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Everything posted by Sasha888

  1. Well said. I agree, it's sad to see anyone in pain. But as you said, if Meri does want things to improve, she has to stop always blaming the other person. If all you do is put up walls, you're basically isolating yourself. Eventually everyone will get tired of trying to break down your walls, and just leave you in there, alone.
  2. She did have to go get Mariah, of course. But if I were her, and I came back and the house was dead quiet (if it really was dead quiet - I find that hard to believe), I'd be thinking what the hell happened, and where is everybody? Did something go terribly wrong and Maddie's been rushed to the hospital? I'd have knocked on the door, or been on the phone, to find out if Maddie was okay. Meri couldn't be bothered to do that.
  3. I have always wondered about this, too. If the spiritual marriages are just as important as the legal ones, then why are all the men in polygamy legally married to their first wives? I suspect the answer to that is "financial reasons" - whether it's taxes or insurance purposes or whatever, they are going to take advantage of it. But for all their talk about how unimportant it is, every polygamy show I've seen shows the legal wife lording it over the others that she is the Queen Bee and Legal Wife, and YOU are not. The husband might talk a good talk about how they are all equal, but that legal wife is going to make sure you know it. And maybe even hang her marriage certificate in her bedroom, like Meri!
  4. Plus it was just downright RUDE sitting at the lunch like that while christine was doing all the heavy lifting. We get it Janelle, you're cultivating an "above-it-all" facade, but you just looked like a poorly-raised bumpkin with no social graces. Thanks for giving me a laugh. I agree with you guys...at first glance it seems like Janelle is easy going, and easy to get along with...but I bet after a few years of her Debbbie Downer routine, she is actually pretty trying on the nerves. It's really not fun to do things with someone who is always just sitting there, acting bored. Someone mentioned that Meri could be more involved by attending the kids' various sporting/school events...I agree. But I also think Janelle is not the type to engage in that way, either. I can't see Janelle saying "Oh yes, I'd LOVE to go to Y-name's band concert!" She'd sit there, with her body language saying "this is sooooo stupid". Now if it were all the other moms attending her son's football game or something like that, then she'd probably be all for it. But I don't think she takes any more interest in Christine's or Robyn's kids than Meri does. And that's definitely not the picture of polygamy they are trying to sell us.
  5. Yeah, I agree with that. In fact I'd say she still doesn't feel a strong commitment to the family. She'll show up for a family event, but she doesn't really participate. She kind of just sits there. It looks like she's watching the clock and thinking "How long before I can leave?" I think to some extent, each of the moms are looking out for themselves...and trying to make sure they do what's best for THEIR kids, as opposed to the whole family being their #1 priority. But some are more invested than others. I think Christine and Robyn are more invested in the family as a whole than Meri and Janelle are. Christine and Robyn seem to enjoy the big family gatherings, while Meri and Janelle more or less just "endure" them.
  6. Good question! Not much, I'd say. Maybe working the word "trite" into as many conversations as possible?
  7. My understanding was that when Janelle moved, she was basically sick of living with Meri - and that she more or less just moved in order to get a space of her own, and probably didn't do a lot of interacting with the family as a whole, but didn't leave Kody. Meaning, she spent time with him, and wasn't seeing other guys. (If my understanding of that is wrong, then it would change my opinion...). I think Christine also lived separately from Meri for awhile during that time, or at least at some point. So comparing Janelle's time away from the family with Meri's catfish fling is like comparing apples & oranges to me. If Janelle wasn't actively dating other guys, she didn't leave Kody, she left the family home. I think Kody was still going to Janelle's house and spending some time with her - she just wasn't spending time with her sister wives. Meri was actively engaged in a romantic entanglement with another man. To me, that's a completely different thing.
  8. That's definitely what I came away thinking after seeing this episode. Meri doesn't trust them any farther than she can throw them. When Christine said if you're having problems or issues, maybe I can't fix it, but you can dump them on me - Meri shook her head no. She either can't (or won't) open up and talk with any of them. Which leads to them not wanting to open up or talk with her, either...and it just keeps going round and round. I don't think they ever really have had that kind of relationship - in the earlier seasons, they tried to make it appear that way, but as time went on, the cracks started showing. I don't think the catfishing situation is the only reason Meri's relationships with her sisterwives, or Kody, are so strained. I think they've been fed up with Meri's selfishness and bossy behavior for a long time...the catfish deal was just the straw that broke the camel's back. I agree...not one of these 5 so-called "adults" are being the least bit honest about the whole deal. If just ONE person would finally come out and say "Meri, you believed this guy was, in fact, a guy, and we've all heard the voicemails of you telling him you loved him, etc. It was NOT just a friend. It was a romantic relationship, and you were thinking about leaving us for him.", I wonder what would happen. It would at least be a catalyst for change, one way or the other. Personally, my guess is if one of them said that to her, they'd be faced with the full wrath of Meri Brown. I don't think she'd say "You're right, it wasn't just a friendship, and I was willingly participating in it." I don't think she can even admit that to herself. Which is totally f'd up. Meri needs real therapy, not these bullshit sessions with dingbat Nancy. She can't take responsibility for her actions when she's not even allowing herself to believe she did anything wrong.
