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Everything posted by Sasha888

  1. So then I guess they only raised enough money to move into his uncle's basement? Sorry, I'm confused as to when this was filmed vs when the GoFundMe started. It's sad to me that I only know what a GoFundMe campaign is because of this show. So many deserving people have actual reasons for needing things like a GoFundMe site. Haven't seen one from this show yet that I'd call "deserving". Regardless of when it was started, "moving expenses" is not a real reason to me. Got a sick kid? Sign me up. Have an terrible illness yourself? I'm there. House burned down, tornado, lost everything? I'd do whatever I could for someone like that. But people whose reason is "I wanna move?" Go screw yourself. And get a job.
  2. I certainly noticed...and as the owner of a small but sometimes very determined Chihuahua, I can tell you when I'm in pain I'd much rather be carrying a small child than carrying a wriggling 7 lb dog who does NOT want his toenails trimmed! ;-) Seriously though, you are absolutely right, she could carry everything else...that she FELT like carrying.
  3. Whoever said "How long before they get a GoFundMe", you called it! Begging for a deposit on an apt and "everything needed for a new place" because they sold everything and left Texas. Here's a thought...if you can't afford new furniture and housewares, and "all the stuff for a new place", maybe don't sell all your stuff? Maybe, oh I don't know, take it with you? Sometimes known as "moving", or in this episode I guess it was known as "taking stuff from the old house and putting it in the new house"!
  4. Bettie Jo and Josh are EXACTLY the people my wise old father (may he rest in peace) was talking about when he said people should have to pass some kind of IQ test before they have kids. It sounds harsh, but it's true. What kind of life is that poor child going to have. A mother who lies her ass off about having cancer (and having just lost both of my parents to cancer, this REALLY pisses me off), and a father who backs up the mother's lies...to the point that he'll argue with a medical professional. Even though he's so stupid he says the cancer might have to be diagnosed with a TELESCOPE! Yes, you are just the kind of person who needs to be arguing with a doctor...an idiot who can't tell a microscope from a telescope. Not to mention the two of them winging that baby around and not supporting his head at all! Clueless freaking idiots. Or the fact that they were living in his uncle's basement, and said uncle had to loan ("loan", ha! He'll never get paid back) them money to get what appeared to be a pretty crummy apartment...yeah, you are REALLY prepared to have a baby. I enjoyed the update on Susan (although she has her issues) but Bettie Jo and Josh need to get their lying asses off my TV. They pissed me right off.
  5. This GoFundMe is just ridiculous. Nobody "dragged" her to Houston, she went willingly, and you can't be "humiliated" on TV if you behave like a normal, rational person. She CHOSE to act like a psycho jackass.
  6. I'm going to go waaaaaay out on a limb here and bet that you are NOT the only person who thought that. [sarcasm off] This woman is just so incredibly unlikable. Yelling at the person who bathes you and wipes your ass? Yelling at the doctor who's trying to get it through your head that you are killing yourself? I'm kinda wishing the apartment lady had said she had no apartments available, just so we could've seen what She-nay-nay's reaction to that would've been. I'm guessing another tongue-lashing at high volume, followed by "Have a blessed day!" CLICK.
  7. I love this! On Facebook, this is one I'd give a little pink heart to. Thank you! The lady who sells headstones enjoyed it also. ;-) Yes, I tell jokes at very inappropriate times, like when we're at the cemetery with the headstone lady. She laughed her butt off, and my mother chased me around the cemetery trying to swat my butt for saying it. (hey, at least it made my Mom smile during a difficult time!) Aliya I enjoyed your article about the crematorium fire as well! Crematorium Dude needs to read Funeral Director Dude's article - "the easiest way to keep your crematorium from catching fire is to refer the family to your competitors..." I am not totally irreverent about funerals...I recently lost both of my parents - Mom passed away only 18 months after Dad...I DO feel bad for these families and what they are left to deal with (and I feel even worse for the funeral directors who have to find a kind way of bringing up those issues)...it's just that if I did not learn to laugh at this tough time in my life, I'd do nothing but cry. I appreciate you guys cracking me up on a regular basis!
