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Everything posted by Sasha888

  1. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Immerse wine! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'm dying here! You made my day. And it took you just a few minutes to find the perfect pic, too! Oh my gosh, too funny!
  2. I'm not even halfway through and I've heard "immersed" more than half a dozen times. Spellbound, absorbed, mesmerized, engaged...choose any of them, please, PLEASE, but enough with the word immersed!! In an otherwise cute episode so far (except let that poor little girl sleep, for pete's sake) this immersion in immersed is going to make me need to immerse myself in some sort of alcoholic beverage.
  3. And he's not going to be looking any better now that he's moved in the Twit and is likely on chub rub cream duty. Among other distasteful tasks I'd rather not think about. Selling your soul to TLC has made a lot of people look like crap.
  4. It has always amused me that in her TH's, the only thing holding up her boobs is her stomach. Generally it's a better idea to get a good bra to do that, instead of eating your way to morbid obesity and having your stomach take on that task.
  5. That's essentially what fabulist means. 😊 I think you guys have come up with some good F words to replace "fabulous" in the title of this dumb show. :-) I have some other F words I can think of, but I don't think TLC would go for mine.
  6. I know, what is with her obsession with adding all kinds of crap to her coffee lately? I looked at this latest recipe she mentioned, it includes adding black pepper in addition to the spices she has pictured. I like pepper, but it is NOT going in my coffee. BTW her gingerbread latte recipe (which does sound interesting, I'll give her that) is hundreds of calories more than the k-cup cappuccinos I drink. Granted, I'm not getting all the rock star nutrition from that teaspoon of molasses...but you know, maybe I'll eat FOOD to get my nutrition, and not drink my daily allotment of calories while sitting by the fire. It's like she sits there every day thinking "Well...I gotta post something for this Strive shit...and I'm sure as hell not going to work out, or cook...maybe I'll just look for more coffee recipes."
  7. I like the dark wood cabinets in their kitchens. However, that's a personal preference, and someone who has the $600,000 to blow on a house may not share that opinion. If I were spending that kind of money on a house, it better be EXACTLY what I want. Someone who needs a house immediately would probably buy, but otherwise if your housing budget is that huge, and you have the time, why wouldn't you just build new rather than buy one of theirs? My brother has a 5 bedroom 3 1/2 bath home (not as expensive, because it's not in Vegas, cheaper area) but the finishes are outstanding AND it came with a POOL. Even in an area that's not as hot as Vegas, it still came with a pool, and a gorgeous fireplace, etc. Just all the really nice things you'd expect, whereas their houses sorta scream "cheap". HA! Exactly. When I bought my first house, I lived in a city where you had to have a pre-approval letter from a bank so they knew I would qualify for a mortgage, and they'd only show me properties in that range. No wasting their time looking at really expensive homes you can't afford. When I moved back to my tiny hometown, my realtor used to work for my Dad, graduated with my brother, and has known our family for years. When I was ready to make an offer on a house, he matter-of-factly says to me "You're paying cash, right?" And I answered, "Yep!" :-) I do not live like the Browns! But you KNOW you're from a small town when the realtor already had that figured out.
  8. She just can't get enough of the camera, can she. (puke) She actually seems to believe people are going to find her little handstands adorable. (barf) You're not 6, Twit. And no one wants to watch your flab ripple and flop around underwater. (puke AND barf)
  9. Their lazy approach to selling shows how special they think they are. "As seen on Sister Wives!" Who. The hell. CARES. That is not even a plus in most people's minds! When I was moving, I staged my house myself. Set the table with a nice table setting, put a tray with a coffee cup and the newspaper on the bed...it's not that hard. Pack up all your belongings, leave a few things behind to stage. I had to put my house on the market at the worst time for the city I was living in (probably a bad time anywhere)...this time of year, right between Thanksgiving and Christmas, when people are busy. It sold in a few weeks. I was closing by the first week of January. We just finally sold our parents' house...small town, about 2500 people. Difficult market, a house that was only going to appeal to certain people...dang thing was on the market for 13 months. It is a huge pain to have a house sit empty, and it's not good for the house either. I was always going over there to run the faucets, etc. There's just a lot of things that can break down if you're not using them. Selling it reminded me of Meri and that stupid Parowan house. Except I actually GREW UP in that house, and yes I loved it. My Dad remodeled every room in that house at least twice, they lived there for over 50 years. His handiwork and care is obvious in every room. But it did not make sense for me to move into it, for a lot of reasons. Yeah, it sucks having a family home sold to a stranger. But some of us don't HAVE to have something just because it's there and we WANT it. These pea wits are hemorrhaging money every month those homes sit empty.
