fruit salad The veggies well I like them but they will never be the ones I'm craving for. :) 1-3 could be a three way tie? My favorite pie varies but pumpkin was it when I was little, next is pecan or apple...
  6. Happy Thanksgiving and for those that don't celebrate thanksgiving may you find something positive to show up this day. Trying to focus on a grateful heart and look for the positive. I've certainly had my share of focusing on the negative in past years, so I grateful for the friendships I've made on this board. May you find at least 5 positive things for this special day. :) #2 is good food, wine. #3. Celebrating with friends. got two more to go! Gonna spend a quiet thanksgiving with a friend. Then planning to write before I go to bed. So enjoy the food, the company and those that have crazy family find something to laugh about throughout the gathering. May no one feel alone today and I hope you find something fun to do. :)
  7. IA that the deal isn't the problem. They've all done deals now and it would be pot calling kettle black. Sam doesn't have any expectations for Mary so for him it is just mom and who are you? Dean has other issues besides just this isn't the mom I knew or loved. For me, and I'm well aware that many won't care for this...But this is the stuff that is handled correctly could be strong conflict. It has certainly given Jensen some interesting moments. Per his interview when the didn't want to hug her when she left them, he just thought of it as a little boy going no and pouting. How it landed was really deeper. His instinct served the scene in a powerful way. So many of us have the same conflict we have some memories of our parents through child like glasses and then when the reality hits it isn't always so great either. The gift was suppose to be Dean getting the love and the support he missed from his mom. Now he has a chance to get to know her for who she is. I believe her saying I need time is more for her to be in the space to deal with them as adults because she is also very aware that she should want to get to know her adult children. Space is a good thing for all. Now how they will deal with this conflict is the concern. But I was pleased with how they handled it in this ep for me. Will I stay that way...no idea.
  8. Firefox is pretty easy to use. Not a computer wizard either. But remember google is your friend. If you have problems google it. Youtube can also help. :) Glad to see your feeling better.
  9. I use Firefox. I like it way more than IE. It's pretty easy to figure out. I stopped using IE a long time ago and haven't had as many viruses since I switched.
  10. Sorry I got the wrong date it's Monday. We have an assistant nurse who said it was today and the head nurse said it was Monday. We are off for a week, so I most likely won't know until the 28th unless someone contacts me. So still sending prayers and positive energy for the entire family. I'm looking forward to some time off to recharge my batteries. :) Today I got a thank you note from a student and he told me I reminded him of Snoopy. They had to pick a character from peanuts. It was a nice surprise.
  11. For those that pray, I have a student that is having open heart surgery tomorrow and he has a 30% chance of surviving. I have his brother also. So your support and prayers would be greatly appreciated. First production is done and the kid was in a wheelchair and on oxygen. We created a chase scene just for him. It was a high point for him as he wanted to perform so badly but due to his health issues talking loudly is an issue. I'm just hoping that it will be one of many memories for him and his family. So this year I'm struggling a little. I guess I'm relating a bit too much to Dean. We won't be doing any heavy drama's as my advance class had one student lose his little brother another has her dad pulling out of almost dying. So it just feels like Billie is hanging around my classroom. I know it's not the worst stuff but I would love to see something positive happen right now. Sorry if I'm bringing you all down.
  12. Loved, Loved this episode. So many great moments. Dean owing Billie...now how will that bite him in the butt? Glad Mary wasn't how she got her payback. Glad Mary is starting to get she needs to appreciate being alive with her boys. Billie's speech became a powerful wake up call. Loved that Jodi knew the right words for Dean and even in the end tried to help Mary move forward. Sam helping his mom and concern for brother is wonderful feels. Glad after some not so great eps we get one that feels so right. Some nice surprises. I wasn't expecting some of the stuff they did and liked that they did try to trick me about killing Jodi but resisted it. Enjoying everyone's comments. It's been a long time since I really loved the show this much. Can the next one not suck too??? Or is that asking too much? :)
  13. I liked these moments you mentioned and certainly wouldn't put it on my worst ever...but the stupid part of Hitler just was a total lame idea. It had potential but I'll blame the writing on this one. At least the boys weren't rescued and Dean got the save but I wasn't in love with his I killed Hitler bit. I deleted it so I won't be watching it twice.