  8. Oh certainly we're reading it Calpurnia99!! Rest easy! We are just laughing too hard to type a response!!! "A tractor with a hydraulic front end loader works well!" OMG! LOL! This guy is fantastic - he's in the wrong business, he shouldn't be a funeral director, he should be a sitcom writer! Yes! Sign me up! I want the tractor my brother uses to move huge flat beds full of hay bales into the barn to be involved in my funeral! I want it to be a complete shitshow! My parents already bought the two burial plots next to theirs for my brother & I (because nothing says "We don't think anyone will ever be able to stand either one of you, so you won't be needing a double-plot for a spouse" like your parents buying you a single burial plot!).....but hey, if I get to eating RIGHT NOW and work really hard at it, I might be able to eat myself to death before he croaks, even though he's way older than I am...then my brother will have to use my plot AND his to bury my fat ass! With his tractor! As far as I'm concerned, Calpurnia99 wins the internet today for posting this gem of an article!
  9. I know! That was my favorite part!!! That is one funny funeral director.
  10. Is it terrible that I think the author of this article is absolutely hilarious?
  11. I heard him say it. She didn't have an answer for that. She was hoping he'd say no, and then she'd have the perfect reason to tell him how awful he was and that this is why he couldn't be her doctor anymore. When he didn't say "No, I don't believe in God", she didn't know what to do, and got even more belligerent because her ploy didn't work. And F*** YOU Schenee for using the phrase "have a blessed day" in a sarcastic, insulting way right before hanging up on someone. To some of us, that phrase has MEANING. And YOU claim to be one of those people!!! Hypocritical bitch. Just my view here, but I believe God forgives all of our failings. But ONLY if we are truly sorry and can admit we were wrong to do those things. This heifer ain't sorry for NOTHIN'. She is ALWAYS right. She wanted Dr. Now to apologize to HER!!! He didn't DO anything wrong, Miss Verbally Abusive Phone Call, YOU did.
  12. THANK YOU! This kind of crap makes me throat stompy. It is not a hamster, it is a DOG, and they shouldn't live in cages. They need love and attention, they are very attached to their people. If you cannot commit to a dog, then don't GET a dog!!! Makes me flustrated that some people aren't knowledged enough to care of their pets, even if they have lots of intelligement in other areas. (that last sentence was for She-nay-nay and Freddy, in case they read this!)
  13. IKR? I have a lot of faith in God myself, but one thing I cannot stand is a hypocrite who uses God to manipulate others. She was a straight up bitch to Dr. Now, and if she was praying for an answer to help her lose weight, Dr. Now WAS THAT ANSWER! What an ungrateful, nasty person. To quote Family Guy (of all things!) "What's the use of praying to God if you're just going to wipe your butt with his answers!" Or in her case, have Freddy wipe her ass with his answers. ;-) I'll see myself out.
  14. I always assume this is exactly what my cat does as soon as I leave the house. Have a wild child???? Why yes, yes I do. And there aren't enough swiffers in the world too keep up with him! I'm way behind watching on DVR...but I'm sorry, "my body is sick so I need to eat more than other people"? Sounds like a large gal I worked with...she said her body "tells" her what she needs. And just then it was telling her it needed donuts! True story.