  10. Donna has escaped. She's in the Twitness Protection Program.
  11. Sasha888


    If it was an apt maybe, but they bought a house. My guess is it's the only room that's presentable enough for taking a pic. Remember the cluttered apt in the episodes right before the wedding of the century?
  12. I don't know how they're getting houses, cars, etc. either. One of their benefactors though, is the American Taxpayer. Anything that can be purchased with a credit card won't be paid for, that's what bankruptcy is for. I imagine Mariah and Audrey are learning this...all those coffee shop & restaurant visits, gyms, Soul Cycle, blah blah blah...run it up on the credit card, and then don't pay it. Learned that from the parents. Audrey jumped right in and learned the "join a stupid pyramid scheme" quickly, I'm sure she'll learn the rest quickly as well. The houses and land in AZ, though, yeah, you got me. The consequences for scheming and declaring bankruptcy for most people is you end up not being able to own a home (because of your shitty credit rating), and have nothing for retirement because you've cashed out any 401K or anything you had (with a big penalty) because that money was just burning a hole in your pocket. I learned that from my ex father-in-lard. :-)
  13. Janelle needs to buy a thesaurus. Everything is a "rock star" with her. FFS woman, learn a few new words.
  14. I've watched a few earlier episodes lately as well (I think some were season 1) and you are more observant than I am, @Pachengala! I missed that Tal was drinking wine. I agree that she's become less and less likable as time has gone by. One of the things that cracked me up was when she was still living with her parents, and she's in her bedroom and yells "Mommy! Come shave my legs!" In comes Babs, starts shaving Twit's legs for her...then Glenn walks in and wants to talk to Twit about something, and she's not having it, she wants him out (understandable...there are some things you'll let your Mom help you with, but your Dad, no...just no). Anyway...what cracked me up was what Twit had to say about that situation - "We need some boundaries in this house." Boundaries? Ha ha, what a hypocrite! She has no respect for other people's personal space, sitting on them, forcing people to hug her, etc...and she's laying there, having "Mommy" shave her legs, but she wants to talk about boundaries! Classic Whitney. Glenn should not just walk on in to her bedroom, true, but learn some boundaries of your own before complaining about someone else's. I bet Babs might like a "shave your own damn legs" boundary.
  15. Oh don't worry, no one will be prying my moisturizer out of my hands. :-)
  16. I hope so. I don't like her, but I'd still like to do see her develop healthier eating habits. I also wish she'd do more appropriate workouts. I'm no judge of workouts but it sounds like some people in the know on this board think her current workouts are at best ineffective, and at worst possibly put her in danger of injury. I looked up a BMI calculator one time and figuring that she weighs about 400 lbs at the time of the 8K in Hi...which is probably being generous to her, I think she may have weighed more than that...even guessing her to be 400 lbs, her BMI was just unreal. The reason I checked a BMI chart was because I wanted to know how much I'd have to weigh to know what it felt like to be Twit...and the results were staggering. I'm a lot taller so I'd have to strap around 300 lbs to my body. There is no way I'd be able to walk around like that, or get back up if I sat down...she's got more leg strength than I do, I seriously would just collapse and never be able to get back up. Like I said, I don't like her, but when I think about how that must feel, well I wouldn't wish that on anyone. I need to lose some weight...at my recent yearly check up my Dr said I'd lost 10 lbs this year (pathetic, but a loss nonetheless) and that my numbers were all good, but another 10 would be great, and he'd like me to try to do that. So...yeah, I need to lose some, but clearly I don't know what it feels like to be in her shoes (or flip flops). But I can feel it in my knees if my weight starts creeping up, and guess what, I don't like pain! :-) So I try to do something about it! (BTW a 10 lb loss would not put me at an ideal weight by any means, I could stand to lose a lot more than that!) It really drove home to me just how much stress is put on her body, and how our bodies are just not made to support that kind of weight. I can't imagine how much pain she must be in...she tries to hide it, but I think at that weight, she has to be in pain, I don't see how she couldn't be. And that just shows how strong her food addiction must be.