  9. I was SHOCKED when Robyn said that. I'm thinking that statement was either 1. Robyn having an airhead moment where her mouth was working faster than her brain, or 2. One of the most well planned passive aggressive moves I've ever seen. If it's #1, she may have thought later "Oooo...I did not come off well there...I probably shouldn't have said that." If it's #2, she managed to remind everyone in the room, including Kody, that Meri was ready to ditch them all and run off with a hunky millionaire.
  10. on the other hand, her friends aren't banging the man she love(d) and probably have their own good relationships with their own spouses. Meri's entire problem is Kody and POLYGAMY. True, her friends aren't banging her husband. But I don't really agree that Kody & polygamy are Meri's entire problem. It exacerbates everything, for sure. But it's not the entire problem, IMO. Meri would be an exhausting person to be friends with, or to be in a monogamous romantic relationship with. Nothing is ever good enough, no matter how much attention she gets it's never enough...she's very entitled. She thinks she deserves anything and everything she wants, and how dare anyone suggest otherwise. That's the type of person who has trouble getting along with anyone - polygamy or not. She likely does best with people she only has to have limited contact with - she can't build deep, real relationships because she's so self-absorbed.
  11. Exactly. The previews made it look like they all might finally confront her on her BS, but they really didn't. This episode should not have been called "Confronting Meri"...at best, it should have been called "TRYING to confront Meri, while she deflects all blame onto everyone but the paper boy".
  12. "Emotionally held hostage" is a PERFECT way to describe it! They are all walking on eggshells around her. Meri's the kind of person who can twist anything. If you told her "You look nice today, Meri!" she'd say "What are you trying to say? That I DON'T usually look nice??? You are so MEAN!" At that point you either beg the Queen for forgiveness, or say you know what lady, you are 10 pounds of crap stuffed into a 5 pound sack and I don't have time for this nonsense.
  13. I thought Christine was really trying hard to have a good conversation with Meri - bless her heart, she couldn't seem to get her point across, and just kept saying she wanted things to be "safe", but then again it's hard to get your point across when someone keeps interrupting you! And comes into the conversation spoiling for a fight... For example: Meri - This conversation is coming off to me as very accusatory, and telling me "You're wrong Meri, you're bad". That's how it's coming off. Christine - I'm sorry about that. I'm trying to... M - (interrupts) so I'm putting my wall up, and you know how I am Christine, you have a problem with me? I will step out right now. (smirks) C - Ok. I don't. I'm trying to get an understanding of how things.... M - (interrupts) Cause I JUST don't want to dill with it. I don't want to. My time and my life and my sanity is so much more useful when I'm around people who are comfortable with me, and I am VERY comfortable with other people, and other people are very comfortable with me, and I don't have issues. If you ask me, what Meri's saying here is "you guys are all assholes, and I have proof that you're assholes, because everybody else gets along with me just fine." Well Meri, those people probably haven't been jerked around by you for 20 years, and they only have to take you in small doses, once in awhile! Most of her social media is full of pictures with "LuLaRoe friends", and once that ship goes down, those people probably aren't going to be your "friends" anymore. They're not your friends now, it's just worth their time to do a pop up sale with a Z-list "celebrity" in hopes of selling more of their ugly clothes. So basically she's saying she doesn't want to dill with her fambly, she'd rather be around a bunch of butt-kissers. Well, fine, then stop dragging everybody to multiple therapy sessions about your imagined slights, since they aren't worth your time anyway.