  14. Finally watched both eps. School is kicking my butt as I'm trying to get the first production ready. I really love Mary and the boys. I think be careful what you wish for is being shown quite well. Also for me it feels like Sam and Mary uniting on one issue, both wanting out of hunting and it leaves Dean as the odd man out. Watching his memories being destroyed is also very sad. Sam doesn't have anything to lose so for him it is an up side. I'm so over the torture scenes. All of it. So Dean who has been taught by one of the best is so easy to overcome? I'm glad he got the win for this time...but if they go back to the EMOL is so much better...gag. I liked Rick Springfield and how Luci surprised them all but please wrap it up. Not interested in this one. Come up for something else to do. Rape isn't funny or cute, and isn't something I want to see more of. Romance (such a wrong choice of words!) with Sam...fails again can we shoot her now? Please just move on, It does look like they may be trying to put more creepiness in, but I want the boys to be the hero's and the big bad...not excited about it as it will be play making both boys look dumb for plot points. But I did like a lot more than I thought I would so that is a plus. Tried to keep it short so I'm not just repeating what someone else said.
  15. I really think the show will go with the lines of just enjoy the show and stop thinking so hard. Ignore common sense and don't look so deep. If they can pretty much ignore Dean's Hell, well ignoring Mary's past wouldn't be that hard to do. I suspect we'll get a few lines and then not much to satisfy anyone. That said, at least they aren't going for the brother's keeping secrets. Bumping head's because one wants to do it this way versus the other way, could make an interesting story or two. I guess it's too much to ask for the boys to play something other than FBI agents. I miss the old days of fun ways / creative ways to get the information.
  16. Sorry but that doesn't look like him NOW. Looks like him when he started but he doesn't look like that younger version either. Crazy. lol. I could handle Twinchester.
  17. Jared always says he wants to do more and go for as long as it will run. Jensen on the other hand has given him the eye. But sometimes he will laugh and say sure. I would think if they can get time off to be with family they might want to go longer. So depends on how well this season goes. I hope it goes out with a bang whenever it goes, because I would hate to see it go out with a whimper.
  18. Happy for them. But there is something called vanishing twin and it is always wise to wait a bit before announcing. A twin can be lost up to 12 weeks, so hopefully everything is going well. Really researched this one but not really interested in saying why. I know he's a proud papa and well as he should be. Thrilled for both of them.
  19. Hmmm. I wonder if Jensen stole it and then is acting all innocent. They said the jacket was stolen and that is why they don't use it anymore. So was it really stolen or is it hidden? Cody hope you have fun at the conventions. Make a list of what you must bring so you don't forget the must haves. If you write it down now, you might not forget it. Of course every-time I do a list, I still forget something. lol Have fun. I enjoyed the latest Star Trek, but I know some people didn't love it.