  15. I agree, she doesn't doesn't care. There are re-runs on my DVR today...the dance-a-thon where she passes out and gets taken in the ambulance to the hospital. The gal in the ER clearly tells her "your heart has to work TWICE as hard as anybody else's, due to your weight". And tells her to see a cardiologist, and that she MUST lose a LOT of weight. That would scare the shit out of most rational people. Instead, what does Twit do? When Buddy texts her if there's anything he can do, she has him get a philly cheesesteak stuffed crust pizza. And there's another box of something else besides. She says "I understand the irony...I'm getting out of the hospital and ordering pizza. I get it." Well, apparently, Twit, you DON'T get it. Because you're still doing it, and you're even heavier now than you were then. Looks like the infamous ski scene is coming up later. Oh, and another bit of denial - she's oozing hostility to Buddy and Heather in this episode and refers to Buddy as "her ex-boyfriend". Odd how Buddy doesn't refer to HER as his ex-GIRLFRIEND! What a lying piece of crap. Either you know it's lying and don't care, or you believe you own revisionist history. It seems pretty apparent to everyone else that Buddy was never your boyfriend. Yet there she is, mic on, being filmed, saying stupid shit that is just flat out lies. She has made ZERO positive changes in her life since this episode was filmed. Whether that's admitting certain truths to yourself (like that a friend was never your boyfriend, or that you aren't fit and fat because you passed out partway thru your dance-a-thon) or making certain changes (diet, exercise, etc)....ZERO progress. If anything she's even more delusional and has gained even more weight.
  16. I didn't catch this either. And I don't have the stomach to watch it again. It would probably put me to sleep anyway. Hahahahahahaha! Awesome.
  17. I agree that the whole situation is completely f'd up, because none of these five adults will admit the REAL truth to each other. Nancy is a quack, and any therapist worth their salt would make them have some real conversations about their many-faceted relationships. Trouble is, I believe all five of them would walk out on a therapist who actually made them be honest and really look at what's wrong. The "Did she cheat, Did she NOT cheat" thing with Meri - my thoughts are, Meri & Kody agreed to a polygamist lifestyle before they ever even got married. This was stated early on in the show. Kody says he had many talks with Meri's polygamist father about living polygamy - they both knew when they got married that he would be taking on additional wives. So, as messed up as it seems to us dumb monogamists, this is what they chose. And the rules were, Kody doesn't have sex with any other woman until he is spiritually married to her. His wives, in turn, promise not to be faithful to him. Weird? To me, yes. But it's what they agreed on. Meri entered into a relationship with another man and I believe she would be long gone by now if Sam had been real. She stepped out of the marriage, in my view. She broke a promise. Should Kody forgive her? That's up to them, but I don't think Kody CAN forgive her, because Meri will NOT ADMIT TO ANY OF IT. She keeps saying "online friendship" (scratching the name Sam into your leg, taking banana pics, multiple voicemails telling Sam how much she loves him and how he "has it all over Kody"...her words....to me, that is no "friendship".) Should the other wives forgive her? Again, own up to it first. Yes, people make mistakes. But it's pretty hard to forgive someone who lies about what went on, even though it is public knowledge that there was a lot more to it. It's also hard to NOT forgive someone if they actually APOLOGIZE, admit the whole truth, and are genuinely sorry. That's on Meri. As far as being brainwashed...my opinion is, I know I'd have to be brainwashed before I'd sign up for a mess of a deal like this! But do they see themselves as brainwashed? I absolutely think Christine and Robyn do not. And I don't know how Janelle could claim to be brainwashed, because she was raised in a monogamous family and she CHOSE to convert to this. As an adult. And why is Meri hanging around when it seems clear that she's miserable, and no one seems to want her there? My take on that...she's there for the TLC gravy train, pure & simple. I've said it before and I'll say it again, when the TLC money dries up, Meri's going to leave so fast she'll leave scorch marks on the carpet. I think Meri is done with Kody, done with polygamy, and she's definitely done with her sister wives. I can't help but feel a little sympathy for someone who is so obviously miserable, but she contributed a vast amount to the situation she's found herself in now. Certainly the others could have been kinder to her...definitely Robyn & Kody planned that divorce/legally marry Robyn thing, and for that I feel bad for her, but she's brought a lot of it on herself as well. She might get more sympathy and forgiveness, from the wives at least, if she hadn't bullied them for years. There were big problems in that family before Robyn came alone - Meri lorded it over Janelle & Christine for years before Robyn ever came into the picture. Meri thought she had a new ally in Robyn, and Robyn stabbed her in the back. For that I have some sympathy for her. For the affair, not so much. That said...when the TLC money does dry up and Meri leaves, the problems will not be over. Meri isn't the cause of everything. The rest of them are bat shit crazy and will still have problems with each other. Even if Meri is gone, things may quiet down some, but Kody is still an ass hat, and he'll still say insensitive, stupid shit to his remaining wives and it'll cause plenty of problems. Just different problems, because right now, they seem to be focused on how Meri is the problem...at least, that's the "edit" we got this season. Who knows if there were fights between the others, the main thing the producers wanted to focus on this season was Meri and that freaking house in Parawan, and how she's pulling away from the family, etc.