  14. Boy am I glad I didn't have to attend The Lunch From Hell. Robyn - "It's weird, because I think some of us have come to lunch...a little tense." YA THINK??? I mean, Meri's gulping down her hot chocolate or latte or whatever it was like she wished it was a shot of Jack Daniels...Janelle doesn't have one word to say and sits there with her arms folded. Meri's sitting there looking like she's ready to spit nails at the rest of them, but then later when Christine tries to talk to her about it, she says she wasn't mad, wasn't having a bad day, wasn't upset...she was "guarded". That's a load of crap, Meri, you were sitting there with 3 women you hate and it was obvious. And it seemed to be pretty much the same thing for Janelle, she didn't want to be there either. Why the hell even go then...I get that Christine meant well by asking them all to go out for lunch together, but honestly what a horrible, uncomfortable thing to even WATCH, let alone be part of! Christine should just go have lunch with Robyn. They'd have a good time. (It looked to me like Christine and Robyn arrived together for lunch, while Meri and Janelle drove separately...interesting.) Meri is just going to bring everybody else down with her dark brooding stares, and Janelle obviously just doesn't want to go, so leave them home. Cripes they couldn't even drive to the therapy session in the same car, what made her think they could all have a nice lunch together!
  15. I agree. And I think Kody is done with her, too - and I think he has every right to be. That's colored by my own life experiences, I'll admit that - my ex-husband most likely did not ACTUALLY have sex with anyone, but he did everything but...and he found his ass on the curb! And why wouldn't her sisterwives feel some level of betrayal as well? While it is not the type of family many of us would choose, they ARE a family, and when you pull something like that, you really are doing it to the whole family. You daughter feels like you cheated on her Dad - your sisterwives feel that you were ready to say "See ya later, bitches!" You were ready to walk right out of your sisterwives' childrens' lives as well...if Sammy Catfish had been real. So why SHOULD they trust you? Especially when you won't even own up to what you did...here she was again tonight, saying she was "in a dark place" and "so scared of this emotionally abusive person"...cut the crap, Meri. At some point in that relationship, you were not feeling emotionally abused. You were feeling like scratching his name on your leg and fornicating with produce. AND EVERYBODY KNOWS IT! If she really wanted to work things out (and had a real therapist who would call her out on her crap), she would first have to own up...but no, she's the eternal victim, so she can't do that. Well then....play the victim. But don't expect your relationships to change & heal. Speaking of ugly LuLaRoe shit...what the hell was that outfit Meri had one when she went to Mormon Tara to officially make her offer to Vicky!!! A floral print skirt with a striped baseball tee? WTF? Does she think wearing that hideous get-up on TV was a good advertisement for her clothing line? Because um....it's NOT. I've seen her in plenty of ugly LLR garbage on this show, but this latest outfit to me was the worst yet!
  16. Ha ha ha...I've been thinking that from now on, whenever I think something is a stupid idea, I'm going to yell "I don't want the puppy!" ;-P Last week's catchphrase from Robyn!
  17. Screwball Therapist Nancy asks if there's anything else they want to share with Meri, and nobody dares to say boo. Then in their TH's - Robyn - "I'm tired of her not being invested with us. I'm sick and tired of it. I'm tired of her questioning our motives as sisterwives. I'm just sick of this." Janelle - "This is my daughter, she's giving birth, this is not about US. This is about her and the birth. This is so idiotic that we're dealing with this!" Christine - "She comes in with so much baggage. That baggage that she comes in with just really puts a damper on things." THEN TELL HER THAT! They let themselves be dragged to session after session so Meri can talk about how hurt she was that she was "excluded" from the birth, when really she just didn't make an effort to be there. They have to sit there and hear how Meri feels, so TELL HER how YOU feel! Tell her you're sick of her questioning your motives all the time, tell her it's idiotic and ridiculous that you've had to sit through multiple therapy sessions because you didn't roll out the red carpet and hand Meri an engraved invitation to the birth...TELL her she's a freaking dark cloud descending on every family gathering! Why the fuck would you go the therapy and not say how you "rilly fill"? I would tell her, Meri, you're a self-centered ass, and every time you come around, everybody has to watch every little word they say for fear of being accused of hurting your feelings, and we know any innocent little comment we make, you're going to make that into an attack on you and make us grovel and apologize for it. And we're sick of it. We're sick of you and your shitty attitude. We don't want you around because you're a nasty, grouchy bitch all the time.
  18. Shut the fuck up, Meri. About ALL of it. The "emotionally abusive" catfish (you brought it on yourself!) - this whole being friends with another woman catfished by the same person, and forcing Mariah to spend time with her and her daughter (let your daughter get past it, in her own way!) - the B&B you're so determined to get at all costs - how you weren't "invited" to the birth - how everybody else is just so mean to you, on purpose, and doesn't trust you (to the point where you have to be so GUARDED all the time).... It's all BULLSHIT, Meri, so seriously, please just STFU! If you want to be a selfish whiny brat, and be such a bitch to your sisterwives when they are trying to reach out to you like Christine did, then how the hell do you expect them to want you around? Just STFU, you self-centered bitch. Sign me up for the slap-someone-through-the-tv thing.