  20. So glad to get an update. Yes you are on our minds and so glad that things are going positively for you. I'm glad you have someone to make you smile as that will help with the healing. Sending positive prayers your way. When you're ready to post about Supernatural we'll be here. :)
  21. Heads will roll if they Kill Mary off again. Have her help raise the girls in the art of hunting or give her a peaceful ending. The 'kill off so and so' is so overdone and boring. Of course they have done stuff thinking that they had really surprised the fans. I mean how many real surprises have there been...Angels. Most of the other stuff has either come out of no where or been something we didn't think they would be so stupid to do? Now, not sure if too stupid to do is off the table. grrrh. Love the pic of Dean waiting to tie me over for a few days. lol
  22. Oh how I agree. I want them to start working on compelling story-lines for both. I get frustrated with oh that looks so promising only to have it fizzle and turn into a meh moment. Even though Jensen can deliver some powerful emotions, if it becomes to common to see it, then it no longer has a powerful impact. Kevin's death scene comes to mind for me. I might could watch it now and see a powerful scene but back then in real time I just wanted to hit the writers with come on, how many times are you going to do this for nothing. Boo indeed. However, he did give us a chance, he said he couldn't do it then because he didn't have the time, now that he is off whereever, he could somehow get the time if he wanted. That's my wish anyway. :) I think it was one of Jared's best moments. He has a few where he has hit the nail on the head. Lucifer/Sam in "The End" is another brilliant moment for Jared and also a great character moment. But it is the old less is more. It is short and sweet and that is when Jared shines. When he has to draw it out and do it for a long time, that's when it starts to fail for me. JMO. I would be fine with Lucifer not coming back. I want a real reason for Cas to be around as his character. I also want him to be a bad-ass. For me the time for Demon Dean has passed. My upset was that since they went there and I didn't really want that to begin with, I wanted them to make it count. The time they gave was stupid, so I really wish they hadn't. I think the issue Jensen doesn't like and has said several times never again, is when he has to play himself against himself. Once in season 3 and then in "the End" come to mind. He's brilliant so I wouldn't mind that issue again, but Jensen will scream about not wanting to do it again, and I think they respect him so they don't. Now if the storyline really needs it, I think they would do it again, but I think they know how he feels so they don't. At this point I don't want Sam to go back to having powers. I want the brothers to being human and outsmarting the bad guys who think they can't possibly win since they have the power. As far as Michael coming back, the actor is now on General Hospital and has a major story-line, so I doubt he can come back at least at this time. I think that is the one thing that Supernatural has done, helped many actors get noticed so they get a chance to have a long career. At least that's my story, that Supernatural is the reason they got noticed. :)
  23. If Mary comes back with poof magic, that would still explain why they couldn't find her in heaven or hell. Remember the ep where Bobby is trapped and Dean solves it with him being on the outside and same on the outside. It was a point where different time periods met each other in a blink of an eye. So that's my story for NOW. :) Both Jared and Jensen hinted that they will be on the run from both heaven and hell. why? Do the demon and angels blame the boys and Cass for almost causing the end of the world. They don't know that God and Sister are once again happy. I certainly wasn't on the edge of my seat like some of the viewers watching the show, but then the show has a hard time surprising me. I can care less about the torture...so I hope there is more that they aren't giving away.
  24. Maybe they've limited how many times you can vote. I couldn't vote again either.
  25. Dean's always wanted the home and family but what he knows best is hunting and the family business. Well there are real consequences. What she never wanted to happen, happened. Why because John knew nothing about the hunting world and she left him in the dark. His reactions are still valid because everything he did was a reaction to her death. Also it gives the boys a different choice. How they will write her out, I'm not sure, but I still believe they will do it. Just because she's alive doesn't mean all is forgiven or happy. There will be a natural struggle to protect and a desire for something they don't know as grown men. Jared talked about how he will now have to come to the understanding that some of his anger was misplaced and that his mother should share the blame. At the same time a feeling that he can't blame her because she died. Depending on how they resolve all the issues, this could be interesting. Too many times TV shows move away from stories or issues that were solved too easy or quickly. I don't want angst just to have angst but it is a natural platform for a possible interesting conflict. It also gives both actors something new after 200 eps. Jensen will add layers, not sure if Jared can but it's a gift that has the power to become a bad thorn. Also remember that Chuck/God told Dean basically it is his job to keep the world going. There is a fight on his hands to find and protect his brother and at the same time his mother. I guess the humor in all of this, is his mother doesn't really look 10 years younger than Jensen. So the old suspend disbelief. They've gone there just like they did with Demon Dean. So hopefully they will do something right. Too early to tell. :)
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