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Everything posted by Sasha888

  1. Why am I not surprised...Janelle seems to jump on every bandwagon that goes by! She declared molasses "a nutritional rock star" and looks like she bought an expensive, gallon size jug! So she can stir a tiny spoonful of it into her coffee! My Mom would use it in recipes sometimes, so she'd have a little jar of Brer Rabbit Molasses in the fridge. It would last nearly forever, using only a teaspoon here and there. (Until my Dad discovered he discovered he liked molasses on his pancakes...then her molasses started disappearing faster! None of the rest of us would eat in on pancakes...eww. He was skin & bones his whole life and could afford the calories, but still...). I've noticed in several of her posts, when she "discovers" a new food trend, she buys in bulk...seriously large quantities, as if she doesn't realize it's just her and 2 kids in her household, not 6 kids anymore. I highly doubt she is making meals for "the whole" family, as in bonus kids, sister wives, & the shared screwball. (I think we all know they keep to themselves unless forced together for filming.) I don't believe a word of nutritional advice that comes out of Janelle's mouth. (She may be correct by accident once in awhile, like the broken clock that is right twice a day!)
  2. Well, THAT lasted a whole DAY! Snowstorm started today, expected to last two and half days. I had to go an open my big mouth. Anybody else notice the ad for the Atlas leggings is titled "Thights"? Is this a new thing I'm not aware of, or just a typo when the person actually meant "tights"? Please tell me "thights" isn't a new word LLR created that means "thin tights that will rip the first time you put them on". Because you know, leggings implies it's clothing, but if you call it "thights" the company can say "of course they ripped, we clearly told you that you were buying THIGHTS".
  3. Welcome! RE: LaLaNo implosion...I also cannot wait and I'm getting my popcorn ready! I'd reserve a front row seat for it, if there were such a thing.
  4. Sasha888


    It sure wasn’t! 😂 The entire last season of the show was basically all of us venting about how we couldn't stand FT! So she and Tony kind of had their own board, almost! FT's probably upset he doesn't have his own thread. Let's give him a piece of white people candy as a consolation prize.
  5. I agree. And she posts so much about anxiety. What the hell does she have to be anxious about? She doesn't have extremely young kids at home (I would think going from 6 kids down to 2 would seem like a lot less work!)...she doesn't have to work a real job...she doesn't have to share a kitchen with Meri anymore (ok, I'll admit I just added that one to the list purely for laughs)...WHAT exactly is she always stressing about? I can think of some things she SHOULD be stressing out about - like how long can this gravy train possibly last, maybe stressing about how she's part of a family of nit wits who are so financially irresponsible that they never have a cent saved for a rainy day, or that she blew her inheritance AND her retirement on this "family" - but sadly, I don't think those are the things she's having anxiety about. If they were, she probably wouldn't have done those stupid things in the first place.
  6. Awesome sleuthing! Well isn't Twit sweet...sure you can be part of our group! If you PAY, and I get something out of it! What an ass wipe. (I'm not implying she can actually wipe her own ass, just that she IS one.)
  7. Interesting how when any of the wives do something with their kids, it's always "the kids and I", never "KODY and the kids and I"... ASSHAT!!!!! It's such a stark contrast to how I was raised...my Dad did everything with us. When he wasn't WORKING to SUPPORT his family. They'll never make me believe that "this lifestyle just makes each of us better".
  8. Who gives a crap, Mariah. Oh, and where's your emotional support animal? Or do you only need Mosby when you're going to fly, and even then only when you feel like taking the dog with you?
  9. (1) Me too.... (2) Nope, you're not the only one! And I absolutely believe he was just hired to be her "boyfriend" for a season.
  10. Thank God someone finally said it! :-) That was the first thing I noticed about the picture! Way to block traffic, Twit. I guess cars can wait til she lumbers off to the side...
  11. Sasha888


    Yep. She's jumped on the bandwagon. (Late, and when the company's in all kinds of trouble, terrible time to join a MLM company like LLR!)
  12. Sasha888