  18. Oh, but it was. Have you not seen the banana photos or heard the voicemails Meri left "Sam"? My marriage was less sexually charged then Meri's "friendship" with "Sam". :-P
  19. Christine is bugging me at this stupid game night thing. She is soooo over excited. If I had some of the meds she's apparently on, then I could probably stand her. :-)
  20. I agree with you. I'm sure Janelle & Christine are not blameless and did their share of snarky crap, but I think the root of the problem is Meri. If she hadn't been such an old bag to them, they wouldn't have had to "team up" on her in the first place. In the first season Meri, all teary-eyed, sincerely (eye roll) told us that she considered her sister wives her best friends in the world and if anything happened to her, she knew they'd raise her daughter the way she wanted her to be raised. In my mind, I imagine both Janelle & Christine bolting out the door immediately after she said that, to draw up legal documents that would ensure if anything happened to them, Meri would be the LAST person to raise their children! The sisterhood bullshit has been blown to bits over and over again as the years have passed. During the episode where they went to protest at the state capital, Robyn stayed home to "mind the fort" and I think that scene with Christine drawing up legal papers to turn guardianship of her kids over to Robyn if she got put in "jell" was contrived, scripted crap. And everyone just hoped we wouldn't notice that as Janelle prepared for the march, she made "other arrangements" for her children. She wouldn't even leave them with Robyn for a couple of days. The name of this show should be "Rival Wives", not "Sister Wives".
  21. This made me laugh so hard it hurt! Now THIS comment right here is what "fabulous" REALLY is!
  22. Yeah, there are no worries that Twit will have any "dancer's feet" problems! Somewhere (I think many pages back on this very forum, probably) was a pic of her disgustingly long toenails! Puke! Which shows not only that you aren't able to reach your own feet, but also that you are probably never wearing shoes. As I was giving myself a little pedi the other night, I thought about Twit and her gross toenails, and about what a wake-up call it would be to me if I couldn't even trim my tootsies anymore. But hey, I guess if you're willing to reveal on TV that you can't put your own chub rub cream on (cuz ya stick don't reach!) then toenails probably isn't your biggest worry! I still barf a little when I think of that scene. And not just because I was subjected to seeing it, but that she was braying and squealing like it was so hilarious! I fail to see the humor in eating your way into a bunch of disabilities.
  23. Yep. I have no doubt that she's a vindictive bitch. She goes into a rage on anybody who says the slightest little thing on her SM - and that's people she doesn't even know. I bet her barnacles (oh excuse me, her good friends) are constantly apologizing for every little transgression. Except Todd, I think he's just freaking over it. He says whatever the hell he wants, ha ha ha! I wonder what his counselors in rehab told him about this toxic relationship. Anybody worth their salt would've told him he needs to get the hell away from her.
  24. Yep. Conceited much? Well, at least you got two out of three right, Twitney!
  25. Haha no wiping. I was being kind. She would have to walk around and collect dried sticks and leaves for kindling. She'd have to walk around and find a stick to put that toilet paper on as well. I'll see myself out.
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