  19. Good grief. Like the thread says, WTF is wrong with her... Yeah, what's up with trainer Will! Crazy. But I guess if he and his daughter were okay with her being on that panel discussion where she said her big problem is she "doesn't eat enough", I'll believe damn near anything. Will does realize that her "fans" are they type of people who'd never hire a personal trainer in a million years, right?
  20. My Dad always wanted gizzards and that bag of assorted organs you pull out of a turkey. My parents actually purchased cow tongue before as well. I did not partake - no thank you! :-) My Dad said his Mom used to make something she called "Walkers and Talkers" - chicken necks & feet! (bleh!) My Mom's Dad used to make head cheese. I never had to eat my grandparent's delicacies, thank goodness. When my Mom was little, she used to love pickled pig's feet. As soon as she was old enough to realize they were actually pig's feet, she wouldn't eat them anymore! At the time my parents were growing up, you didn't waste stuff, and you ate weird shit. That's just the way it was, especially on the farm.
  21. I ate that once. At a bar. On a dare. Never again! :-)
  22. This might be the most perfect one-sentence description of Twitney that I've ever seen. And that's why we get to see so much of that ugly cry face. Because life just isn't FAIRRRRRR!!!!!
  23. Nailed it! Meri wants her sisterwives to be super-sensitive to HER needs...but she doesn't give a shit about theirs. When Christine was in a bad place with Kody and asked for advice from Meri, Meri basically told her to shut up..."don't bring up problems around him, just have fun" (keep sweet)...is this the way SHE deals with her problems with Kody? Hardly! She is now, and always has, constantly been telling Kody what she needs from him, what he's done that has upset her...and that's fine, but then don't tell someone else to not bother him with your feelings. She wants her sisterwives to be cool with ponying up a bunch of cash for a house she wants...even though she's changed the plan several times (Christine, your mom Annie can run it as a B&B! Oh wait, my mom wants it, so you mom's out, Christine...oh wait my mom doesn't want to run a B&B, so now it's just going to be a house for my mom to live in, not a business). But is Meri fine with ponying up some cash for her sisterwives? Even if it's for a GOOD reason, like Ysabel's health issues? I SERIOUSLY doubt it. I don't think Ysabel or anyone else has seen one dime of Meri's LuLaRoe profits. She also likes to complain that her sisterwives don't trust her...but has she ever come clean about the catfish deal? Not that I've seen. She wanted to take Solomon with her to see Mariah, to use as a human shield basically, and she was FURIOUS when Robyn & Kody said no. She slammed the door and went seething back to her house. I don't like Robyn OR Kody, but they had every right to say no, our small child is not going out of town with you. And she had a similar, "seething" type of reaction when Christine said in this episode that she wasn't supportive of the Parawan house. It was all "I don't care WHAT they think, I'm doing it anyway!" How would she like it if her sisterwives talked about HER that way? She'd be mad as hell. For pete's sake, she's mad at Janelle for "answering MY question during an interview", if one of them told her " I don't CARE what you think Meri, I'm doing it anyway" the top of Meri's head would blow off. She's not even happy going to family gatherings, unless the red carpet is rolled out and they've BEGGED her to come. She wants all of the perks of being part of a big family, with none of the work. An "all of the perks, none of the work" attitude doesn't generally work out well....for anyone.
  24. What a bitch. This just shows how combative she really is. She could have just ignored your comment and scrolled along, but clearly it hit a nerve. So she has to be a bitch about it. She's also a giant hypocrite. She doesn't want anyone saying anything about her morbid obesity, but she feels free to be mean to people who have chosen to have a healthier life. She's a big fat fabulous fraud.
  25. And if you look closely, she's got a good hold on the back of poor Henchi's neck. He's not participating willingly. I wish her cats would get the attitude mine has! My cat isn't going to do ANYTHING he doesn't want to do. A huge maine c*** cat like mine will give you a swift kick if you try to force him into anything (and I only force him to do necessary things, like go to the vet). As a pet lover, it disgusts me, the way she treats her cats. I wait for mine to come sit on my lap, by HIS choice, because that it what he wants. He doesn't want to be grabbed and picked up, and he certainly wouldn't put up with me shoving my face right in his face. He'd probably bite Twit right in the nose and give her some nice scratches with his back claws! I'd love to see that! She's not fit to care for pets, let alone a child, and now she's on this adoption kick. I hope no adoption agency is stupid enough to give this wacko a child. No child should have to have her for a mother.
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