  17. I ordered some Ponds and hope to wean myself off the expensive stuff. I was reading some Ponds reviews while I was ordering and WOW, some people are angry that they have apparently changed the traditional formula...complaining it gave them break-outs, etc. But others seem to love it, and since it was a little over $2 to give it a try, I don't consider this to be an expensive experiment. :-) I've definitely wasted more than 2 bucks on other stuff.
  18. Paedon towering over Christine is so cute. I like Paedon. Reminds me of my 5'5" Mom and 6'4" and 6'5" brothers! You'd be surprised how fast a big guy can move when a tiny mom barks orders, though. ;-)
  19. Yep...she's been at this awhile now, she's running out of recipes, tips, and "personal weight loss journey" stories to share. She should sell LuLaNo, you just take selfies in unattractive clothing, and the money starts rolling in! Speaking of that...I'm not usually one to toot Meri's horn, but doesn't it seem she's doing that a lot more of that than the others? I'll maybe exclude Mykelti from this because she just started...but it seems like Meri's always posting a pic and hashtagging the name of each piece of clothing so people know which things she's wearing...I guess I'm basing this solely on what I see on this board, but I don't think I'm seeing Maddie, Christine, or Audrey doing nearly as much of that. Christine is doing "car confessions" that seem to have no point whatsoever...if you're going to be posting on SM, at least throw some of that crap on and plug your clothing line. You know, "My Lula leggings are perfect for playing in the snow with my kids!" or "My Lula top was perfect for going to X to do Y". Shill that crap! It's ugly, you're going to have to work at it! So I'll give Meri credit for that, by God she's going to keep posting her outfits and advertising that junk til somebody makes her stop. (Plus it's just so much more entertaining for us, if they would post more Lula outfit pics for us to snark on. Throw us a bone, Christine!)
  20. If her bras are properly fitted, than I am doing something terribly wrong! Her whole life changed? That must be one hell of a magical bra!
  21. Yep...why would you join when the company is being sued and it seems the shit is about to hit the fan? I guess they don't do a simple google search on the company before forking over thousands of dollars. As to where it will lead? It'll lead to everybody having their garages full of boxes of ugly clothes they can't sell. From what I've read, LLR isn't sending refund checks to sellers who want to quit and return their inventory, which they promised they would. While tons of people are trying to flee from this shady company, more and more Browns are signing up! Baffling.
  22. I don't know what it is about Wal-Mart, but it brings out the Pajamas In Public People. I'll never understand it! Makes a boring trip to the store more interesting though. 5 points for every pajama wearer you spot...10 points if they're also wearing slippers!
  23. I see Chocolate Covered Katie's recipe is 1 cup milk and 3T strong coffee...your swap saves a lot of calories! Though I admit, this Katie is a gal after my own heart...I too like a little coffee with my cream! You guys got me curious, so I looked in my fridge thinking "there's no way I'll have molasses...the only thing I'd ever use it for is my Mom's molasses cookies, and I never really liked them that much (sorry Mom!).... But by gosh there it was, a bottle of Brer Rabbit molasses! I guess you can't escape your upbringing!
  24. Amen, @TurtlePower! She gives out Earth-shattering advice such as "vegetables are good for you, you should have lots of colorful veggies!" Good grief, who doesn't know that. Janelle has a firm grasp of the obvious! When she isn't saying something any moron should know, she's giving out advice that's at best questionable, at worst incorrect (or at least unproven). But mostly it's a daily litany of why it's just SO darn hard to get up off her duff. It amuses me to no end that for the big launch of her STRIVE gig, they had that conference room & seemed to be expecting a couple of hundred people...but only about 25 showed up. And one of them was our dear @toodles! Hey hey, Toodles! Thanks for taking one for the team so that we all got to hear a first hand account of the STRIVE launch! They seemed to think that due to their awesome fame and her online certification, people would be lining up in droves to hire Janelle to be their "health coach"! 🤣🤣🤣
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