    Agree...she has better taste in shoes than Meri, that's for sure. I don't care for the clothes, but it's refreshing to see someone wearing the correct size. Meri's always stuffed into her LLR fugly crap.
  13. I'm trying to wrap my head around the fact that Arizona has snow right now, and I'm sitting here in Iowa with none. Not that I'm complaining, I don't want any! Love your caption, while Janelle was sipping by the fire, ha ha! Meri's always had more of a "get after it and get it done" attitude than Janelle, I'll give her that. Kody should be running around Flagstaff clearing 4 driveways, that jerk...it's not like he has a job or anything. FOUR driveways, because he has FOUR wives, did you know that? ;-)
  14. This might be the funniest thing I've seen all week...and you guys are all very funny! 🤣 Fantastic, AZChristian, this is just awesome!
  15. Good idea! Yes I believe it's still two at home. And Savannah may still be young enough to enjoy the snow...my nephew just turned 13 and spent the whole day sledding when they got some snow. Doesn't seem like a teenager thing to some people, but he liked it! I was still going sledding with friends when I was in high school. She has a dog too, some dogs like snow. Some, not all! :-) I had one who would walk about 3 steps in snow, then stand there holding up one paw, looking at me like "Well, IDIOT, now I've got snow caked between my paw pads. What are you doing just standing there, get over here and rescue me!" I sure miss that little darling.
  16. Curl up by the fire with a glass of water. Healthy, simple, and calorie free! But that wouldn't be Strive-worthy, now would it. :-)
  17. I hope you're right, because the HI episode was truly horrific, but I wouldn't bet money on it. Nothing else has ever been a wake up call for her. On that same HI trip, she was braying like a donkey about how hilarious she thought it was to make Todd put her chub rub cream on. Having your friend, who is totally grossed out, put cream on your nether regions, because you can no longer reach it with your stick. And laughing your ass off because you think it's funny and you're adorable. Ugh. I agree with you, it's obviously going to take something more for her to realize and do something about her food addiction. But how much more? She'll probably justify anything that happens with her "this could've happened to a thin person, too" mentality. She's somehow made herself believe that needing Mommy to shave her legs, not being able to put on and tie her own shoes, needing a stick to reach portions of her body she couldn't otherwise reach, are all normal. Seeing that kind of denial makes me wonder what will ever wake her up.
  18. Thanks for the interesting articles! From this last one: "If you accept every offer that comes your way, you can end up looking inauthentic to your followers." Ding ding ding ding, we have a winner, Mariah!
  19. My brother is always talking about one of his co-workers who is terrible with money, and he's told me several times that this guy (who I went to high school with) is still trying pay off his student loans in his 40's. He always says "How EMBARRASSING!" about it. I told him I'd read on this board that someone posted that they knew a person whose student loan payments are being withheld from their Social Security check. He nearly fell over! :-) The thing that we can't understand though, is we know this family...small town, this guy's dad was high up in the military above my brother, and has given my brother some great financial advice over the years...so we're just kind of confused...how can this guy be so careless with money when his dad is so smart about it? His parents were a great example to learn from, yet he's constantly trying to get loans to buy more crap, even trying to figure out ways to borrow against the retirement plan where they work...it boggles the mind. Now Mariah...that's a whole different kettle of fish. Look what her examples are for how to deal with money issues. Kody and Meri....good Lord. I'm sure she learned nothing but bad things! It was SO telling when Mariah was first getting ready to go to college, and Kody was so against student loans...because he knows that's a type of loan you can't get rid of by declaring bankruptcy!!!! That's the extent of financial planning Mariah learned from her parents...spend spend spend, declare bankruptcy, rinse and repeat. I imagine she'll be shocked and furious when she finds out she'll actually have to PAY BACK her student loans. Why should super special snowflake Mariah have to pay those back? The world OWES her an education, and anything else she wants! That is so cool! I never knew that. Well, let's hope the kids are learning it at school then, because most of them aren't going to learn it from their parents. The mental imagine of Kody doing something selfless to help another human being is laughable.
  20. Boooooooooooo. I was wondering that about the Ponds, too. The makeup remover I have now is a "rub it on, wipe off with a warm washcloth" deal - that warm cloth on your face at the end of the day feels sooooo good! But, it's expensive, and Ponds is "grandma approved" for me, and Grandma looked great in her 80's! The old guys at the nursing home wouldn't leave her alone, and it pissed her off! It was so funny...she'd get all disgusted with them and say "oh here he comes again, he's always shining around me!" I asked Mom, what's this "shining around me" thing, I've never heard that before, and she just said I have no idea where she came up with that phrase, I've never heard her say it before either! I loved that you booed FT! Ha ha ha! Her Insta posts used to constantly be about how in love she was...guess the honeymoon's over. I can't imagine living with that slob! Ugh. She must be desperate to have somebody...ANYBODY...to have married Mr. Kermit the Frog voice. Yuck.
  21. Thanks for the link to the article, TurtlePower! What a load of crap - the article says someone posted "an ignorant comment" about her constantly wearing her sports bra and Twit "responded politely"???? Please, when has she ever been polite! That should have said an INNOCENT person commented and Twit jumped all over it and made it about "fat-shaming". I don't find it ignorant for someone to question why she has to run around in just her bra all the time! As far as all these things that "keep her from losing weight"...nothing keeps you from losing weight if you're determined enough. And like you say, at her size, she could probably cut out JUST THE HIGH CALORIE DRINKS - go for a short walk every day - and lose weight. A short walk, hauling all that weight around, would burn way more calories than it would for a thin person. Getting that last 10 lbs off is tough...getting the first 10 lbs off is much easier! Look how much the "600 lb Life" people lose in one month, just by complying with the Dr. Now's rules on food...many of them aren't even able to exercise at all at first, but they drop up to 50 lbs a month if they are truly sticking to the diet.
  22. Absolutely. I sometimes wonder which of her health problems will eventually cause her to lose her mobility (such as it is....she's not all that mobile now!). Will it be a diabetes-related amputation, or breaking an ankle due to the extreme obesity, or will she someday just get so heavy she can't get up anymore! It's silly of me to even think she'd realize how dangerous diabetes of any health problem could be...I'm applying logic to a very illogical person. She's had wake up call after wake up call, and she just isn't answering that phone! I'd have stopped stuffing my face long before I couldn't shave my legs anymore, or have some stick to put "chub rub" cream on! She gives thing cutesy little names like that...chub rub....when really it's an unnatural, painful condition caused by her morbid obesity. Chubby is one thing, serious obesity is quite another! She's long past chubby and can't admit it.
  23. I know someone who bought furniture with a student loan. I do not know if they were federal student loans though. I never took out any student loans myself, so that's about all I know. (The person I know who used it for furniture and stuff, they said student loans, but I wouldn't swear they are a reliable source.)
  24. To me that is ridiculous. I'd have to be very in love with a shirt to spend $67, let alone $167! But I live in the real world where I pay my own bills, so...
  25. I was just going to say, at first glance I thought why is Robyn taking pictures of herself from a bunch of weird angles? In several of these pics she looks exactly like Robyn! Also at first glance I thought Ari was Solomon!
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